How much cardio do you do in one session?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Whats your max amount you will do at a time? I only really have the opportunity to do cardio post workout since i live a ways away from my gym i cant go twice a day. Well i could but it would get quite expensive in gas. Im bumping my cardio up to 50 minutes this week. I keep my body fed with aminos and my 60g post workout shake during cardio. I dont wanna go catabolic during cardio so is 50minutes too much post workout? I guess i could find a way to do it in the mornings not sure how yet.

ps im doing light intensity burning about 600 cals an hour at 2.5 mph and 8.0 incline. Heartrate usually doesnt get above 122 or so
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I never did more than 30 minutes PWO. I have a high metabolism though so I had to be more careful to avoid catabolism than you might need to be.
For low intensity cardio I'll do a minimum of 20 and a max of 60 minutes per session. For something like HIIT, I never go over 20 minutes.
I am doing two cardio sessions a day right now. I do 60 minutes or so in the morning and if Im working out about 40 minutes after a workout. On days I don't workout Im doing two 60 minute sessions. I am at around 6-10 miles 6 days a week right now at 3.5 mph on 4.5 incline this week. I change every week. Before you say Im crazy, I didn't start dropping any fat until I hit the 5 mile a day mark. My job requires me to sit on my butt all day long. Im on synthroid for a crappy metabolism too so I am probably not the best guy to base a decision on.
45mins most times

but I've done over 90mins at a time, when I was experamenting with a diet
40-45 minutes PWO.

Some days ill switch it up a bit..

10 minutes of rowing, 30 minutes on stair master.
I am doing two cardio sessions a day right now. I do 60 minutes or so in the morning and if Im working out about 40 minutes after a workout. On days I don't workout Im doing two 60 minute sessions. I am at around 6-10 miles 6 days a week right now at 3.5 mph on 4.5 incline this week. I change every week. Before you say Im crazy, I didn't start dropping any fat until I hit the 5 mile a day mark. My job requires me to sit on my butt all day long. Im on synthroid for a crappy metabolism too so I am probably not the best guy to base a decision on.
dammm dont u lose weight to fast doing that much of cardio
dammm dont u lose weight to fast doing that much of cardio

I know i would thats why i do really low intensity and lose it slowly. I know JT has some thyroid problems i believe so this may be the way he has to hit it to really get lean.