Have you ever bought counterfeit?

Have you ever bought counterfeit?

  • Yes, damn scammer!

    Votes: 21 65.6%
  • No, knock on wood!

    Votes: 11 34.4%

  • Total voters


New member
Please don't bother naming any names on this one, I'm just trying to see how prevalent scammers are. They say if you haven't been ripped yet, you will eventually...I hate saying that but it's probably true. I voted yes, it happened to me before on some QV eq (very good imitation though, I'll give them that).
nope, but I'm sure I will someday

hate it!
No, KNock on wood. I'm glad you added that.

Hey, if you only use UG labs, you prolly wont get a counterfit, right?
Not necessarily bro...I heard some UG labs gear came up with no active product detected...It depends where you get your stuff from.

Moral - Keep your eyes and ears open in this game.
It's been a while, maybe 5 years ago I ordered some anavar from a guy and didn't get shit from them. I must have spent like $100. I've been lucky for the last few years though (knock on wood).
a long time ago bought 10 bottles of dbol for 290 dollars and nothing not even water weight. looked just like dbol though.
Bunk Anadrol, Squib EQ, Upjohn cyp ( back in the 90's) ..........I know of some UG guys being deceptive i.e. They claim to sell a sustenon type blend but all they put in is enanthate, Some claim high dose gear and put half that....Not like you can tell if you injected 300mg or 400mg ........Deception comes in all forms.
I've got burned once or twice on counterfeits and I have also got burned where I have received nothing. If you play this game long enough its almost unavoidable and I have been playing for 25+ years. It used to be really bad about 15-20 years ago for counterfeits, but with cheap hormone powders available now there are a lot more UG labs.
if you've ever done enough over a long enough period of time.. you will end up with bunk or underdosed...

had bunk brovel prop - and wife had underground lab (won't name names) tabs she thought were anavar and the batch tested positive for anadrol... damn shame too b/c the products were typically cheap and great... it's an OLD lab so no worries, but still ... nothing like a woman scorn while on anadrol.. no wonder she was outta wack that month... lol ;) j/k dear
i was in the middle of one of my first cycles and was making awesome gains switched from vet gear to some UG lab (back in the day) and literally watched myself shrink and strength drop like a fucking rock
I truly believe that most ppl have used counterfiet or fake gear and I believe with all my heart that 90% of them do have the exact mgs in them they say. I honestly believe that if your buying, for example, a bottle of Test Cyp that says it is 250mgs it is probley more like 180-200mgs... I used for years stuff I thought was awesome then I got my hands on another brand of test and got better results at half the dose.. just me though
I think i had bunk gear one time .... but after 6 weeks i switched to another brand and got wonderful results.... on a 12 weeker... so i dont know... it was brovel so there is no telling....
Unfortunately I have had more bunk than good...which turned me off of it for the longest time, not to mention the "unreceivables". But hey, comes with the territory I guess, I just eat the losses and one day I'll try again - hopefully with better service.
UG or brand name it is tough to say.. unless you geta great friend to refer you to their source you roll the dice each time... There are great companies out there... more bad then good so be careful.. was it made in someones livingroom while they watched Jerry Springer or was it made in a much cleaner enviroment?...