Gym Bastards and Bitches

I hate it when I fart on the Leg Pess. The really loud and painfull ones-I am sure no one around be enjoys it either
We have this girl at my gym that i refer to as "SuperSlut", this being because she has a superman tattoo above her ass. Honestly she looks pretty good, but every single day this girl does deadlifts, and thats it. She waits till guys are looking and then bends over and watches in the mirror and waits for a guy to look before proceeding to the next rep. I mean at first i didnt mind, but now shes been there like a year. I have her ass and tits memorized along with every other guy she has or hasn't slept with from the gym. She went from "hot" to just plain disturbingly annoying. I just look at her and shake my head in disgust, now I make remarks openly to her face and tell her she gained weight, but it hasn't worked, she's still there.
We could use her at our gym. Please pack her in a crate for us. I'll email you the address.
LA said:
We could use her at our gym. Please pack her in a crate for us. I'll email you the address.

LOL!! It never hurst to have one more slut in the gym. We want them to feel comfortable here... Come one come all...