gym and weight gainer

cookies and cream suck for any brand and i tryed em all, especialy muscle milk
I don't prefer wieght gainer anymore because it puts on too much fat... But whatever works keep up the good work
how many did you get? it looks like 5 pounds is only 9 shakes. also there is only 990 cals, 55 pro, 150 carbs per shake. spend your money on whole food. and sorry bro, but you dont eat 8000 cals a day.
Hey DB006 - Lets get your facts straight, Stick around, you might learn
something !!! LOL - LOL -LOL
lol one of the most knowledgable bros ive talked to about diet comp's etc he and spc. i think he knows what hes talkin about. this wasnt towards you mc i know you were being sarcastic.
Malic said:
yah and if u look at the slider thing to select its 1020 per serving with the cookies and cream , not counting the milk ......... so ... yup im right your wrong..
don 't be a jerk Malic, I know it's really hard for you because you're young, immature and inexperienced but DB006 is a rep, a bodybuilder and a strongman competitor and you're just a kid. I've told you twice already and this will be your last warning - Be respectful!
come on dude....i just had a day where i had 280g pro and 1000g of carbs, all weighed on the scale and exactly those numbers. and that is only 5200 cals. and let me tell you i was so full i couldnt breath. so theres no way your little 140 pound ass could eat 8k cals in one day or for 2 weeks for that matter. but i cant argue with results, and thats why you look like you do, and look like i do...
Gotta say I missed reading Malic's posts...keep eating bro, as much as you want, but I imagine @ 8000 cal/day you'll end up looking more like a Sumo Wrestler than a bodybuilder. You can only put on so much muscle so fast and eating more calories won't help you once you get past that level of where you need to be eating. Keep eating and don't get pissy if someone says you're wrong. If you are fine, if you're not fine. Oh, and respect the reps son.