Going to start on Equipoise, 1st time, any advice?


New member
Hey guys great board lots of very good info. i've been working out for a few years and have gained lots of strength and size while reducing some body fat. I'm satisfied in the amount of muscle and my overall shape,but, even with dieting and cardio I've been struggling with getting lean enough to have nice definition on my lower stomach(even with brutal stomach work outs) and upper chest. I have the chance to get some Equipoise (10cc's) and I have an older friend who has had good results with it. I was hoping to get some advice on how to get the best results with the poise without stacking if possible. This is going to be my first experience with an injectable. Previously used only oral with great results in size, but held lots of water. I dont have many other choices with other products, so Im going with the poise due to availablity. If it helps Im 24 years old 5'11" 220 pounds just trying to get nice and lean. I look forward to any advice. Thanks.
R u gonna run it alone, or witha test or something. I think a cycle of something would work better.

have you tryed an ECA stack.
You're gonna want at least 4000mg(20cc@200/ml) to see results. And I'd run it with a low dose of test, because EQ will shut you down.
EQ will make you want to eat everything in sight but the vascularity is awesome. The strength gains are decent also.
Like every one has said. A-you need to double how much you have assuming it is not eql. B-add in a little test shoot twice a week and you are good. Eat heavy and clean and you will be happy.
I know you don't want to hear this but try and run it with 500 Test. It is an amazing stack for you. The test will help to preserve muscle while you diet down. If you are dead set on only running EQ , then atleast go to 600mg/week. And don't for get your postcycle meds.
How much EQ are u gonna do weekly?
Im doing right now a cycle of Test/EQ, and i think its better to add test, even at a low dose just to keep you happy and going on, because EQ will shot you down.
If you want to keep it simple add 250 mg test/week and shot it with the EQ. This way it wont be painfull.....
Good luck bro
With a proper diet and a good cardio trainning you should be fine, losing some fat and the AAS will help preserving the muscle.
Try this:

500mg test wk (enanthate or cyp)
400 mg Eq wk
If your EQ is 200mg/ml you can split in into 2 injections weekly of 250mg test + 200mg EQ

Since your only other cycle was an oral you will get great results..I know you had said you did not want to stack but believe me this cycle will leave you smiling.
eq is good stuff if u can run it at 600mg-1g a week for 12 weeks or more, i dont gain much off 400mg of less. Adding test would also be much more effective then just eq alone. peace
I love eq bro..go for it at 400mg a week with some test in there as well...u will like the results I gurantee you that!!
Hey guys thanks alot for all of the imput. I am taking all advice to heart because I believe that It's best to listen to people who have experience. And also thanks for not saying " If you have never done a injectable" kind of put down, due to my lack of experience. Thats why I'm on this forum to do my homework and make decisions based on "my" knowledge not the opinions of guys at the gym. I am choosing the poise due to availability at my gym and the fact that I liked how it was supposed to provide more natural looking gains. I can get some deca from a friend for a good price to add in my test? Im not as fortunate as some of you to live in really highly populated area, around here if a guy is popping a couple D-bol then he's "juicing hard" LOL. What do you think about my deca and poise stack? By the way the poise is from QV and is 200mg i'll have 10cc's and I'm paying 250$ is this good? Thanks alot guys I really look forward to the advice.
I'd go with either the Test/EQ or the Test/Deca... but not EQ/Deca or Eq/Deca/Test.

As far as prices go 250$ for 10cc of EQ is way to much IMO even a small-town gym retail price.
waaaay too much for 10ml of EQ.....make sure to stock up on food, too....EQ made my appetite go through the freakin' roof, baby
Torqueboxer said:
Hey guys thanks alot for all of the imput. I am taking all advice to heart because I believe that It's best to listen to people who have experience. And also thanks for not saying " If you have never done a injectable" kind of put down, due to my lack of experience. Thats why I'm on this forum to do my homework and make decisions based on "my" knowledge not the opinions of guys at the gym. I am choosing the poise due to availability at my gym and the fact that I liked how it was supposed to provide more natural looking gains. I can get some deca from a friend for a good price to add in my test? Im not as fortunate as some of you to live in really highly populated area, around here if a guy is popping a couple D-bol then he's "juicing hard" LOL. What do you think about my deca and poise stack? By the way the poise is from QV and is 200mg i'll have 10cc's and I'm paying 250$ is this good? Thanks alot guys I really look forward to the advice.

Thats very expensive, you should be paying anywhere from $160 to $180
Now that we are on prices, the poise is from Quality Vet if that makes any difference(I was told it was the best?). And the guy I will be buying from is totally reliable so I trust him with buying real stuff not knockoffs. Thanks for all of the advice, Im still reading every post for info!!