Gains slow/stop after 7/8 weeks


New member
Hey guys.. ive been on a test.e n deca cycle for 8 weeks or so.
600mg test and 300mg deca

I started seeing gains very early into the cycle but they slowed down around the 6 week mark now at 8 weeks i think theyv stopped...i increased calories by adding another meal to my day and by adding a little more to each other getting a little fatter round the beĺly but not actually growing pretty sure my gear is under dosed but irrespective to that what would u think is my issue.
Im 6"3 104kg eating 4500Cals a day split up in 6 meals

Do i increase my dosages or add another compound or cut the cycle short do pct wait 6-8 weeks and start another cycle?
You have a good question. I am going to give you my opinion but am anxious to hear other members answers. I would increase the dose. How long is this cycle?
i would also increase the dosage, this is a sure fire way of knowing if your gear is under dosed. Sounds more like propionate than enanthate to me, and they are commonly switched to not only save a few bucks, but also its easier to make, so you see more long ester tests being propionate for this reason,

though not sure what the deca deal is, so maybe up the dosage as suggested above, and if you think its shit, maybe come back and tell us whos gear it is that is shit
Increase the weight you are lifting. More intense lifts. I do partial lifts with more weight than full range reps.

Doing a full range bench press @ 440lbs for one max rep.
Now in a power rack set the safety bars so that the barbell can only go down a third of the way and load more weight on the bar by 20 to 30% and do one set of as many reps as you can. That is 575lbs for partial reps to failure.
I do this and see growth through out my cycle.
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The gear is from has balkan pharm on the label but i know for a fact the labels are printed afterwards.. i was planning a 14 week cycle....ill get some more gear and up my dosages see how i go... ill get ba k to u soon...

As with going heavie i have been going extra heavy each week my strength is through the roof but im starting to injur myself. Last chest day i think i tore my left pec a little on dumbbell the insertion next to my i dont think its th e weight as i am pushing as hard as my body would let me
Have you tried Geneza pharma, they're my go to I have had nothing but great experience with them, sounds like I'm repping for them, wish I was, maybe I'd get some free gear but anyways they're a bit more pricy, but you get what you pay for
Im from Australia so getting anything into the country is pretty much impossible and i have been put on a watch list for trying to get igf1 a couple i can only find underground shit made locally...ill see what i can find...
I'm going to agree with upping the dosages and also adding an oral and add in since you are injuring yourself maybe back down a bit and go lower weight with more sets and higher reps.
Im from Australia so getting anything into the country is pretty much impossible and i have been put on a watch list for trying to get igf1 a couple i can only find underground shit made locally...ill see what i can find...

I was going to suggest adding some MC IGF-1, especially because you mentioned an injury. But I see that's a problem for you where you are.

I'll stay tuned and see how you make out. Careful with that pec, you don't want to be "out" waiting to heal!
Hey guys.. ive been on a test.e n deca cycle for 8 weeks or so.
600mg test and 300mg deca

I started seeing gains very early into the cycle but they slowed down around the 6 week mark now at 8 weeks i think theyv stopped...i increased calories by adding another meal to my day and by adding a little more to each other getting a little fatter round the beĺly but not actually growing pretty sure my gear is under dosed but irrespective to that what would u think is my issue.
Im 6"3 104kg eating 4500Cals a day split up in 6 meals

Do i increase my dosages or add another compound or cut the cycle short do pct wait 6-8 weeks and start another cycle?
Myostatin limits growth around day 56 of a cycle. You can "push" gains by adding anabolics or upping the dose or my both.

Since you have little to no limiting growth factors the first 7-8 weeks there is no need to increase the dose however we must account for ester length when timing the increased dose. Timing your steroids is a commonly overlooked .
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Im from Australia so getting anything into the country is pretty much impossible and i have been put on a watch list for trying to get igf1 a couple i can only find underground shit made locally...ill see what i can find...

yeah Australia is strict as hell! Even with legal shit, I have had a few things i sent seized, and they were legal! We even tried sending Boomer stuff before im pretty sure!

lastly, Gropep is in australia, it doesnt get any better than that brutha ,
In my opinion you are probably balancing out from the early water gains and intracellular fluid. I would absolutely go to a higher rep and volume routine and absolutely add in quality IGF if at all possible. In my experience gains made in the first month or two are like a precursor to muscle growth.. remember that a pound of legit muscle is 3200 calories... in the first 6-8 weeks there is very little legit muscle gain. It comes over the course of months... I can best illustrate my point with this. How much weight do you think you'd lose if you stopped everything right now?? I did that 3 years ago.... and gained 15lbs... don't always try to lift heavy. I'm one of the weakest guys in my gym... quite literally. In fact I'm probably one of the weakest guys on this forum... yet I could quite training and eat twice a day for 3 months and still have 20" arms. Slow and steady my man
being is aus makes things much more difficult.. i was going to say go get a hormone panel done.. but docs there aren't very welcoming to that
yeah Australia is strict as hell! Even with legal shit, I have had a few things i sent seized, and they were legal! We even tried sending Boomer stuff before im pretty sure!

lastly, Gropep is in australia, it doesnt get any better than that brutha ,

Yeah ive tried to get some mc igf but got seized and customs tore me a new asshole! But they called it Growth Hormone.
I dnded up adding a little more test to my cycle and have noticed the difference my weight on the scales isnt going up much but im getting bigger in the mirror seem to be a little leaner which is good too...stregth keeps going up.too... im going to suss out gropep
when was the last time you took time off from the gym? You could be overtraining

Far from over training.. i had a huge break due to family reason and got back into it about 6 months ago... balancing out from eariler water weight makes alot of sense...all my other cycles included either dbol or m1t so i was always carrying shitloads of water as i used those compounds in the 1st 4 weeks and last 4 weeks of each cycle...this time around i front loaded instead of adding an oral