Help with a BB show

As promised I uploaded some recent pics. They are not to great. Hard to pose and take pic at same time. Lol. I have lost quite a bit of fat since I started cutting four weeks ago. I beleive I was at about 18% bf. Thinking I'm at about 16 now.. I am still 18 weeks out from show so I have plenty of time. Progress is going great. Morning cardio at least 5-6 times a week for 30 mins. I'm eating very clean and hitting gym on average 5 days a week.

Let me know what you guys think. I will take criticism and advice. Do I look like 16% bf? Thanks to those following. Can't wait to compete!!
As promised I uploaded some recent pics. They are not to great. Hard to pose and take pic at same time. Lol. I have lost quite a bit of fat since I started cutting four weeks ago. I beleive I was at about 18% bf. Thinking I'm at about 16 now.. I am still 18 weeks out from show so I have plenty of time. Progress is going great. Morning cardio at least 5-6 times a week for 30 mins. I'm eating very clean and hitting gym on average 5 days a week.

Let me know what you guys think. I will take criticism and advice. Do I look like 16% bf? Thanks to those following. Can't wait to compete!!

you have a good foundation to work with brutha! And yeah you have a long way to go diet wise but you already know that so you'll be just fine, now had you of said your close to show shape or something i would be worried, but with that said, you'll be fine so long as you diet your mother fucking ass off and hit it hard as fuck! The muscle is under there!!! Theirs no way to know what really lys beneath until you get there, but I've seen guys look twice as far out of show shape and pull it together to the point you would never have guessed that shit was under there, so your fine as long you you diet and cardio ur ass off brutha,

thats my two cents brutha, 18 weeks comes fast so just be ready early
how tall are you again bro? and how much do you weigh in these photos, just trying to get an idea of what class your going to wind up in if you really shred up, its going to probably have to be a lot lighter weight wise then you think, but thats everyones experience, My first show i competed a good 20lbs lighter than i thought i would have to be at lol, point is don't worry about ur weight or class, just get super super SUPER STRAITED AND SHREDDED, the rest is all relative my friend!
how tall are you again bro? and how much do you weigh in these photos, just trying to get an idea of what class your going to wind up in if you really shred up, its going to probably have to be a lot lighter weight wise then you think, but thats everyones experience, My first show i competed a good 20lbs lighter than i thought i would have to be at lol, point is don't worry about ur weight or class, just get super super SUPER STRAITED AND SHREDDED, the rest is all relative my friend!

Thanks for feedback. I'm 5,7" at 185 here. The fat is melting off quick and weight isn't moving too much. Only down 5 lbs but I think it was all fat.

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then you'll likely compete at 155-160lbs if your going to be glute striated shredded. Sounds like a lot of weight to lose but you'll look twice as big as you do now in those pictures as soon as your shredded down brutha
You got it bro. When is your show again? I know the date is in here but tapatalk makes it hard to navigate these threads

Nvm found it. Yea man If I hit it hard I think u can do,it bro.
then you'll likely compete at 155-160lbs if your going to be glute striated shredded. Sounds like a lot of weight to lose but you'll look twice as big as you do now in those pictures as soon as your shredded down brutha

Oof that would almost hurt the ego to weigh that little. I hope your wrong. Lol. Gonna just have to stay away from the scale and use my mirror. Haha

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Oof that would almost hurt the ego to weigh that little. I hope your wrong. Lol. Gonna just have to stay away from the scale and use my mirror. Haha

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lol, but you'll look twice as big brutha! and yes fuck the scale! Scales are for fat people, mirrors are for bodybuilders. As for the ego though, well we all have huge egos lol, its in part what drives us I guess lol, but theres no point at all in worrying about what weight you wind up at.
lol, but you'll look twice as big brutha! and yes fuck the scale! Scales are for fat people, mirrors are for bodybuilders. As for the ego though, well we all have huge egos lol, its in part what drives us I guess lol, but theres no point at all in worrying about what weight you wind up at.

+1 I have had to learn that all over again, I had the hardest time as most have read about possibly getting under 200 pounds fuck the scale bro worry about the mirror for sure, especially since you are going to be competing. Worry about the scale only when you need to know what weight class you will be outside of that measurements, and mirror.

I think you have some great size from those pics like presser said, and I would say your body fat is pretty close to what you think, hard to tell depending on the amount of water you are holding etc. I know some days I look damn near 10 or 11percent some days i look 15 depends on how my diet is the night before.
+1 I have had to learn that all over again, I had the hardest time as most have read about possibly getting under 200 pounds fuck the scale bro worry about the mirror for sure, especially since you are going to be competing. Worry about the scale only when you need to know what weight class you will be outside of that measurements, and mirror.

I think you have some great size from those pics like presser said, and I would say your body fat is pretty close to what you think, hard to tell depending on the amount of water you are holding etc. I know some days I look damn near 10 or 11percent some days i look 15 depends on how my diet is the night before.

Thanks bro. I have lost about 2% bf over four weeks. So If I stay on this track I will loose about 1% every two weeks. Putting me at 7% for the show. We'll see if I can pick up the pace to try to get to 5-6%. My only two cheat meals last week on the weekend was a jimmy johns JJ gargantuan and a homemade burger 93% lean. I would say those are still fairly healthy cheat meals. Only bread I consume is on a cheat meal. Otherwise it's chicken and rice for 2-3 meals, eggs usually mostly whites, couple protein shakes or bars. If I have carbs under 100 for the day I try to eat some peanut butter that night so I'm still keeping cals up to prevent muscle loss.
I use to weigh food, count and keep up with every gram of fat, protein, and carb I took in. Shit is too stressful. Lol. Plus I did it for so long I have really good idea on what portions I need to meet cals and macros.

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Well just moved this weekend. Only about 15 minutes from where I was but its still so much work! I had a bunch of chicken and rice prepared so I wouldn't eat to bad. Needless to say I still have half of it left. Lol. I had it there to eat but ended up eating fast food three days in a row. It just came down to time. It's much faster to pick up a burger and eat in truck then sit down and eat chicken and rice. Oh well gonna have to get back on my workout and cardio routine and burn this weekend off!
Prep going well as I did foresee this happening in my move. Just stopped the winny. Three more weeks on this cycle then I'll take 4 off and start a new blast. Haven't worked out in three days due to moving so I'm excited to hit it hard this week! I was having some great workouts last week!
I think I watch too many branch warren videos cuz my intensity in the gym probably scares half the people. Lol

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lol, your not a gym screamer are ya bro? lol

I don't know about screaming lol. I do hear myself over my music quite often. The noises just come out. Haha.

Got 455 on deadlifts yesterday. That's a hundred lbs more than I could deadlift a year ago!

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I don't know about screaming lol. I do hear myself over my music quite often. The noises just come out. Haha.

Got 455 on deadlifts yesterday. That's a hundred lbs more than I could deadlift a year ago!

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nice! and aint nothing wrong with a good grunt, but screaming on the other hand, i hate those fuckers lmao cause they're normally the 120lb little fuckers doing all the noise making

This is my arm with no pump sitting around at work. Vascularity is coming in like crazy as I lower my body fat. Looking real freakish in the gym with a pump! Probably at about 14% now. Been eating very clean! Chicken, eggs, rice mainly. Only cheat meals have been subway and chipotle. Lol.

I got 16 weeks left till my show and I think I'm on track. Only been taking about 30-60 seconds breaks when lifting. I usually take over two minutes those this is a big adaption for me. I think it's really helping for added conditioning. Well it's been a while since I updated so thought I would throw in a little update. Thanks to those following.

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This is my arm with no pump sitting around at work. Vascularity is coming in like crazy as I lower my body fat. Looking real freakish in the gym with a pump! Probably at about 14% now. Been eating very clean! Chicken, eggs, rice mainly. Only cheat meals have been subway and chipotle. Lol.

I got 16 weeks left till my show and I think I'm on track. Only been taking about 30-60 seconds breaks when lifting. I usually take over two minutes those this is a big adaption for me. I think it's really helping for added conditioning. Well it's been a while since I updated so thought I would throw in a little update. Thanks to those following.

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nice and veiny brutha!!! and yeah i have always trained with little rest between sets, which is why i always have to change t-shirts or tank tops half way through workout, lol. Its a great way to condition urself!!

16 weeks……No sweat daddio! you got the shit!
nice and veiny brutha!!! and yeah i have always trained with little rest between sets, which is why i always have to change t-shirts or tank tops half way through workout, lol. Its a great way to condition urself!!

16 weeks……No sweat daddio! you got the shit!

Haha. Yeah buddy! Ya can't wait to throw some mast in the equation! Never used it but hear it's nickname is the marbilizer. Sounds like a good look. Haha.

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Updated some pics from today. Fat has been melting off lately! Thinking I'm at 13% bf.. Hitting the gym, cardio, and diet hard!

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