HMG over HCG! update


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
SO it's been about a month now from my first half a shot, did the other have about 6 days later.
This shit is great, I def like it more then hcg, I used it as a mid cycle booster (for people who didn't see the other post) and it brought everything back.
I will def be doing this in the future for PCT and mid cyc booster's
I got it From PSL with no issues at all and great communication :)
you have any tests or numbers to report with it, other then your feeling better on it over hcg?
No numbers, just how quick it brought everything back and how it' still there. I have done it a dozen times with hcg and I can tell a difference
SO it's been about a month now from my first half a shot, did the other have about 6 days later.
This shit is great, I def like it more then hcg, I used it as a mid cycle booster (for people who didn't see the other post) and it brought everything back.
I will def be doing this in the future for PCT and mid cyc booster's
I got it From PSL with no issues at all and great communication :)

THX a BUNCH for letting know and Confirming that HMG Facts Bro !

BTW - Our HMG popularity and demand continues to increase - Very good news and Awsome Product !
I'd say give it a try fellas. I wasn't sure about it before I did it, but in the future I will stick with HMG
You do 1 75IU shot mid cycle or did I misread?

Shit I already tossed the bottle, so I forget how many IU's it was, but I am doing a long cyc, so I broke it into two shots, did my first one and it brought my nuts back fast, did the second one like a week later and I am still good right now. I do mid cyc for a booster if you will bc my cyc is like 8 months long. More of a flight than a cycle now a days haha
Most r 75IU vials. Damn tho I though u ran a vial a day! So u dont use hCG @ all or do u run it and pin HMG every so often? 8 month cycle DAMN!
Shit I already tossed the bottle, so I forget how many IU's it was, but I am doing a long cyc, so I broke it into two shots, did my first one and it brought my nuts back fast, did the second one like a week later and I am still good right now. I do mid cyc for a booster if you will bc my cyc is like 8 months long. More of a flight than a cycle now a days haha

Long cycles are the way to go. I never run less than 20 weeks anymore with a bridge in between but I'll run anavar year round. I'd love to run hgh/var/low dose of test year round
Explain that kinda cycle... I've never heard of that long I do 15 tops mostly very shot burst... bridge w/ sarms or peps/growth factors...
Using HMG instead of Hcg, I have used it in the past. Right now doing Eq Test E and Mast, just got off Tren E, and about to lower the dosage too, bc I have been doing a completely different type of training recently. BIGnWV I agree bro
What is the big difference between the 2?

Well presser didn't like the way I had put it the first time, but honestly one way I personally tell, which I now guess some people don't, is mu nuts were really atrophied and they cam back full and it has stayed that way, it happened rally quickly. Usually hcg will get them some of the way back, and generally takes a while to show (for me personally) I have had it so bad to where my right one will like suck up really high in my sack here and there, its been however long now and they are still not atrophied yet. I also noticed with the HMG it burns a tiny bit with the inj where as hcg has never done that. I have a revamped feeling, again anyone that has run a really long cycle can attest to getting a different kind of feeling about them, hard to describe other than I feel like all my natural shit has dumped down, I started feeling like that about 1 month before the first shot and I don't feel that way again. I'd say you need to give it a go BigWV
Bumping this cause Im looking for info . Metal I just wanna clarify how you dose the HMG. Is it 2 75 iu shots one week apart mid way thru cycle?

WHere does this info on dosing HMG come from??