Gym Bastards and Bitches

Mr 80's - a guy that works out in my gym wears a pair of shorts that would not fit a 90lb kid. Now I had a pair of these shorts when I was 8 years old and hated them. Ya know the ones from the White Shadow days with the white lining around the the thighs. He had these on one day while taking a kickboxing class and no undies on. OMG how could you not know that everytime you go to kick your nads fallout. Thank god I was just workingout and not working cause I did not want to deal with this nut.
The Big Cheese said:
Mr 80's - a guy that works out in my gym wears a pair of shorts that would not fit a 90lb kid. Now I had a pair of these shorts when I was 8 years old and hated them. Ya know the ones from the White Shadow days with the white lining around the the thighs. He had these on one day while taking a kickboxing class and no undies on. OMG how could you not know that everytime you go to kick your nads fallout. Thank god I was just workingout and not working cause I did not want to deal with this nut.

eeeeewwwwww....! :dead::p
Sorry FBC, you'd have hated me tonight as I took up the squat rack to do both deadlifts and bent rows.......

Back to the case at hand, though. We have one guy who is a super nice guy, but when he does legs he "pushes" himself so hard that not only does he make orgasmic sounds while lifting, but once finished, he drops to the ground and rolls around making more orgasmic sounds......

Then there are the local college boys who come in weighing no more than 150 pounds and lift shitty amounts of weight then spend the rest of the time admiring their puny selves in the mirror. Saks know the Hanson group I'm talking about........

I remember a guy from my old gym who would fold towels over until he had a stack about 3 inches thick. Then he'd put them on his chest and do reps with 225 bouncing the bar HARD off his chest, making little uncontrollable noises each time the bar slammed downward.......I was sure his heart was going to stop
I saw invisible lat guy last night. This kid struts around the gym like he weighs 300lbs but is probably 170. I love the way he struts like he has 30 inch thighs but they are probably 20. His 13 inch arms look really impressive held out from his body to make room for his non exsistnat lats.
learner202 said:
I will tell you what I hate. There is this kid (probably like17) He is in ok shape but he looks like a total queer. He wears these little spandex half shirts and always calls me bro. It is like man I am not ur motha fukin bro. And god for bid he always asks me for a spot, meanwhile calling me bro bro bro bro..... ahhh!

Give him a crappy spot and he will stop asking....
saturn said:
I saw invisible lat guy last night. This kid struts around the gym like he weighs 300lbs but is probably 170. I love the way he struts like he has 30 inch thighs but they are probably 20. His 13 inch arms look really impressive held out from his body to make room for his non exsistnat lats.

lol...I agree with that....the "invisi-lats"!
Another thing that bugs me is when someone, who you do not know, just helps themselves to your chalk when you have your chalk dish sitting out. I do not mind letting someone have some chalk, but only IF THEY ASK 1ST!

there are several older guys at my gym who smell so bad it's unbearable even when they are 20 feet away, and they leave their funk all over any equiptment they use. Luckilly, we don't use the same equiptment. I'm going to tell one of the bastards (who wears a goofy white headband) to get the hell away from me till he learns what deodorant is.

And of course we have the normal full body workout curl guys....

And the old guys that just sit around for 5 minutes between sets, bs'ing and taking up equiptment. I have kicked them off before

and the high school or college guys (I can't tell them apart anymore, I must be getting old) - they may be infatuated with themselves, but at least they are in here lifting.

There was one sorta big, sorta flabby guy that was in throwing weights around the other day. He was on the bench, and was benching like 225 (he probably weighs 275 or more), without a spotter, and you could tell it wasn't light for him. He was bouncing the weight off his chest, and then throwing it up against the bar rest and letting it drop onto the pegs. Well, he put 235 or 245 on, and got a few bounce reps, then threw it up against the rest again, and tried to drop it on the pegs, but it bounced out and down across his neck/shoulder (just one side), and then the weights fell off (no collar)... made a huge racket, & I thought he was going to be hurt. Mostly I think it was his pride, but boy was he asking for it.

BTW, I was across the gym at the squat rack, watching him through the mirror

Oh, I have a good story about shiko before I knew him, too ;)
it's funny, I actually posted the story in a "stupid things you've seen at the gym" thread at fb, never thinking one of the guys was on the board, lol. I don't think he ever read it, though
Sorry FBC, you'd have hated me tonight as I took up the squat rack to do both deadlifts and bent rows.......

Thats ok, but if you did bis in the squat rack, i might drive to your gym and whip your ass
Hey, since when is it ok to use words like "fag" and "queer" on this site? I don't see the "n" word anywhere? The flaming rule should extend to words of denigration for every group. If we allow this then MuscleChemistry becomes just like every other muscle forum. It ain't pretty.
Well i just get a lil pissed, we have gone over this before.

I go to a college town, where u see a bunch of the lil guys doing all that stuff. Its not ment to be mean towards gay people. Just stating how i feel. IF this offends you im sorry
ok, what about "the scratcher"? he has his imaginary turn tables so he can do some scratchin' and even a few dance moves. :dj:

i belong to a foofoo club. the have this little mexican dude that does the cleaning. the place is spotless! however, he cleans your bench, rack, whatever while you're in the middle of an exersize. :confused:

oh yeah, what about the people who insist on walking in front of you...i'm not dropping any weights, i'll throw em on those bastards! :finger: