gym and weight gainer

This kid was completely full of shit. 45lb dumbell preacher curls? I don't think so. Just like his 240lb bench press. Right...that's believable. He was a total wannabe. I'm guessing he jacked his weights up by double when he posted here.

That being said, I didn't mind the kid. In fact, I found his posts rather humorous. I totally agree he was being disrespectful and a total jackass, but why get upset over a 15 year old kid that obviously doesn't know anything? Why let that bother you? I say bring him back for entertainment purposes...
well it just gets annoying bro and its a safety issue for the board. We should have takin care of it before when he first got on.
Wow...that's a lot in one day. I'm down with the ban as he is very disrespectful, but i did like his passion for shooting crap out of his mouth like it was true and he knew what he was talking about. I have to say i will miss reading Malic's posts and LMAO...alas no more handgripper workouts, handstand pushups, penis weights, or whatever else he used to say. Good bye Malic and good riddance.
yeah i dont care anymore i just dont wanna see him post anymore. I put up with his bullshit enough as we all did and ive had enough. Glad db doesnt take too much personal i would have shit down his throat if he would have disrespected me like that.
Again, I don't think DB would have his feelings hurt by a 140lb 15 year old that can't spell. But I understand where you are coming from.
actually i thought he was comical at times, but lately it seems he was getting a little to big for his britches. what is he like 17 now, and has been around for a few years. i just think he is from the sticks, and really has no sense of reality. btw, no offense to anyone who lives in the sticks :wave:
No offense takin'... I barely knew Malic but he struck me as a loner with no goals in life excpet to agitate positive people with his negative attitude... We don't any more negative press then we already battle.

Good job guys..
supermannpc said:
it could be worse, we could have people from GetBig over here
Amen!! GetBig, Muscle Mayham for sure no respect for each other there. Just a bunch of over juiced, pig headed wannabe's... Most of those guys have egos far bigger then they should but since most of them will never be anything other then a longwinded air bags who walks around town in tank tops and small t-shirts shopping at Sam's club, BJ's Wholesale...

I m happy to have down to earth "normal" family here...
just wanted to let yall know man ive been eating alot. So far since breakfast ive had just over 12 k in cals and all clean foods. I had 55 pieces of chicken 9 steaks 4 pounds of rice and a pond full of fish.
Get_Swole said:
just wanted to let yall know man ive been eating alot. So far since breakfast ive had just over 12 k in cals and all clean foods. I had 55 pieces of chicken 9 steaks 4 pounds of rice and a pond full of fish.

LOL...what you meant to say was...

well i jus been eatin lots sinc brekfest, idk maybe like 12000 calorees, 27 pb sandwiches one for each blok in skool and sum chicken, so well when i get home ill eat sum fish or whateva my mom makes.

oh, and what do you guys think of this product

PJT said:
LOL...what you meant to say was...

well i jus been eatin lots sinc brekfest, idk maybe like 12000 calorees, 27 pb sandwiches one for each blok in skool and sum chicken, so well when i get home ill eat sum fish or whateva my mom makes.

oh, and what do you guys think of this product


that is fucking priceless that's him to a T!
maybe he'll stop spending so much money on every fad thing he reads about and his parents will be able to put gas in the car and move their trailer
Hey. lighten up - me and the missus have a nice trailer!! Actually she is going to
get the rest of her teeth the next trip to that their dentist. (I like her without
myself) Then we gotta make our kid 87 peanut butter sandwiches.