favorite/current training method?

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what is your favorite or current training method? i am currently doing a mix of stuff from BigA, Doggcrapp, and myself. i like it a lot and when i was saucing i gained great size and strength on it. i am thinking about switching things up though and hitting higher reps for a change. i have never consistently done between 10-12 reps so i thought i'd give it a try and see how i like it. i've always done 8 reps for almost everything.
For smaller muscles i.e. Triceps, Biceps, Traps, Calves, and Forearms I like to stay in the 9-12 range. The larger muscles i.e. Pecs, Quads, Delts, and Lats I like to try to stay in the 6-8 rep range for Max Growth. Sometimes, If I have someone in with me Ill do a few forced reps, Im talking reps Id NEVER be able to get by myself. With all muscles except traps and calves, just too much to go wrong there, I dont like getting hurt. Flex, If you wouldnt mind give me an example of your typical week. Im thinking of changing things up but am too scared on blowing a month or two on a routine that doesnt yield gains.
well, the angles, rep speed, exercises, and rotation are constantly changing but here's one of my favorite routines.
-incline barbell
-weighted dips/close grip bench on a decline/incline skull crushers
-bent over rows (ronnies coleman style backed into the corner)
-1 arms db rows (i can completely isolate my lats on these by gripping with my thumb on top right next to my pointer finger, keeping my elbow at my side, pulling the db to my hip [my upper body is at about a 45* angle], and trying to pull my elbow around behind my back.)
-incline db curls

-squats(below 90*, feet close, after warmup 1-20repper and 1 8-10 repper)
-leg press(feet close)
-military press (smith or in a squat rack)
-rear delt fly's w/ cables attached either high or low. if high stand up straight, stick your chest out, and keep your arms slightly bent.
-db lateral raises

-decline barbell
-decline close grip bench (on a smith machine...try this!!!)
-partial or full deads(usually i do these once every 2 1/2 weeks)
-cable or bent over rows on a machine (keep your elbows just about perpendicular to your body throughout the entire motion and squeeze the hell out of your back!)
-ez bar curls

-horizontal squat (we have this machine at our gym, i set it on the lowest setting and place a board between the shoulder pads, then sit on the machine almost like a leg press. i keep my feet SUPER close and rep out. i do this because it COMLETELY isolates my quads, which i need because my ass grows from watching other people do squats and i hate it.)
-db military press
-rear delts/side delt pump

calves are done on leg day either standing or donkey, i dont train forearms.
this is a mix between BigA, DC, and my own training styles. also kind if like hit.
Well then what do I need to change? No one does this any more!
Day 1 Chest
4 different exercises
Day 2 Back, forearms
4 different exercises for each
Day 3 Legs
3 different exercises
Day 4 Shoulders(3 exercises), Traps(2), Calves(2)
Day 5 Arms, Forearms
3 different exercises for Triceps+dips, 3 different exercises for Bis and a 10 mins. forearm super set
Explain the whole theory of this routine Flex? From what it looks like. What you do for chest, back, bis, tris, you split into two days. Which I do in one day and give myself 6 days of rest instead of one or two. Explain to me how this whole gig works, and brother, I just might be up for it. Im thinking it could make you lift heavier because that particular muscle doesnt get fatigued nearly as much.
imho, SC your doing way too many exercises. You dont necessarily have to do more to grow. When flex does deads traditional that will work his traps. This exercise i saw outta his program listed.
Does someone have a 5 day work out plan already set up like the one Flex posted? Im thinking of changing my "one part per day" to something like he listed?
Doing strait DC-style workouts and his diet. It's a lovely thing combined. Can't go into detail of the dite but damn, you sure don;t miss food, lmao
Alright Fellas, after about a solid HOUR of working with this, thinking about which exercises would be best on which days Ive come to this schedule, which is still not set in stone. Im trying to NOT mureder myself. For example, it would be CRAZY to do a bunch of really draining exercises that take a lot of power and energy to complete such as dead lifts, incline bench, dips, and mil. press in the same day. I think Ive got it almost right. We will see, if there is ANYTHING that could use changing or modification please let me know, Im open for suggestions Id really like to see this program work.
Day 1
4x6 Flat Bench Press
3x6 Decline Bench Press (Close Grip)
3 x Fail Weighted Dips Leaning Forward
2x10 Skull Crushers
2x8 Front D-Bell Raises
2x8 Side Lateral Raises
Day 2
3x8 Cable or Dumbbell Rows
3x8 Lat Pull Down
2x10 Alternate Dumbbell Curls
2x10 Hammer Curls
2 x Fail Reverse Curls
2x Fail Standing Behind Back Forearm Curl (barbell)
Day 3
4x8 Smith Machine Squats
3x10 Leg Extensions
2x10 Ham Curls
2x Fail Calve Raises
2x Fail Calf Press on Leg Machine
Day 4
4x6 Incline Smith Machine Press
3x 10 Cable Cross Over or Dumbbell Flyes
2x12 Rope Pull Downs
2x12 Over Head Tricep Extension
3x8 Smith Machine Military Press
2x8 Shoulder Front Press (Hammer Strength)
Day 5
3x8 Dead Lifts (Shrug at top to hit traps)
2x Fail Pull Ups
3x10 Preacher Curls
2x10 Alternate Incline Dumbbell Curl
2x Fail Standing Barbell Front Drag Curl
2x Fail Palms Up Barbell Curl

Of course, all exercises will have an alternate but EQUAL exercise to hit that muscle group.
Example, instead of Rope Pull Downs you could do Bar Pull Downs, instead of Alternate Hammer Curls you could do Standing Barbell Curls, instead of Smith Military Press you could do Dumbbell Military Press.
Bent Over Rows (BAR)
Smith Pullups (DC style)
High Row

Incline Bench
Incline Fly
Flat Bench
Skull Crushers (Upright)
Weighted Dips

Leg Extensions
Front Squats (BAR)
Seated Calf Raise

Hang Cleans
Push Press
Laterals 1 Arm (heavy)
Bar Curl

Straight Legged Deadlifts
Lunges (BAR)
Lying Leg Curl
Standing Calf Raise

I stretch using DC weighted stretched after each muscle group. Sat and Sun are off day, completely off
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I think that's a pretty good workout plan. If you find you're having trouble at all with it (like feeling you are overtraining), you can reduce the sets from 3 to 2 where you have 3 specified.
I like it SC... keep us poosted on how it works for you. Are you currently on cycle? If so you're recovery will be improved while on....
Southern Comfor said:
Day 1
4x6 Flat Bench Press
3x6 Decline Bench Press (Close Grip)
3 x Fail Weighted Dips Leaning Forward
2x10 Skull Crushers
2x8 Front D-Bell Raises
2x8 Side Lateral Raises
Day 2
3x8 Cable or Dumbbell Rows
3x8 Lat Pull Down
2x10 Alternate Dumbbell Curls
2x10 Hammer Curls
2 x Fail Reverse Curls
2x Fail Standing Behind Back Forearm Curl (barbell)
Day 3
4x8 Smith Machine Squats
3x10 Leg Extensions
2x10 Ham Curls
2x Fail Calve Raises
2x Fail Calf Press on Leg Machine
Day 4
4x6 Incline Smith Machine Press
3x 10 Cable Cross Over or Dumbbell Flyes
2x12 Rope Pull Downs
2x12 Over Head Tricep Extension
3x8 Smith Machine Military Press
2x8 Shoulder Front Press (Hammer Strength)
Day 5
3x8 Dead Lifts (Shrug at top to hit traps)
2x Fail Pull Ups
3x10 Preacher Curls
2x10 Alternate Incline Dumbbell Curl
2x Fail Standing Barbell Front Drag Curl
2x Fail Palms Up Barbell Curl

Of course, all exercises will have an alternate but EQUAL exercise to hit that muscle group.
Example, instead of Rope Pull Downs you could do Bar Pull Downs, instead of Alternate Hammer Curls you could do Standing Barbell Curls, instead of Smith Military Press you could do Dumbbell Military Press.

You are going to shrink pretty quick with that if you do it for any length of time.
You are training chest every third day? - only two days rest between workouts? If you think you are recovered after those two days, then you are simply not working chest hard enough.
And why so many sets for each exercise?

And when you are on gear, your recovery will improve, but also your poundages will increase, so you will be doing more damage to the muscles, so you will need the extra recovery that the gear will give you, so no, gear is not an excuse to train so much. And the only way you will not bury yourself with so much training is if it's not intense, and if it's not intense, what's the point of doing it?
You will be just going around in circles with that.
Def agreeing with A on this. More isnt better. It is worse, you'll start to flatten out, get weaker, and hate lifting b/c your gonna overtrain with that program imho.