Hospital Again

Damn bro everyones getting fucked up lately, i ruptured my right arm tendons 5 days from the contest and it was all purple and swollen for 3 weeks, finally getting better. Share with us you doing ok?
hope your doing better presser. glad to be back on the site, really missed this place
well got my mri results and blew 3 discs, c5,6 and 7 and the report reads that the disc is crushing the root of the nerve, they said the nerve branches out into different areas, and if the disc hit one of the branched out areas i woulod just have pain in the area where that part ofd the nerve bramched out to, but since its the root of the nerve the pain is hitting every area that the nerve branches out to, so thats why the pain is so bad.

I need to get injections into my kneck and see if that relives the pain, if not then nerve removal, which doesnt sound right but im prety sure the dr said something like that,lol.

ANd every fucking place i called couldnt get me in for an appointment until september and that was just for a consultation not the injection, its a fucking joke even though i been to e.r and hosptial 2 times, and have orthopedic xrays, mris and referla for spine injections, they still cant see me til september no matter the pain

so i called and went to see the doctor i used for my knee and they set me up with a place to go in and hopefuly get injection monday

but its unreal that they will loeave u in pain this bad for so fucking long. the percs didnt so shit, the valium didnt so shit, the predsone didnt so shit, and the dilauded didnt do shit for the pain and im told by the doctor that dilauded is very powerful, so yes im pretty fucked up with pain, and i dont think the pain has diminished any but i think im just getting use to living with it, if that sounds possible,lol

anyways they dont know why i coughed blood though and think it might be something else, but at this point im just worried about getting the kneck injection and seeing if it helps any,

I havent worked out in weeks! and that in all honesty is bothering me just as bad for the mere reason i simply feel lost sittting home during the time i should usualy be at the gym, so i tryed to go with my wife a couple times to help her lift but thats stopped to,lol

anyways thanks for asking guys
oh and get this shit, I didnt fit in the fucking mri machine, so they made me cross my hands in front of my body which had me literaly screaming in pain, and they fucking stuffed me into this machine like a sardine, then they kept saying the pictures were blurry cause i was moving too much, but it wasnt me moving cause i was so stufed in there, it was because i was so tightly stuffed in there that when i would breath my whole body would expand and move due to being stuffed in there, they are such idiots as come to find out they could have used a new mri machine that i didnt have to get stuffed into which cause more pain then u could imagine

what I have learned is the medical profession is just as lazy as everyone else, and does the absolute minimum for their patients!
Hahaha, sorry but that's pretty were too big for the MRI machine. How do they MRI all these fatties walking around? Hope you get everything fixed soon, bro.
That sucks my buddy has a condition similiar to that and he takes flexeril and motrin and says it seems to help, but also gets spinal decompression treatments and a chiro to help. he is lifting again but not as heavy as he was but walking and enjoying sports. Injections he says are a no. You will always need them and it will hurt worse after they do it then gradually get better, but you will be incapacitated on the floor because beds wwill be to high up to get into. He is a sports medicine dr at the us olympic training center he knows his shit and isnt lazy like most dr's. I feel for ya bro and just hang in there and try to control the temper when your in pain we have all been there, eat some chocolate or cocoa to help with mood, it actually helps believe it or not. (Dark) is what I am told is the best for that
Presser get well bro -

You ever thought about trying some DMSO? Definitely listen to the docs but it could help you, somewhat controversial and old school but I have used it with great success as an anti-inflammatory but not for spinal stuff (although there are published studies of it being used exactly for that especially immediately post injury). Have also used it for burns and if not too severe it will make it like the burn never happened if you apply it right after receiving the burn.

It can be taken internally or applied externally as it will go right through your skin and be absorbed very efficiently. It can also be used as a carrier for localized application of almost any medicine of your choice by dissolving motrin, etc and applying topically. Even if the medicine doesn't dissolve (like a paste) it will carry some of it through your skin. If you use on skin make sure that the skin is clean before use as it will carry anything with it that is on the surface into your skin. Get the 70% stuff for skin application as some notice irritation from the 100% stuff.

You can take it orally I usually use about 5-10 ml and mix it with a glass of OJ or cranberry juice as it tastes terrible, and never take it straight.

In either case it will give you "death breath" that smells like oysters or garlic as it gets metabolized to sulfur and it comes out in your lungs, but even with that I use it from time to time as it works for me.

Not trying to be an armchair DR but IMHO it works WAY better than any anti-inflammatory I have tried prescription or not, and its cheap.
Have you tried flexeril or skelaxin? Often with cervical collapse the muscles go into contractions or spasms. Usually the pain associated with it is soft tissue related. Not the actual bone. Pain meds can mask it for a while but eventually they lose their effectiveness. I think muscle relaxors would besomething to try. They may help release some tension on the nerve roots. Flexeril is usually less expensive but makes you drowsy. Skelaxin can be costly but shouldnt make you drowsy...
Just some thoughts
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well got my mri results and blew 3 discs, c5,6 and 7 and the report reads that the disc is crushing the root of the nerve, they said the nerve branches out into different areas, and if the disc hit one of the branched out areas i woulod just have pain in the area where that part ofd the nerve bramched out to, but since its the root of the nerve the pain is hitting every area that the nerve branches out to, so thats why the pain is so bad.

I need to get injections into my kneck and see if that relives the pain, if not then nerve removal, which doesnt sound right but im prety sure the dr said something like that,lol.

ANd every fucking place i called couldnt get me in for an appointment until september and that was just for a consultation not the injection, its a fucking joke even though i been to e.r and hosptial 2 times, and have orthopedic xrays, mris and referla for spine injections, they still cant see me til september no matter the pain

so i called and went to see the doctor i used for my knee and they set me up with a place to go in and hopefuly get injection monday

but its unreal that they will loeave u in pain this bad for so fucking long. the percs didnt so shit, the valium didnt so shit, the predsone didnt so shit, and the dilauded didnt do shit for the pain and im told by the doctor that dilauded is very powerful, so yes im pretty fucked up with pain, and i dont think the pain has diminished any but i think im just getting use to living with it, if that sounds possible,lol

anyways they dont know why i coughed blood though and think it might be something else, but at this point im just worried about getting the kneck injection and seeing if it helps any,

I havent worked out in weeks! and that in all honesty is bothering me just as bad for the mere reason i simply feel lost sittting home during the time i should usualy be at the gym, so i tryed to go with my wife a couple times to help her lift but thats stopped to,lol

anyways thanks for asking guys

and this is why when people say socialized medicine sucks bc you have to wait etc I want to smash their fucking teeth down their throats! OUR healthcare blows here, sadly you have to be a statistic to prove that point, and I hope you start feeling better! Be the most careful of not doing things while on the pain meds bc usually thats when you will hurt yourself the worst bc you dont realize its hurting u as much
Have you tried flexeril or skelaxin? Often with cervical collapse the muscles go into contractions or spasms. Usually the pain associated with it is soft tissue related. Not the actual bone. Pain meds can mask it for a while but eventually they lose their effectiveness. I think muscle relaxors would besomething to try. They may help release some tension on the nerve roots. Flexeril is usually less expensive but makes you drowsy. Skelaxin can be costly but shouldnt make you drowsy...
Just some thoughts

they gave me some patches that go on my back, but out of all the medicine and pain meds, the best thing so far is the valume, i guess it relaxes my muscles, every single muscle on my left side is twitching uncontrolable, i guess they are muscle spasms im having but they are all happening at the same exact time, it looks like im purposly bouncing my left pec,lol, and at the same time my bicep is also twitching.

Thanks for all the comments guys, the pain is unreal, the kind of shit you wouldnt want to wish on anyone.
Damn man, I'm sorry to hear that, hopefully they find something that works and gets you back on your feet

Glad to hear you are out and ok at the least, wish you a quick recovery :)

And McGaret!!! Haven't seen you in forever, how are you man!
they gave me some patches that go on my back, but out of all the medicine and pain meds, the best thing so far is the valume, i guess it relaxes my muscles, every single muscle on my left side is twitching uncontrolable, i guess they are muscle spasms im having but they are all happening at the same exact time, it looks like im purposly bouncing my left pec,lol, and at the same time my bicep is also twitching.

Thanks for all the comments guys, the pain is unreal, the kind of shit you wouldnt want to wish on anyone.

Yes the valium relaxes your muscles however, its mild skeletal muscle relaxant. Its mostly used to treat anxiety and tremors. So its not a true muscle relaxant.
Most of the reason you are having pain is because the nerve roots run through a sheath that is surrounded by skeletal muscle (in your case a lot of muscle). When your muscles spasm they tighten around the sheath causing your pain. In my opinion you will have twice the relief from a cpl days of flexeril or skelaxin. They both work very well on deep muscle spasms.
Only then should you try to stretch it out. If you begin to stretch a muscle thats already in distress chances are good you can make it worse by adding tendonitis to your list of diagnoses.
Damn bro, that's horrible. My Dr would get you in TODAY for a nerve block injection. I can only imagine the pain you're in. I wish I had advice, but I don't. At least there is light at the end of the tunnel. My brother had the nerve removal done on his back from crushed disks he got while in the Marine Corp. He's as good as new even with the fused disks.