High Concentrate Test


New member
Anyone have any thoughts or experiences with some of these testosterone's that have the higher concentration levels, for example Geneza has a Test 500 that they market. I have also seen testosterone mixes that contain anywhere from 300mg/ml to 400mg/ml.
From experience with other companies, the higher concentrations hurt like holy hell. It is nice that you can get away with 1 or 2 cc a week, but it crippled me
I love higher dose gear. It's easier because it's usually 1cc rather than 1-1/2 to 2ccs.

I had a 200mg/Cyp, 200mg/Enth, 50mg/mg prop. It was amazing.

If you know the source and know you are getting exactly what you pay for.
I just started with some higher concentrate test and it does seem to give me significantly more soreness at the site than the traditional concentrations. I'm willing to tolerate it because I like having fewer injections, and the soreness isn't too bad.
Would you say that the results from the higher concentrates are significantly better. I am thinking of going in that direction to cut down on the number of injections. I don't mind some pain if the benefits are obvious. Plus it seems like you are getting more for your money.
Would you say that the results from the higher concentrates are significantly better. I am thinking of going in that direction to cut down on the number of injections. I don't mind some pain if the benefits are obvious. Plus it seems like you are getting more for your money.

In my humble opinion I think the only benefit is the less frequency
personally I don't go above 250mg/mg anymore, when I was younger I could stand the higher stuff now it just makes me feel sick and the injection site is sore as hell
personally I don't go above 250mg/mg anymore, when I was younger I could stand the higher stuff now it just makes me feel sick and the injection site is sore as hell

Yeah the higher makes me almost cough violently.

Now when I've used higher dose blends that was the shit. No pain and all gains
how about test 400? run with tren and masterone? what should i expect? tren mast 400 8 week cycle its a new one for me!
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how about test 400? run with tren and masterone? what should i expect? tren mast 400 8 week cycle its a new one for me!

That's a nice cutting cycle. EQ, Winny and anavar would be a few great additions to stack with.
400mg of each a week tren mast, thinken about 200mg a week for the t400. what do you guys think maybe push the cycle to 10 weeks? im 220lb now 510 advice appreciated. i was running EQ with it but decided to change it up. @-Buff that sounds like a future cycle, ill give it a shot thanks for the feed back.
If you haven't ran tren, 400mg may be a little high. Looks like you have it as 100mg of tren every other day. If you've ran it then no sweat. 400mg -600mg is what seems to work best for masteron. Personally i'd run test400 at 2cc's a week so 800mg a week. That is a great dose. now there is a lot of debate or info floating around about having lower test when running alongside tren but unless i hear or see it from someone I know I won't try it. I'd throw that EQ back in for sure at 600mg for the 10 weeks. I wouldn't push tren past 7 weeks if it isn't for a show. I handle tren sides well but after that time it gets to be rough and killing my blood pressure.
yeah i run mast mon,thurs 100mg ea day, tren wed,sat 100mg ea day. works great i get more out of the mast then tren for sure better energy strenght pump its def best out of the 2. also t3 and clen every day to twice a day spray its awesome trimmed fat right off. ill be throwing in hcg on next cycle with your recommendations of the putting eq back in. i just had to come off it to see diff in what works best for me. thanks
Higher the concentration the more painful the injection site will be, higher amount of hormone that your shoving into your glut or shoulder isn't matched by a higher volume of oil it's suspended in, it hurts like a bitch for more than a few days. Hard to drive long period of time, sit and even sleep. I would much rather run a sus350 with weekly injections rather than one big super test shot, not worth the uncomfy feeling, but that's me, maybe I am being a puss.
I tried some test e 500 once last summer. Put it like this, I'd rather get bitch slapped with a hammer than try that again.
I tried some test e 500 once last summer. Put it like this, I'd rather get bitch slapped with a hammer than try that again.


I'm use to it now. I just rub the hell out of the area and make sure leg day is within a few days. I'm only using 350mg/ml though. I can't imagine what 500 would be lol
I tried some test e 500 once last summer. Put it like this, I'd rather get bitch slapped with a hammer than try that again.

Lmao....that is what I had. I've actually still got a bottle of it that has sat in the cabinet for almost 2 years. One day I may get the courage up to get through it again, but I can't foresee that happening this year. It felt like I had a softball implanted into my ass cheek for a solid week and not only that, but it felt like I was cut with a rusty knife to open the incision up
lmao bitch slapped by a hammer thats awesome well shit i had issues with andropen 275 made me feel like i got kicked by a mule lol it was rooough had to have back legs massaged but damn painful.