gym and weight gainer

a pretty good sized chicken breast has less than 300 cals. You would eat 26 pieces of chicken to get 8000 cals. Did you eat alot of whole foods for this number? if so then i find it very hard to believe like db said. If you drank it all then its not quality cals anyways. But i still 8000 cals unless your eating mcdonalds 7 times a day i find it very hard to believe.
Malic, I'm going to go back to ignoring your posts and letting you think you know everything. No matter how many times we've tried to help you and answer your questions you're still ungrateful and think you know everything. So obviously you don't need us to answer your questions you're just posting them to answer yourself and show everyone how smart you are. Congratulations on eating 8000 calories a day for 2 weeks you should be very proud of yourself because it's quite an accomplishment.
mikeswift said:
Malic, I'm going to go back to ignoring your posts and letting you think you know everything. No matter how many times we've tried to help you and answer your questions you're still ungrateful and think you know everything. So obviously you don't need us to answer your questions you're just posting them to answer yourself and show everyone how smart you are. Congratulations on eating 8000 calories a day for 2 weeks you should be very proud of yourself because it's quite an accomplishment.
This is the first time I have read this post but it appears that this Malic guy has had issues with responses he gets off of his post or replies.. I noticed in his avatar it is noted that he is "Muscle Chemistry Guru"... Being a Historian and with a BA is History I am curious enough to go back and look into Malic past answers and see what advice he has given AND taken to see what kind of "guru" he is. I don't mean any disrespect to anyone but I can't take the advice or word of someone who does not have the respect or admiration of fellow board members... Dan Duchaine was a guru but perhaps this Malic is the next upcoming 21st century guru..

Since Malic is contraversial and takes his own advice and not the advice of other according to Mikeswift.. Best of luck to all and congrats on the 8000 calorie diet
The human body can only process and utalize so much good food in one day.. To say you ate 8000 calories a day for 2 weeks is an astonishing and impressive feat. If that were to be broken down into good food calories that was broken down into a reasonable ratio of protein, carbs and fats I dont think anyone would argue that 60-30-10 is fair..

60% carbs
30% protein
10% fats

that works out to be about:

1200 grams Carbohydrates
600 grams Protein
267 grams Fat

Now I am not going to go into how much that it but if anyone is curious enough to figure it out go for it.. This is what I know, That is a damn lot of food to even begin trying to eat, drink or inhale.

I do what I can to eat 400 carbs, 200 protein and 50 fat
BBB you may have missed it because it was in another post but Malic weighs 140lbs and has a fast metabolism that's how he's able to do it.
Spiderman said:
I imagine @ 8000 cal/day you'll end up looking more like a Sumo Wrestler than a bodybuilder.
Sumo wrestlers actually "only" eat about 5,000 calories and usually weigh in at 400 - 450 lbs..
yeah they just slow their metabolism down a shit ton so they gain so much weight. If i ate 8k cals i would be fat as fuck. Because to eat 8k cals that is even remotly close to being good for you you would never leave the kitchen. You would either be eating the hole time or cooking the next meal in 25 minutes.
it's going to be awfully hard for you to do all of that when I ban you, if you don't start being more respectful and appreciative.
since you chose to ignore my warnings and you chose to ignore my PM. I just suspended your account for a week. Rethink things and come back and try again in a week, if things get better I won't Ban you permanently this time.
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had to log in my other account to just go ahead , n tell u .... u are childish and the immature one... and im just done with the forum. later
well we did you a favor by letting you stay around malic so well just ban your IP now you had many chances good bye
mikeswift said:
BBB you may have missed it because it was in another post but Malic weighs 140lbs and has a fast metabolism that's how he's able to do it.
02-27-2006, 04:42 PM
Malic said:
I just got some muscle juice 2544 from GNC 55g of protein 162g of carbs and I think around 1200 calories per serving... Thats with water. With milk it is 71g of protein and I dont know about the carbs or calories. But I took a shake before and after weight lifting 2day so my calories already are probably around 2500. Im going to the gym in a little bit though to do a little bit of cardio and some basketball. But If I raise my calorie intake to about 4000 a day , And I weigh around 140 right now. How many lbs do you think ill be able to put on in a week roughly?

So in 18 months he's managed to gain 5 lbs.:dizzy: