I can't eat enough!!!


Gold Member
Jeese, I'm finding it quite hard to consume enough food. Sometimes I'm just force feeding myself to get the calories. What's a good clean way to get the caloric intake that I need to grow. I'm shooting for 4500-5000 per day.

Protein Shake with about 10oz of milk
Toast or Cereal

Mid Morning:
Protein Bar

Chicken or Tuna

Mid Afternoon:
Protein Bar

After Workout:
Sport Drink
Protein Shake

Fairly Clean: Pasta, or meat
Some Breads

Can I make this any easier or better?
ok well you can quit taking meal replacments, and take weight gainer. That will give you a bunch more cals. Another thing is just eat to eat, while sitting at the computer eat. And peanut better has a lot of cals.
No some weight gainer has no suger at all. I took some that didnt have any, the only difference think is you have to take a bunch more. Its like 3 large scoops
But if you trying to bulk, the suger wont hurt will it. I know everyones body is different. Ice Cream also works well for weight gaining
But not everyone gets fat right. Im not an expert, but i have read that everyone body has a certain amout of Cals that you have to consume to gain weight.
I have to eat burgers and fatty food to grow or I just don't grow and can't eat enough calories. I don't get fat unless I use insulin or don't move all day, LOL. Everyone is different though. From my experiences I'd up the fat cals. Eat some steak and burgers and some peanut butter.
I know you might look at this morning giet and say yeah right but just do it. It took me about a week for my body to get used to it. I would get the puking feeling and have to down a glass of water. I did puke once though,lol. The morning is the most important time. Here it is

Morning you need to get a least 40-80 protein in shakes
8 egg whites
1/4 oat meal

then your mid morning and mid afternoon snack you can eat peanut butter and jelley with a protein shake or bar

The rest looks fine. Just my .02
Before work outs there should be a shake.. this is also a good time to add your creatine and glutamine or atleast this is another time I throw in a shake.
morning is where i had the hardest time in the beginning - couldnt stand food - now its 8-10 egg white and some steak (cook a lot over the weekend and vacuum sealed those suckers), works wonders. Dinner became another easy one -- just double what you normally eat - more of a mind over matter thing - just keep eating. We'd go out to eat (as in the wife, etc) and I'd order two entree's etc. It was worth it this past cycle.
you have 6 meals, 2 of them are a protein bar.

my advice: stuff yourself every two hours (except when sleeping)
Lucky you. I can 't understand you can 't eat that much personally. I can eat up to 6000 cals a day without being on and still be hungry.

Just add a litle more healthy fats to the diet and you will be ok. Switch tuna for salmon and so on! You can also use some EFA oils. They will add calories and wont make you fat!!
Eat more often whether you're hungry or not..... just do it

it will become routine after a few weeks.
Thanks for the advice.....Gluttony here I come! lol

I should eat at least a few egg whites in the morning. Getting a shake in the afternoon will probably be difficult, because I'm at work....hmm...Perhaps those isopure drinks would be a do-able.

Presser said:
isnt weight gainer a bunch of sugar and shit, I have never seen a decent weightgainer with good nutritional values.

Every weight gainer that I've seen is full of some form of sugar, usually maltodexterin or fructose...... JUST SAY NO !

Try carrying around big bags of almonds, walnuts, pistachios, pecans, peanuts, with you, most of them run about 500 calories a cup, I dunno about ya'll, but I can munch down a HUGE bowl of toasted almonds in no time flat.....

You can get nuts in 2 lb bags pretty reasonably at the warehouse stores.

Of course, add oil to your shakes

Replace those bar snacks with real meals, maybe have the bar for dessert :)
Hey guys hope I can help...here is 2 easy 1000 cal meals
1.) 3 scoops whey, 2 serv. low fat low cal ice cream, 2 tablespoon of pb, and 3 cups milk that is approx. 900 cal or so.
2.) 2 serv. cream of rice cereal mix in 2.5 serving egg protein and 2 tablspoons of flax seed oil and pending on how many bannanas you eat you get anywhere from 750-1000 cals.
hope that helps you lil guys that cant eat lol
Hey bigger the bread you are eating isnt going to help your cause any....if you have to eat bread eat ezekial break. An easier way to get calories is to eat rice cake w/pb on them or add pastas and rice
I freaking hate you people! Biotch especially!!! (how can i be down)

I am fighting to stay around 2000 cal right now so I can drop weight, and it's a pain in my ass!! I'm hungry all freaking day!!

The best man in my wedding is the exact same way as you bastards like Biotch... he has competed in several shows, and always maintains about 7% BF and he's like 5'8 200. All he freaking eats is Carl's Jr, Carne Asada Burritos, Pizza, Taco Bell, Wendys, or any other damn fast food place that I have to plan my driving so I don't even pass by them!

Lucky Stiffs!

cyberstefke said:
Lucky you. I can 't understand you can 't eat that much personally. I can eat up to 6000 cals a day without being on and still be hungry.

Just add a litle more healthy fats to the diet and you will be ok. Switch tuna for salmon and so on! You can also use some EFA oils. They will add calories and wont make you fat!!

i also can eat non-stop and still be constantly hungry. Especially in the morning and afternoon i eat a lot.
Shakes are so easy to down...I just started trying out Nlarge2 by Prolab...600 calories with water....try this. Good stuff!

Whole food takes so much time to cook, eat, and you get full on less calories. I struggle to take in 3,000 calories a day between 3 whole meals and 3-4 shake meals.

I agree though, if you gradually increase your calories by 200-300 per week and stay consistent, your body gets used to eating A LOT.

Good luck!