Gear talk

Just my usual... gram + of test and orals 6 weeks on 6 weeks off, igf EOmonth. I really need to find an anabolic that works for me. The gaba stripping aspect of EQ prevents me from using it and I can't handle deca's sides (but I have never used a DA alongside). Any suggestions? I feel like I'm going to be stuck at a certain size if I can only make my gains off of orals primarily.
Just my usual... gram + of test and orals 6 weeks on 6 weeks off, igf EOmonth. I really need to find an anabolic that works for me. The gaba stripping aspect of EQ prevents me from using it and I can't handle deca's sides (but I have never used a DA alongside). Any suggestions? I feel like I'm going to be stuck at a certain size if I can only make my gains off of orals primarily.

What kind of sides are you getting off Decca? How much are/were you taking.
200 mg Test Cyp every week, is enough for me. Its pharmaceutical and prescribed, so I know its good. I feel great.
200 mg Test Cyp every week, is enough for me. Its pharmaceutical and prescribed, so I know its good. I feel great.

Good choice. I'm on Androgel year round and I get it free because its coverd by my insurance. It might not be the best T out there (obviously) but I get to cruise year round for free and then do 4-8 week blasts with orals. I love it. It gets me the stregnth gains I need.
Using NPP at only 300 a week! Had to stop into week two. I'd do anything to be able to use it.

300mg a week of NPP is a high amount, well at least for us normal folks. I know guys running it at around 150mg and getting good gains.

Are you pinning the 50mg/ml version?
Prolactin sides?? If so have you tried running an anti P with it?

Only anit P I know of is the abortion drug, but if you are talking about dopamine agonists then no I have not. I'm a little worried about their effects on brain chemistry though.

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300mg a week of NPP is a high amount, well at least for us normal folks. I know guys running it at around 150mg and getting good gains.

Are you pinning the 50mg/ml version?

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I would only use it every 3rd day, 200mg a week. NPP is suppose to be milder than decca sides. Blood pressure would be the only thing I'd really worry about.

It's a great drug, better lean gains than decca in my opinion.
I would only use it every 3rd day, 200mg a week. NPP is suppose to be milder than decca sides. Blood pressure would be the only thing I'd really worry about.

It's a great drug, better lean gains than decca in my opinion.

You really think I could get nice gains off of only 200 mg a week? I wouldn't consider myself a mass monster, but I'm definitely not a novice to gear - 5'9" 220 @ 8%.
You really think I could get nice gains off of only 200 mg a week? I wouldn't consider myself a mass monster, but I'm definitely not a novice to gear - 5'9" 220 @ 8%.

I'm sorry bro, I was driving and typing at stops on tapatalk and didn't type well. Idiot

I mistakenly read 300mg per shot, so I was thinking 600mg a week. A total of 600mg a week is kind of high. i was leaning toward 400mg a week....400mg should get some great gains still. Are you stacking it with tren by chance?
I'm sorry bro, I was driving and typing at stops on tapatalk and didn't type well. Idiot

I mistakenly read 300mg per shot, so I was thinking 600mg a week. A total of 600mg a week is kind of high. i was leaning toward 400mg a week....400mg should get some great gains still. Are you stacking it with tren by chance?

Yea I agree 600 is high. Truly, I was just running 300 a week (I always start low on a new compound just to be safe) and had to stop after 2 weeks. Yea 400 would be awesome. Maybe I should try some caber or prami. Anybody have a good dosing protocol for caber/prami? No I am not. I haven't tried tren either.
Yea I agree 600 is high. Truly, I was just running 300 a week (I always start low on a new compound just to be safe) and had to stop after 2 weeks. Yea 400 would be awesome. Maybe I should try some caber or prami. Anybody have a good dosing protocol for caber/prami? No I am not. I haven't tried tren either.

I now there is some side that tren and NPP have but not sure why, something to keep in mind. I've ran both but not together, maybe someone knows about the correlation between the two.

Just curious, you running test, too?
I now there is some side that tren and NPP have but not sure why, something to keep in mind. I've ran both but not together, maybe someone knows about the correlation between the two.

Just curious, you running test, too?

Yes, always have the test in there.
I am currently taking TPP and NPP, but will be switching to TPP with Tren A and EQ before too long
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Only anit P I know of is the abortion drug, but if you are talking about dopamine agonists then no I have not. I'm a little worried about their effects on brain chemistry though.


This is what I was referring to. I've used Dostinex to controll prolactin without any negative sides. I can't say I felt any different while taking it. One positive side effect is the benifit of multi orgasems! Everyones body is different so maybe others can chime in with there thoughts.