Fat loss power of GW501516 aka Cardarine profile Endurobol.

Wow, so two members just pm me stating it wasn't them but yes they were asked to do interview lol so guys the interview states what member it was lol I knew already and was only being funny in my above post about GENIUS doing interview . He's actually a friend with whom I'm busting balls . That's all
A lot of shit makes already present cancer grow or become aggressive, so I don't find this disconcerting in the least personally

Yes, but the extent to which this drug caused it in the mice and rats is not typical. Another question I have is why would these companies abandon the drug given its upsides?
i cant speak to the rate being more than anything else in this area of hormones, but as to why drop it, hmmm, too cheap, not enough profit margins, funding being allocated elsewhere for better margins on newer products lol, who knows why they do anyting brutha.
On the other side, I'm sure they anticipated regulatory hurdles and as always, liability was factored into their decision. Unfortunately, at the end of the day, all we can do is speculate.
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[h=2]PRICE: $55.00[/h]
Bump for a great product!! I have also heard reports of it lessening the cardio sides of tren.

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