Help in diet needed!

These guys are right I have learned a ton about nutrition and my body since I joined here and it shows I am 11.5% bf at 203 pounds and strong as I have ever been when I started here I was around 16% I listen to these guys and learned my body and it has paid off for me. I never thought I could get stronger on lower carbs but u can also without junk foods and processed crap ur body really responds to the aas. Just my two cents
These guys are right I have learned a ton about nutrition and my body since I joined here and it shows I am 11.5% bf at 203 pounds and strong as I have ever been when I started here I was around 16% I listen to these guys and learned my body and it has paid off for me. I never thought I could get stronger on lower carbs but u can also without junk foods and processed crap ur body really responds to the aas. Just my two cents
Many thanks for your supportive response Brother! Trust me I can't stand junk food, I avoid it like a plague but boy when the crave kicks in....

I knew I could count on these guys here and from what you've shared, it is exactly what I need. I KNOW my nutrition is off, I need to dial it in as I want this process to be a long term lifestyle.

Thanks again!
POst your carb cycling diet and I'll tell you how I would adjust it.

Here I go:

Meal 1 (Pre Workout): 50g Whey Protein Isolate, 1/2 cup Oats
Meal 2 (Post Workout): 50g Whey Protein Isolate, 1 tbsp Flax Seed Oil or Olive Oil
Meal 3 Breakfast: 5 whole eggs scrambled, 1 cup Broccoli, 1 cup Spinach, 1/2 cup Oats
Meal 4 Lunch: 180g Chicken Breast, 1 cup Broccoli, 1 Cup Spinach, 1 tbsp Olive Oil
Meal 5 Dinner: 180g Chicken Breast or Salmon or Tilapia, 1 cup Lettuce
Meal 6 (Before Bedtime): 25g Casein, 2 whole eggs as shake

I eat like this everyday or try to. But my craving for carbs especially SUGAR is through the roof!

I do not know anything about Carb cycling until today after reading Guardianactual's post. I have been more into Keto dieting but loads of fats are making me fatter to what I have seen recently, my body is not responding well as before. I have had tremendous success on a Keto Diet in the past and it has kept me full but really sluggish, I can't think straight and I need to especially due to the fact that I program. I am a Software Engineer by profession and so there is barely any movement. I train 4-5 days a week depending on the amount of sleep I get. Minimum I strive for is 7 hours a day.

I am an Endo type, the minute I ingest carbs, it shows! So I am really wary about Carb intake. I believe all this will change now. I HONESTLY will do anything to tweak my diet and drop to low BF % as I want to do follow such an eating regiment and make it a permanent lifestyle change. I am seeking the hard dense muscles, I have the size but I am soft for whatever reason... no matter how hard I train. I have tried various training protocols over the years.

My current stats: 40years, 5'10", 187 lbs, 18% BF
You have to be patient it takes time to drop your bf% and keep the muscle it took my 12 weeks to go from 14% to 11.5 %. Have a cheat day here and there. Drink A little be happy. But remember the prize at the end once you get your bf below 12% you really like what u see and don't wanna loose it. Also after 12 for me IT got really tough to get lower one because I dont like cardio. LOL The other because of my job. As much as I like bb it doesnt pay my bills.ECA AND IGF WILL WORK WONDERS OVER TIME WITH A GOOD DIET
You have to be patient it takes time to drop your bf% and keep the muscle it took my 12 weeks to go from 14% to 11.5 %. Have a cheat day here and there. Drink A little be happy. But remember the prize at the end once you get your bf below 12% you really like what u see and don't wanna loose it. Also after 12 for me IT got really tough to get lower one because I dont like cardio. LOL The other because of my job. As much as I like bb it doesnt pay my bills.ECA AND IGF WILL WORK WONDERS OVER TIME WITH A GOOD DIET
Thanks a lot for your valuable input Brother!
Personally I think low carb diets should be used once you are leaner then 10% if ever. The is studies that show that low carb diets or Keto diets work for 6 months. And then you have side effects of hardened kidneys and such. You should eat a moderate carb diet through out the day hence you won't crave carbs. It takes time for you body to adjust to cutting carbs because we love in a carb induced world. I would stick to moderate carbs like 150-250 a day eating 1 1/2 to 2 times that in protein in a day. If you are eating to grow and to lose weight I promise you that you will be full all the time. Also cravings only last 2-5 minutes and then they subside so stay strong for 5 minutes and if it comes back do the same. Keep your mind busy.

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Bro you aren't eating any carbs!! I have all my carbs pre workout (which you can't do, but can do more and just first 3 meals) then none after my post workout shake. Everyone craves carbs at night. Everyone... How bad do you want it?? I've been on a pretty tight diet for a couple months now. I'm probably about 6%... a legit 6% at 237lbs and 5'9. Stimulants aren't going to help late night cravings. Get the shit out of your house and figure out something to occupy your evenings.
You just have to be mentally strong... and figure out a cheat meal once a week. Not a cheat day... A cheat meal. Other than that you will never get lean
Bro you aren't eating any carbs!! I have all my carbs pre workout (which you can't do, but can do more and just first 3 meals) then none after my post workout shake. Everyone craves carbs at night. Everyone... How bad do you want it?? I've been on a pretty tight diet for a couple months now. I'm probably about 6%... a legit 6% at 237lbs and 5'9. Stimulants aren't going to help late night cravings. Get the shit out of your house and figure out something to occupy your evenings.
You just have to be mentally strong... and figure out a cheat meal once a week. Not a cheat day... A cheat meal. Other than that you will never get lean
Thanks a lot Bro! Honestly, I have NO junk food at home, I don't want it, I can't stand when I have it. I want to change that craving completely. As you mentioned moderate use of carbs, I'll certainly try that.
As for the cravings I've got Peanut Butter, the thick organic no sugar kind. Hopefully that will help.
As for ECA where could I obtain such? Any good Supp company producing such?
Personally I think low carb diets should be used once you are leaner then 10% if ever. The is studies that show that low carb diets or Keto diets work for 6 months. And then you have side effects of hardened kidneys and such. You should eat a moderate carb diet through out the day hence you won't crave carbs. It takes time for you body to adjust to cutting carbs because we love in a carb induced world. I would stick to moderate carbs like 150-250 a day eating 1 1/2 to 2 times that in protein in a day. If you are eating to grow and to lose weight I promise you that you will be full all the time. Also cravings only last 2-5 minutes and then they subside so stay strong for 5 minutes and if it comes back do the same. Keep your mind busy.

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Thanks for your direction Bro! I certainly will stick to moderate carbs and see how my body responds. I believe 150 would work. Good point regarding Keto, now that makes sense having to apply that when bf is lower. But from studies I've read Obese people shrinking on Keto. This has worked for me in the past but not currently.
As for cravings, I'll challenge myself as I truly desire to live a healthy lifestyle. I've got organic, no sugar real Peanut Butter. With some Chocolate Casein protein, that should do the trick :)
Here I go:

Meal 1 (Pre Workout): 50g Whey Protein Isolate, 1/2 cup Oats
Meal 2 (Post Workout): 50g Whey Protein Isolate, 1 tbsp Flax Seed Oil or Olive Oil
Meal 3 Breakfast: 5 whole eggs scrambled, 1 cup Broccoli, 1 cup Spinach, 1/2 cup Oats
Meal 4 Lunch: 180g Chicken Breast, 1 cup Broccoli, 1 Cup Spinach, 1 tbsp Olive Oil
Meal 5 Dinner: 180g Chicken Breast or Salmon or Tilapia, 1 cup Lettuce
Meal 6 (Before Bedtime): 25g Casein, 2 whole eggs as shake

I eat like this everyday or try to. But my craving for carbs especially SUGAR is through the roof!

I do not know anything about Carb cycling until today after reading Guardianactual's post. I have been more into Keto dieting but loads of fats are making me fatter to what I have seen recently, my body is not responding well as before. I have had tremendous success on a Keto Diet in the past and it has kept me full but really sluggish, I can't think straight and I need to especially due to the fact that I program. I am a Software Engineer by profession and so there is barely any movement. I train 4-5 days a week depending on the amount of sleep I get. Minimum I strive for is 7 hours a day.

I am an Endo type, the minute I ingest carbs, it shows! So I am really wary about Carb intake. I believe all this will change now. I HONESTLY will do anything to tweak my diet and drop to low BF % as I want to do follow such an eating regiment and make it a permanent lifestyle change. I am seeking the hard dense muscles, I have the size but I am soft for whatever reason... no matter how hard I train. I have tried various training protocols over the years.

My current stats: 40years, 5'10", 187 lbs, 18% BF
Hmm ok, well let me say first that there are a lot of factors here that contribute to reaching your lean look goal such as training, sleep, supplementation (ie are you meeting your micronutrient requirements), overall health, ect.

With that said, here's what I'd do - get down to around 12% and then build LEAN muscle from there. For most people it is very difficult to get from 18% to a true 8% or below without already having lots of muscle mass. I'm an inch shorter than you and weigh 195, but I'm very lean. So dieting for me is literally just not eating heavy fat/carb meals every single day (I do the heavy carbs pre/post only though). I think I can speak on behalf of the Dude and say he is similar because he is my height, lean too, and 230+. Dieting is just a different ballgame from our positions. From where you are though (with less of a metabolic advantage because of less muscle), I think you could get super lean, but it may be very difficult if your body isn't naturally that way. I'd get to a look you can live with and start building from there. Then diet some more. Then build some more. Then diet some more. Honestly, time is your friend. I didn't just wake up big and shredded one day. I first woke up big and then I woke up shredded many, many days later. But I couldn't maintain my level of leaness without my muscle mass. There's no way. I remember my first true diet when I was 19 years old that I found in MD or something like that and I basically ate 1700 calories a day to get to around 190 lbs. Man I've been as high as 225, but I weigh only 195 now and I'm much, much leaner. Like astronomically leaner and bigger and now to get to that same 190, I could eat 4000 calories and be there in a week or two. See what I mean? This whole thing is a time game. Just try to keep that in perspective and realize what your body is and isn't capable of at the moment. Prioritize on what it can do!
Hmm ok, well let me say first that there are a lot of factors here that contribute to reaching your lean look goal such as training, sleep, supplementation (ie are you meeting your micronutrient requirements), overall health, ect.

With that said, here's what I'd do - get down to around 12% and then build LEAN muscle from there. For most people it is very difficult to get from 18% to a true 8% or below without already having lots of muscle mass. I'm an inch shorter than you and weigh 195, but I'm very lean. So dieting for me is literally just not eating heavy fat/carb meals every single day (I do the heavy carbs pre/post only though). I think I can speak on behalf of the Dude and say he is similar because he is my height, lean too, and 230+. Dieting is just a different ballgame from our positions. From where you are though (with less of a metabolic advantage because of less muscle), I think you could get super lean, but it may be very difficult if your body isn't naturally that way. I'd get to a look you can live with and start building from there. Then diet some more. Then build some more. Then diet some more. Honestly, time is your friend. I didn't just wake up big and shredded one day. I first woke up big and then I woke up shredded many, many days later. But I couldn't maintain my level of leaness without my muscle mass. There's no way. I remember my first true diet when I was 19 years old that I found in MD or something like that and I basically ate 1700 calories a day to get to around 190 lbs. Man I've been as high as 225, but I weigh only 195 now and I'm much, much leaner. Like astronomically leaner and bigger and now to get to that same 190, I could eat 4000 calories and be there in a week or two. See what I mean? This whole thing is a time game. Just try to keep that in perspective and realize what your body is and isn't capable of at the moment. Prioritize on what it can do!
I really do not mind going to 12% and building back up and doing it over and over until I can reach MY ideal.
What I'm looking for now is guidance. How?!
I know you had mentioned some protocols in another post using several types of Supps. Could you please outline a protocol?
I've read posts by Guardian on Carb cycling which id like to try especially the Turbo Carb Cycle.
Bro you aren't eating any carbs!! I have all my carbs pre workout (which you can't do, but can do more and just first 3 meals) then none after my post workout shake. Everyone craves carbs at night. Everyone... How bad do you want it?? I've been on a pretty tight diet for a couple months now. I'm probably about 6%... a legit 6% at 237lbs and 5'9. Stimulants aren't going to help late night cravings. Get the shit out of your house and figure out something to occupy your evenings.
You just have to be mentally strong... and figure out a cheat meal once a week. Not a cheat day... A cheat meal. Other than that you will never get lean
How many carbs per meal do you reckon? 50g? I could do Pre, Post and one meal or pre and two meals. I've read a study that consuming fats with protein after a workout is highly anabolic.
To Kleto,

You're going to have to figure out the specifics yourself brother. What works for you may not work for me or visa versa. In fact, I'm quite sure I could cut on your bulk diet (calorically speaking). See what I mean?

But if you want cookie cutter, do carbs only pre workout (whatever form you want - ice cream, oats, cookies, whatever) and then keto all other times. Have a cheat meal once a week. Add fat burners if you want, but honestly if you can't get to 12% without fat burners, then you have a serious metabolic issue.

BTW, fats post workout is horrible. So I'd love to see that study haha.
To Kleto,

You're going to have to figure out the specifics yourself brother. What works for you may not work for me or visa versa. In fact, I'm quite sure I could cut on your bulk diet (calorically speaking). See what I mean?

But if you want cookie cutter, do carbs only pre workout (whatever form you want - ice cream, oats, cookies, whatever) and then keto all other times. Have a cheat meal once a week. Add fat burners if you want, but honestly if you can't get to 12% without fat burners, then you have a serious metabolic issue.

BTW, fats post workout is horrible. So I'd love to see that study haha.

Thanks Brother! Yes I will certainly find out what will work for me. I currently began Carbs pre workout which I truly am enjoying and my workouts have been extremely productive! I know this is nuts but I am burnt out of energy, so a fat burner or Caffeine pill helps me. I don't do any Pre Workouts as I get severely bloated. I am slowly weaning off the burners and drinking regular Green Tea but honestly I am barely awake.

Well if that's the case then Carbs Pre and Post

Well if that's the case then Carbs Pre and Post and the rest on Keto!

By the way have you heard of Carb Nite protocol?