first time using anadrol

i've been told from a semi-reliable dude that the vast majority of "drol" on the market these days is actually dbol.
That is how you know the Anadrol is really not good, or dosed correctly if it truly is Anadrol at all...Guys saying they have taken 200mgs..

I know someone personally who has run 150mgs ED..and gained like 5lbs in a month..Sorry but it's not real..

Trust me on this, if you had legit Anadrol, like the green giants back in the day, one of a few things would happen..You would be in jail for hurting someone, in a psych ward, you would be dead from organ failure, or in the hospital with several serious issues.

The real anadrol that existed in the late 90's you would gain no less then 5lbs a week on, and 50-100mgs was unbearable as is...

I remember about 3 years back when i did my last cycle before I turned natural as I am today, I tried new Anadrol I believe they were Axio or one of the newer UG brands and in 30 days I was up 2lbs. The tabs made me hungry! Real anadrol gives you issues like cystic acne, lack of appetite and tremendous size and strength gains. You can take "real" anadrol barely eat and you will gain 20lbs in a month and throw weight around like the tabs were double to triple the size of these white pellets that are posted that resemble anavar.

Plus newer companies fucked up the color code system of the 90's...Yellow were winstrol, green anadrol, pink dbol and white anavar...Buying white anadrol is like buying Clear tren, just has a bad feel to it from the start.
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Trust me on this, if you had legit Anadrol, like the green giants back in the day, one of a few things would happen..You would be in jail for hurting someone, in a psych ward, you would be dead from organ failure, or in the hospital with several serious issues.

The real anadrol that existed in the late 90's you would gain no less then 5lbs a week on, and 50-100mgs was unbearable as is...

Roid rage does exist??lol

Them green giants were the best i ever ate. And if my memory serves correct i did gain about 5lbs a week.
in the 90's 25mg a day was norm and only 3-4 weeks tops

yep! You would go to bed one night at one weight and literally wake up the next day 5 pounds heavier for GOD knows what reason,lol, but back then the shit was amazing!
That is how you know the Anadrol is really not good, or dosed correctly if it truly is Anadrol at all...Guys saying they have taken 200mgs..

I know someone personally who has run 150mgs ED..and gained like 5lbs in a month..Sorry but it's not real..

Trust me on this, if you had legit Anadrol, like the green giants back in the day, one of a few things would happen..You would be in jail for hurting someone, in a psych ward, you would be dead from organ failure, or in the hospital with several serious issues.

The real anadrol that existed in the late 90's you would gain no less then 5lbs a week on, and 50-100mgs was unbearable as is...

I remember about 3 years back when i did my last cycle before I turned natural as I am today, I tried new Anadrol I believe they were Axio or one of the newer UG brands and in 30 days I was up 2lbs. The tabs made me hungry! Real anadrol gives you issues like cystic acne, lack of appetite and tremendous size and strength gains. You can take "real" anadrol barely eat and you will gain 20lbs in a month and throw weight around like the tabs were double to triple the size of these white pellets that are posted that resemble anavar.

Plus newer companies fucked up the color code system of the 90's...Yellow were winstrol, green anadrol, pink dbol and white anavar...Buying white anadrol is like buying Clear tren, just has a bad feel to it from the start.

I have to agree with most of this, I have done the greens like 6 years ago actually, and I have only done real since than (whenever I used to do) and at 100 its like your liver hurts, and at 50 for over a month I would see like clear bile in my shit, like mucous. Dbol has never done anything for me, that stuff to me is a waste. On drol after about 2 weeks I would gain around 6 pounds a week for like week 3 and 4, than it would slow down, but keep strength up like a mofo. I agree, the color codes should have stayed the same. Like I said u should know pretty quickly if your drol is garbage though, but I have ran it for wayyyyyyyyyy longer thAN YOU STATED, AND FORMERNPC TOLD ME HOW ON ONE OF HIS SHOWS A DUDE WAS DOIN 8-10 tabs a day (ahhh sry for caps) and froze up on stage, they literally had to drag him off the stage. I have known big guys to do 100 a day of what I know to be real for a couple months and their strength was insane
Probably because only the vets know what real anadrol felt like. All the newbies gain 5lbs in a month and there happy, cause they didn't relized they should've. Gained 20lbs!!!
That is how you know the Anadrol is really not good, or dosed correctly if it truly is Anadrol at all...Guys saying they have taken 200mgs..

THIS! took it years ago one tab a day and that was it, 20lbs and the hair started to fall out after a few week.

they just dont make them like they used to.
I dont know what the hell everyone is taking. I obviously didn't lift in the when Led Zeppelin debuted their first album like Presser(to compare the old shit), but the shit was no dbol, at peak was about a pound a day and always strength out the ass
I dont know what the hell everyone is taking. I obviously didn't lift in the when Led Zeppelin debuted their first album like Presser(to compare the old shit), but the shit was no dbol, at peak was about a pound a day and always strength out the ass

Always talking about music! Even back in these old threads lol
Wow great thread. I read every single post. I hear milk thistle is not to be run on cycle with orals. It somehow reduces the effectiveness of the oral. Anyone else agree or disagree?
Wow great thread. I read every single post. I hear milk thistle is not to be run on cycle with orals. It somehow reduces the effectiveness of the oral. Anyone else agree or disagree?

no idea truly