How intense do you train?


MuscleChemistry Guru
i know we all are monsters in the gym, but how intensley do you train on a scale from 1-10 and why ?
I would say I train at a 10... 5 days a week 2 hrs a day
If your not going to train at 100% whats the point?
Granted I have the occasional day that I'm just not feeling it.... but nothing a little caffeine cant fix.
I train at 10 intensity for 45 minutes 6 days a week plus I do cardio. I try to stay under an hour to keep cortisol in check as much as possible. I also second the caffeine intake. I have major caffeine issues. LOL
I try to give it a 10 every time. Somedays it's just not there, but that's life. I train hard 3 days a week, M/W/F split. I've seen good results lately with the method, I think the extra rest helps. I was training hard 5 days a week before and my body didn't like it as much. Had little energy most of the time. This works well for me right now.

I steer clear of the caffeine though. No stimulants for me (unless I'm on Clen ;)). I have steadier, more consistent energy without them.
I steer clear of the caffeine though. No stimulants for me (unless I'm on Clen ;)). I have steadier, more consistent energy without them.

Really?? I crash without caffeinated and/or NO assistance!

Last night I had a scoop of SuperPump, then a medium coffee from Dunkin' Donuts with a shot of espresso and skim milk pre-workout and rocked out 90 minutes on the step mill... if it wasn't for the soreness in my quads from my recent leg workout, I could have even kept going longer...

Of course I was also up until almost 3am. :dead:
Really?? I crash without caffeinated and/or NO assistance!

Last night I had a scoop of SuperPump, then a medium coffee from Dunkin' Donuts with a shot of espresso and skim milk pre-workout and rocked out 90 minutes on the step mill... if it wasn't for the soreness in my quads from my recent leg workout, I could have even kept going longer...

Of course I was also up until almost 3am. :dead:

Yeah, it took some time to adjust but I stopped drinking/consuming caffeine about 3-4 years ago and love the way I feel without it. I already have trouble falling asleep, I can't imagine what it would be like if I drank caffeine.

When I take SuperPump or something that has some caffeine in it, I feel like I'm going to jump out of my skin for about 1.5 hours and then I crash. :dead: I think naturally I just feel better all day. Maybe it's just me :)
That's cool crg... I'm a caffeine junkie. I should probably cut my dosage... I decided to have green tea today instead of coffee. I'm trying Big JC's 3-tea bag method and I'm on my 2nd cup of the day! Trying to get those ECGC's in... lol.
I would say I train at a 10... 5 days a week 2 hrs a day
If your not going to train at 100% whats the point?
Granted I have the occasional day that I'm just not feeling it.... but nothing a little caffeine cant fix.

mr. big is a beast !!

ive seen him train, and he goes hard with no bulshittin in between !!

keep rocking brother:thumbsup:
I train at a level of about 2 or so...If I trained at level 10, I would be HUGE !!! J/K !!! :D

Honestly most days its probaby a 7 or 8...Then on certain days, like hams or back day (weak bodyparts) its a 9 or 10..But, I believe that if you go all out all the time, you will overtrain at a certain point...
I would agree. I'm probably at 7-8 most of the time, but I'll blast certain bodyparts at 9 or 10. Then I cruise down to 6-7 for a couple of weeks to let my body recover.
These kind of questions always make me wonder. I work construction 10-12 hours a day usually in high temps. I workout at 5:30 a.m., although I see stars, turn purple in the face, even get occasional nose bleeds doing deadlifts, I still find workouts pretty easy compared to work. Watching vids of ronnie and jay Im everybit that intense. To me intensity mearsures are cardio which I'm a zero at.
I can tell you brothers, most of people dont know what intensity is....
Intensity is giving the 100 % where mostly all the workout you are reaching muscle failure and pain, full pump and very fatigue 15 to 20 minutes before finish the workout when you are thinking how the hell you are going to finish and feel the side effects of high body temperture and sweating and crushed for the rest of the day.
I forgot.... there is no 10 for me....13 is my number....above the limit baby, ask presser how he trained at the Muscle camp!!! lol
I forgot.... there is no 10 for me....13 is my number....above the limit baby, ask presser how he trained at the Muscle camp!!! lol

presser trained until he Litterly got sick and had to stop! lol heinz will tell ya that! he can attest to that for sure,lol

also i usualy train ever single set to failure, i never ever count my reps! I ALWAYS GO TO FAILURE NO MATTER THE EXERCISE! IT JUST WORKS FOR ME!
"Intensity is defined as the percentage of momentary muscular effort being exserted" Mike Mentzer

I try to go to failure with every set except the 2 warm up sets at the beginning...

go to failure and then beyond-hence, go to failure on the set and then a slow negative at the end.

at that point you have gone to the body's limit and then have pushed it past with the negative-thus putting it under more stress than it is accustom to, thereby, forcing it to grow if enough time is given between workouts.

so on a scale of 1-10 with the negative I will go about 10.5 or 11 as far as the intensity is concerned

I measure my strength increase with static conctractions-to the respective body parts, once a month, to determine if I am gaining or not...if not chances are that I am not allowing myself enough time between workouts to recover properly
presser trained until he Litterly got sick and had to stop! lol heinz will tell ya that! he can attest to that for sure,lol

also i usualy train ever single set to failure, i never ever count my reps! I ALWAYS GO TO FAILURE NO MATTER THE EXERCISE! IT JUST WORKS FOR ME!

till failure for sure.
"Intensity is defined as the percentage of momentary muscular effort being exserted" Mike Mentzer

I try to go to failure with every set except the 2 warm up sets at the beginning...

go to failure and then beyond-hence, go to failure on the set and then a slow negative at the end.

at that point you have gone to the body's limit and then have pushed it past with the negative-thus putting it under more stress than it is accustom to, thereby, forcing it to grow if enough time is given between workouts.

so on a scale of 1-10 with the negative I will go about 10.5 or 11 as far as the intensity is concerned

I measure my strength increase with static conctractions-to the respective body parts, once a month, to determine if I am gaining or not...if not chances are that I am not allowing myself enough time between workouts to recover properly

MIke Mentzer is my favorite and all his principles. I was certified by himself in 1994, it is the best thing that happen to me in my whole carer
no kidding! that's awesome!!!

I'm IART certified but I wish that I would have had the chance to go to at least one of his seminars before he passed away

the guy was a thinker if there ever was one for this sport
Hey steph I can relate on the caffeine. I am up to 3 scoops of noxplode. Superpump I was taking 3 as well. I always train to failure as well guys. The only sets I don't are my light warmups which are super high reps till my arms or whatever feel like they are going to pop from blood engorgement.