Help in diet needed!


New member
Brothers! I'm seriously struggling with my diet. I'm on a 8 week Winny and Test Prop cycle with GH. I'm getting the lean gains but my diet is far from it.
I get so hungry fast and crave Carbs, often times I have binged on cakes and ice creams.
Daily I eat eggs, chicken breast or thighs, raw broccoli and spinach. But in the evenings I crave Carbs. I fight for days but then I give in. I can't stand it!
I take Chromium Piccolinate and Potassium among other Supps to try and curb the cravings but nothing. I CAN'T. I'M DESPERATE.


I'M no where near I need to be and it's frustrating me. Furthermore I'm not gaining that hard muscle denseness I'm seeking.

Any help and direction will do. I follow it to the very last step!
its all about will power brutha lol, if you start taking a thermogenic of some sort that should curb appetite, I like the ECA stack, makes me never wanna eat lol
Second the thermogenic supplement. I was dialed in on my diet and took 1 lipodrene in the afternoon and it helped with the cravings in addition to giving me a nice boost in the gym. It's made, correction was made, by Hi-tech pharma. You can still find some online. Good luck!
Winny is said to simulate appetite... ECA, L-dopa, can decrease appetite. There's a few things that'll lower it. I tend to have a low appetite & crave carbs b4 bed! :/
How about you stop being a fucking pussy and put your comfort food down, instead of bitching on the internet about it and hoping someone will tell you its ok. It's not. If you're getting fatter, stop. You either want to look good or don't. There's no harm in either, but just decide what you want and stick to it.

Chromium is going to make you want carbs btw.
Pressers right, ECA stack, its the ephedrine that cause a loss of appetite, its not an amphetamine but kinda in its structure, more closely to addipex an appetite suppresser. But you maybe stuck in a loop there eating lots of sugars kicking out lots of insulin, increasing hunger. Try grabbing protein like peanut butter or beef jerky, something other than high sugar carbs. And will power has a lot to do with it to, id try diet first, then Ephedrine. I stopped taking it cause it killed my appetite. Best of luck.
ECA obliterates my appetite LMAO. Sleep longer than 7 hours say 9 hours if possible will help too. Other ways are to stay focused on ur goal sack up & show restraint. I eat oatmeal w/ berries (frozen) sometimes a tsp or 2 of sugar I am satisfied w/ that.... Or eat extra protein or drink whey Protein satisfies.
How about you stop being a fucking pussy and put your comfort food down, instead of bitching on the internet about it and hoping someone will tell you its ok. It's not. If you're getting fatter, stop. You either want to look good or don't. There's no harm in either, but just decide what you want and stick to it.

Chromium is going to make you want carbs btw.

No more tren for this guy :laugh:
How about you stop being a fucking pussy and put your comfort food down, instead of bitching on the internet about it and hoping someone will tell you its ok. It's not. If you're getting fatter, stop. You either want to look good or don't. There's no harm in either, but just decide what you want and stick to it.

Chromium is going to make you want carbs btw.
How about you stop pinning your head you f..k tard. There is no reason for the bitchy comment. Dont post one simply for the sake of.

But thanks though for the Chromium info!
Second the thermogenic supplement. I was dialed in on my diet and took 1 lipodrene in the afternoon and it helped with the cravings in addition to giving me a nice boost in the gym. It's made, correction was made, by Hi-tech pharma. You can still find some online. Good luck!
Thanks a lot! I'll look into this.
How about you stop pinning your head you f..k tard. There is no reason for the bitchy comment. Dont post one simply for the sake of.

But thanks though for the Chromium info!
You're welcome. I don't see my comment that way - I think it is solid advise. You are being a bitch if you know you are getting fatter and just won't stop.

BTW, lipodrene is good, but there are better supplements. Lipodrene has mainly ephedra extract which is bunk and a couple ingredients you won't want in your body such as hoodia. Check out to see why you don't want hoodia. It looks great in theory , but has bad sides (immediate and long term potentially) and also is used as a cheap filler. I believe the profile of stimerex es is better (also by high tech pharma), but haven't looked too closely at it.

VPX meltdown is actually great and I've personally researched every ingredient (seriously) and couldn't find anything I didn't like. I use it every day first thing in the AM with a little added caffeine and yohimbine hcl (there's some already in there).

Also check out the long post I made on GDA's in the other diet thread going on right now. I believe I answered all your questions.

And you're just going to have to take my bitchy fucktard comments with my equally awesome free advise.
You're welcome. I don't see my comment that way - I think it is solid advise. You are being a bitch if you know you are getting fatter and just won't stop.

BTW, lipodrene is good, but there are better supplements. Lipodrene has mainly ephedra extract which is bunk and a couple ingredients you won't want in your body such as hoodia. Check out to see why you don't want hoodia. It looks great in theory , but has bad sides (immediate and long term potentially) and also is used as a cheap filler. I believe the profile of stimerex es is better (also by high tech pharma), but haven't looked too closely at it.

VPX meltdown is actually great and I've personally researched every ingredient (seriously) and couldn't find anything I didn't like. I use it every day first thing in the AM with a little added caffeine and yohimbine hcl (there's some already in there).

Also check out the long post I made on GDA's in the other diet thread going on right now. I believe I answered all your questions.

And you're just going to have to take my bitchy fucktard comments with my equally awesome free advise.
Loool!! I guess I'll just have to!
VPX meltdown was my fav! Guess I'll be buying it this evening.
As for your response on Carb cycling on another thread, do you have a detailed version of it? Could you link me to that thread? You mentioned B.... hcl I forgot what it was called.

Many thanks!
Loool!! I guess I'll just have to!
VPX meltdown was my fav! Guess I'll be buying it this evening.
As for your response on Carb cycling on another thread, do you have a detailed version of it? Could you link me to that thread? You mentioned B.... hcl I forgot what it was called.

Many thanks!
POst your carb cycling diet and I'll tell you how I would adjust it.