nah, store has a great rapport with all the customers, but the thing I have with other GNC stores is that they FAIL to educate the consumers about the proper usage of products, thus resulting in a higher number of returns... Alot of people buy at other franchises and try to return at my store, but what I suggest is that they return it at their POINT OF PURCHASE store, because the information needed to process the return will be traced backed to the original seller...For managers, too much returns = not enough sales rapport with the consumer = bad customer service...

That's why when a customer shops from protein, I generally tell them that proteins are mostly either egg/milk/soy based and that we have not have that technology to turn them mysteriously into BASKINS ROBBINS 31 FLAOVRS...I think that honesty is the key...

As for the customers, I also think that they should hold on to their end of the deal...I have had customers put caspsules of 'I DON'T KNOW WHAT' and try to pull it off as Xenadrine and tell me that the stuff sucks...What I do then is open up a real bottle of Xenadrine in front of them and refute their statement...It really shuts them up real quick...Being honestly dissatisfied with the products is one thing, but outright lying to get something for free is another...
As for GNC being expensive, go shop elsewhere for deals - I have a staff of well trained individuals - from a West Coast NPC Cal Collegiates BB, LVN (Licensed Voacational Nurse) student, a ISSA trainer/nutritionist at my disposal, so people gladly are willing to spend their money at my store...And no, not all GNCs are the same....

Harvey Balboner said:
I know GNC charges too much, and maybe I am old fashioned, but it seems wrong to use all that stuff, and then take it back to get your money back even if it worked fine. You can get good quaility sups at Walmart or online, for much better prices.

If the sups didn't work, then that is a different story.
its theft be deception
HellaYella, not knocking you man, but most ppl that work at GNC dont know shit and they sell products with all these false promises. You obviously know your shiat and thats good, GNC needs more guys like you workin at their store.
thanks musclehead for the complement!
and to 02besohuge you only need the receipt to get a refund, without the receipt you can only exchange for something else
ive probably used every bulk and cutting supplement at gnc, i just feel im helping gnc by trying their products and telling people about them, so im doing them a favor. lol