Ever puked after squats?

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I know we've all heard the saying squat til you pike. I used to never think much about it until I actually puked for the first time after doing a heavy set of squats. I got really light headed and felt weird so I went outside to get some air and I started puking, ever since then I probably have done it 5 times. I don't like the feeling, but it certainly makes me feel like I've done something. Anyone else ever done it?
the only time i'd ever get nauseous during training is when i popped ephedrine on squat day.....way too much breathing was going on.....never actually puked though
funnily enough i felt sick from deadlifts rather then squats.. although i do understand
its generally from when you are doing real heavy weight for what you are used to.
When it happened after deadlifts i had just moved up in weight.