gyno lumps dissapearing question


Staff member
Has anyone actualy had lumps disapear or signifigantly shrink from the use of nolvadex? I hear some say theirs went away some say they shrunk big time, just curious, i know everyone says once the tissue has formed and is a solid mass then nothing but surgery can be done, but i know for a fact some guys say their shit went away all together or shrunk by a huge margin

lets here it
gyno can disappear

i had gyno pretty bad around age 13, painful bumps, it sucked

it went away after a few months

haven't had gyno since though... maybe its like chicken pox

if it happens when your young you never get it again =)

ok maybe i should keep dreaming

BTW: the gyno at 13 was from puberty, not juice, lol so do'nt go tryin to give me shit
same thing here...went to the doc early teens and he said what it was but said if it didnt get worse no biggie, it was common. no drugs given.

but i am still prone to this day and have to use anti e's even at low doses, which is all i do.

but yes presser, when on, the lump swells and gets harder, but and stays that way while on anti e's, but doesnt grow, and then when i'm off it shrinks down and gets completely soft so theres no way you can feel or see it. odd huh.
ok yes it is odd, here is the kicker, my left nip was way way worse then my right, now my right is all flared up and my left one is completely 100% ridden of hard lumps, theres still some soft tissue in there but nothing bad, its messing with my mind i tell ya,lol

and dont let anyone tell ya prohormones cant fuck ya up, they do
oh small side note, i honestly think the methyl 5aa has helped eradicate the free floating estrogen in me, 3 days on it now and things seem better
I've heard stories of long-term novla use (say 3 months) having some effect on existing gyno, but I've never read or seen anything to prove it really. Worth a shot perhaps? IronMike
I don't think the gyno tissue can ever go away without surgery. I had surgery and had it removed but some was left behind and it still does get hard and a little sore sometimes. But when clean it will get soft again and I can't notice it. I think when it gets soft again people think that it disapeared, which isnt the case.
I think u got it right on the money bro, and hey to me that lump going soft is as god as being gone or close enough anyhow,lol, but yeah its mushy kinda sorta,lol
I remember my nips getting pretty sore once and got some nolva which cleared the sensitive nips up and the puffiness. Long term use of nolva is bad though on the 'boys' (can lead to testicular cancer) and higher dosages can actually cause gyno since it is a weak estrogen afterall that only displaces estrogen (the stronger one that causes gyno) and doesn't allow it to fit in the receptors.
True storey, around my 25th birthday I was bulking up NO JUICE and clean for about 5 years. Never had any gyno. Now when I bulk up I drink upwords of 4 liters of skim milk per day at work and of all things thats when I get a nasty case of gyno. So I talk to a friend of mine who works on a dairy farm to try and figure out if there is enough estrogen in milk to cause any sides. In my friends opinion more than likely there is when you drink that much milk.

The moral of the story, I get less sides from juice than I do from high doses of milk and that is completly fucked.
I'd believe that. I had my electrolyte levels all fucked up once from too much milk (calcium), and too many damn bananas in protein shakes(potassium) plus the shakes had like every vitamin known to man in them as well.

Switched up my massive milk drinking and said goodbye to bananas and drank more water for a few to flush and they went down to normal.

moral= take it easy with milk and bananas cuz calcium can fuck u up and potassium can kill you.
ATK said:
True storey, around my 25th birthday I was bulking up NO JUICE and clean for about 5 years. Never had any gyno. Now when I bulk up I drink upwords of 4 liters of skim milk per day at work and of all things thats when I get a nasty case of gyno. So I talk to a friend of mine who works on a dairy farm to try and figure out if there is enough estrogen in milk to cause any sides. In my friends opinion more than likely there is when you drink that much milk.

The moral of the story, I get less sides from juice than I do from high doses of milk and that is completly fucked.

Sounds interesting,

right now my nipples actually throb sometime. tonight doing hamstrings i laid down right on my chest without realizing.
WTF!!!!!! only 4 more weeks of miserable primotesten to go.
bring on the tren.
nipples throbbing.....damn must have some huge arteries feeding your gyno. But seriosuly I dont think thats normal, maybe its just your pecs twitching?
no seriously sometimes i really can feel it . not like pulsating
but definitely activity.
yep u can feel it, I call that feeling/pain tissue growth, unwanted tissue growth,lol
nope it isnt but I am working on a cream that will keep the nips nice and tight for hours on end, what do u think?
ill try anything. but whats up with letro. is that something im interested in? if so how much/when?
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I love milk but I notice around contest time when ever I cut it out of my diet I cut up alot easier and quicker. It's weird. I never knew or thought that about the estrogen though. I always thought it was good b/c I read (in a Flex, MD or other) CLA and IGF-1 were in skim milk. Is that not true?

Also, recently a bodybuilding friend of mine told me that milk slows down digestion. I never heard that but you would trust this guy if you saw him. Has anyone else heard that? I knew that the protein in it took longer to digest (with the lactase enzyme) than most other proteins like whey isolate but didn't know it slowed down digestion of other stuff too.

If that were the case then if you were eating every 3 hours to restore the amino acid pool in the blood and had milk (with or without a meal) then there may be some time when your body would be slightly catabolic or less anabolic than possible since the food would take longer to digest. ??