good rage


Mc Vet
So I hear all this stuff about the "sense of well being" and good rage that can focused on your weight sets.

I started warm ups at 6am then went up to check on some things came back and have been POUNDING the iron
the last bench I couldn't make I let down and yelled "FU*CK YOU" and pushed it up any way, and I'm trying to maintain this positive energy and good aggression, I'm getting the best sets in months,
how do I keep this going ?
any Ideas where this burst of motivation comes from? or how I can get it back at least once a day or keep it up for a few hours?

I know its a pretty abstract question but hey I haven't hit the weights this hard in a long time
I like using 20mg of m5aa about 30 to 45 minutes prior to working out. Puts me in a ZONE.
(would like to try some Cheque drops though) :)
Really ? see about 9:00 I started yawning and loosing it.
but for about 2 hours I was just blasting away at the iron.

Anyone else get this with M5AA pre- workout ???
cause if so I'll try it.

Because for a good 2 hours I was feeling great and just in the "zone" and that's the workouts I need to get to where I want to be.

I'm usually lazy cant get up enough energy to do my sets on some ....well ....most days ........I try to excuse it by doing a few reps and saying they are for maintainer till tomorrows workout. I know I'm only BSing myself because I'm too tired and lazy.

I need real motivation, internal or Drill Sarg style external modivation .....something ......
Damm now I'm cooling down,I dont know weither to throw down some carbs and caffine and keep it going or let it go, load carbs and protein shakes, take a nap and try to get a second burst in later on today. .............................I dont think I'll get that kind of boost again today :(
powerlifter6920 said:
I like using 20mg of m5aa about 30 to 45 minutes prior to working out. Puts me in a ZONE.
(would like to try some Cheque drops though) :)

no you wouldn't, they are garbage. Mibolerone is nasty!!!!!! neither the C-7 or C-17 alpha methyl groups prevent estrogen conversion. this steroid is a synthetic dimethylated androgen with high biological potency, and converts to an extremely active estrogen. estrogenic sides can be INSANE taking this compound.

i find that tren makes me VERY aggressive in everything i do....not "angry", just aggressive.....near the end is when tren makes me VERY VERY ANGRY:angry:
and all along I thought CzarShel made you angry, after all he is always looking at ur pics from morning til night,lmao
lol....tren makes me a little short tempered too...someone really needs to (and I do mean really) set me off for me to become very angry.
Presser said:
and all along I thought CzarShel made you angry, after all he is always looking at ur pics from morning til night,lmao

naaaa...only when he peeks in the window when im showering does it make me mad.....and even that doesn't make me mad...just makes me "jump" a little when i see his beady little eyes learing in:D
powerlifter6920 said:
I like using 20mg of m5aa about 30 to 45 minutes prior to working out. Puts me in a ZONE.
(would like to try some Cheque drops though) :)

yep, M5aa, at 20mg before.....good stuff, was my favorite of all the pro steroids.
Put the new Drowning Pool on too..
