Gear talk

Yea I agree 600 is high. Truly, I was just running 300 a week (I always start low on a new compound just to be safe) and had to stop after 2 weeks. Yea 400 would be awesome. Maybe I should try some caber or prami. Anybody have a good dosing protocol for caber/prami? No I am not. I haven't tried tren either.

Start with 1mg for the first dose then reduce to 0.5mg every 2 days after that. This for caber/dost.
im currently takeing 25mg of thai dbol a day and i want to stack it with trebolone . the tren is a topical im getting from component th with dmso to absorbe it. question is how much of the tren should i take?. im 5'10 231 lbs
im currently takeing 25mg of thai dbol a day and i want to stack it with trebolone . the tren is a topical im getting from component th with dmso to absorbe it. question is how much of the tren should i take?. im 5'10 231 lbs

The only topical Tren I know of is Trenazone and it absorbs on it's own without using DSMO. If you're using Trenazone then I'd start at 1.5ml's and work your way up to 2.5ml's by going up 0.5ml's per week after the first week. It's best absorbed through the skin on the neck,collarbone, and upper chest area.
Weeks 1-8
Test PP 350 EW
NPP 700 EW
Provi 50 ED
ADex .5 ED
Caber .5 Mon, Thurs
Weeks 9-16
Test PP 350 EW
Mast P 490 EW
Tren A 700 EW
ADex .5 ED
Caber .5 Mon, Thurs

10iu Humulin R preworkout Weeks 1-4 and 9-12
whats trenazone is that tren in isopropyl alcohol ?

Trenazone is Dienolone (estra-4,9-dien-17b-ol-3-one). It's delivered into the blood through a patent pending transdermal delivery system that supposed to increase bioavailibility. I don't think there's any alcohol in it because it's like an oil and takes a good little while to soak in and dry. It's nice stacker being non methylated.
TPP = Test phenylprop?

Yes tpp is Testosterone Phenyl Propionate and I would love to try this stuff, I have never used it as the sole Testosterone base of a cycle, I have used it in sustanon but other then that never got to try it but think i would like it a lot!
Yes tpp is Testosterone Phenyl Propionate and I would love to try this stuff, I have never used it as the sole Testosterone base of a cycle, I have used it in sustanon but other then that never got to try it but think i would like it a lot!

Testosterone Phenylpropionate 125mg/ml., Testosterone Propionate 75mg/ml. is what I have. I only have one, wouldn't get much out of it I guess but I need to do more research on it.

100mg tren act
100mg test prop
100mg master
Every other day

600mg eq
300mg deca
Once a week

100mg drol