How many people have you guys/gals slept with?

Sachet said:
Okay, 1 guy.

The part I don't understand is does another chicca wearing a strap*on count? :p

No hunny- girls dont count.. or my secret number may be doubled.. haha j/k
I can't believe the low numbers here. I think some of you guys are lying because Nicole, Sachet and Sugaa have posted. You are all man whores! :) I had better not answer this question.
I was with 21 counting my girl who I have been with scince I was 23. I was never in a commited realationship before this one. I may have had more girls than most of my boy's but they had steady girl's and steady luvin.
I'm pretty surprised at all the single digit numbers from guys here, too. But, I think that's great. I wish I hadn't been such a playboy. It really jaded me. So, don't let anyone give you shit for it. Having a low number is a good thing!

On the other "hand", I now have tons of memories to browse through for masturbation material when the wife isn't around. *wink*

Give or take a few,.. i'm somewhere in the naibourhood of 300
Dont the exsakt number since i stopped counting around 200
Why did I find this question on Easter?

I did not have my first serious girlfriend till 22 so before then during college and high school the number I'd say is well over ten less then 20. Then three years married(dating/living together) to my girlfriend, then one girlfriend after that and a couple of patrners here and there.

Some of you may be saying wow near twenty before 22 that is a lot but the fact is my friends activities made me seem abstinent. Sometimes it was so long between that when doing it I'd actually think ok boy enjoy this make it last you don't know how long till you'll get some more of this. LOL

Hey Poopoo shaking your booty like that I'd give it to you 5 times in one night!