Getting back to training is way harder then i thought


New member
Hey guys,

I am just starting to train after 4 years of no training because of a back injury and school.

Anyways when I used to train a few years ago, I remember having ~4 really good 1-1.5 hour workouts per week where I would do 2-3 body parts, 3-4 Exercises/body part with 3 sets per exercise.

Now I get tired extremely fast, after only 15 minutes of workout

For the first few weeks I think I should just do 1 exercise/bp since that seems to be enough to get my muscles really sore and then ease into doing 2-3 Bodyparts/day with more then 1 exercise/bodypart

please give me some ideas on how I should get back into working out, i have been trying to get a routine going but getting back into working out feels really hard.

so if anyone has gone through something similar please tell me about your experience and what was most helpful, also what supplements might be helpful besided whey protein and thermogenics (ripped fuel etc.)

age 22, weight 245lbs, height 6.1, bf 25-30%
it's always hard to get back onto that horse bro, give it some time and it will come. The problem most people have is trying to workout with the same volume and intensity they were used to but your body is no longer ready for that. Try less weight and sets for the first few weeks even though you'll feel like you can do more DON'T. Give it a couple of weeks and you'll be back to your old self. I wouldn't add an¥thing in the way of supps besides what you've mentioned until you drop some of your BF%.
I'm going through the same thing myself after a long set of surgeries. It's rough, it's gotta be one day at a time, slow going until you work yourself back up to par, that's all there is to it. Too intense of workouts early on could only cause serious injury, as well as the bad mentality that makes you dread the exercise.
yep hate that feeling but once the strength starts coming back it makes it all worth it.
Yep, it's a slow road back. Keep at it. Once you've been back at for a while, things will become easier.
Start off slow!! I have seen so many people start back and go overboard only to
burn out totally. Start off slow - it is more then you were doing - each time just do
a little more depending on how you feel. Pretty soon you will be back where you
were and past. Dont rush it to much. (just my opinion - which I sometimes have trouble following myself)
be sure to warmup good as well. that prevents most injuries that are easily avoidable.
mikeswift said:
How's the training going Trypto? Plenty of good advice here for you when you come back.
still waiting to hear from you bro! lol

I hope you didn't fall off the wagon
Hey Guys, thanks for the motivation also, i've been bustin my ass at work and property rehab didn't have the time to stop or to tired after work to try to work out, i tell you , what you use to have before you get off the routine of workin out is a complete mind fu.. you loose that pump, your muscles get soft, and you get that famous quote everybody always say, "YOU LOOK LIKE YOU USE TO WORKOUT" so now am goin through these threads trying to find some motivation to kick my ass in gear, thank guys for helping a bro in need out...............
Sorry guys for not responding, anyways I was on vacation but I had drop everything to do a research report. I am back and started my training already.

Great advice and thank a lot of the motivation.

I started on some NO-xplode and cellmass they definitely helped my workouts.