I got busted!!

WeirdAl said:
Actually, steroids are legal, and fairly frequently prescribed. They are only illegal to use without a script, and it's illegal for docs to prescribe them for "cosmetic" reasons.

Why do you suppose it's illegal to use without a script & for a doc to prescribe them for cosmetic reasons?
Sachet said:
Why do you suppose it's illegal to use without a script & for a doc to prescribe them for cosmetic reasons?

It's not because of the medical community - they were totally opposed to the scheduling of steroids.

I suppose it's because steroid abuse was considered rampant in the 80's, and the government, ignoring the opinions of the medical community, wanted extremely tight reigns and severe punishment for said abuse.
Sachet...contrary to what tv and newspapers say....Anabolis steriods do no affect your genetic makeup...nor are they harmful if used properly....testosterone is in our bodies naturaly.....its what makes us guys GUYS! by only supplementing our natural production with much more test is not going to affect your genetic makeup or cause birth defects.....it only makes your natural sperm production lower ....it is not like the little wee one is going to come out with muscles or have birth defects that arent caused by something else.....let us know what you are thinkin girl!
I haven't read anything from newspapers or TV on the topic..

What are some of the known side affects, dedprez?
You don't think it's possible to pass a genetic predisposition to some of the diseases through sperm if someone has been abusing?
Perhaps they're not harmful if used 'properly'.. but, how many guys stop?
Since clinical studies are not available to provide anyone with concrete evidence supporting that claim, I wouldn't be anxious to go forth & multiply under the impression that it's 100% safe.

I'm not against someone using them if it makes them feel better about themselves.. it's like a woman getting a tittie job.
I just think more caution should be used if your significant other is not aware you're using & she wants to get pregnant.
At least give her the opportunity to form an opinion..
Sachet said:
What are some of the known side affects, dedprez?

You don't think it's possible to pass a genetic predisposition to some of the diseases through sperm if someone has been abusing?

Are you correlating side effects with diseases?

Your statement "genetic predisposition to diseases", means what? Please explain what you think that means in regards to AAS usage.

Perhaps its just me Sachet, but it seems you are beating around the bush here, or you aren't quite sure on what you wish to say.
Sachet....so...you are telling me that becuz alcohol and tobacco are "legal" then it is ok to do them??and they do not cause disease and birth defects in babies??come on now...i c your point tho....on telling your other significant partner...but for some guys that is just not an option...but to think that AS causes disease in unborn babies is ludacris....you said it yourself ..."genetic predisposition" you cant change genetics....
i am really glad that this is getting brought up and discussed...especially from a womans point of view as well...it may open the eyes of some women and men alike on what each other is thinking
actual prez it is on the side of a pack of smokes that it will and has caused birth defect. This is not the case with my persribed upjohn testosterone. It is persribed to me from my doctor. I asked about this specificly. He stated that it will just lower my sperm count.I hope he is correct??? Well he is the doctor.
O yea shug I went through the same thing about 2 years ago. She was upset at 1st but after she looked into it on her own she was ok with it. Just as long as I cycle and have doctors orders.
I can see her point, a women should be fully aware of any substance a father is using if they're going to have a child. In my defense I've had my children and my soldiers aren't armed.
rico...i know that...i was making the comparison that just becuz something is "legal" doesnt mean it isnt harmful...it is just misinformation that is sent out and people grab bits and pieces of it...and everything gets out of context
BigShug, I am glad that it is finally out. Especially since I knew and had to hide it too! She probably hates me now, anyway like always if anything were to happen between the two of you, you have a room at my house.
auriflex said:
Are you correlating side effects with diseases?

Your statement "genetic predisposition to diseases", means what? Please explain what you think that means in regards to AAS usage.

AAS usage has some known side effects which could snowball into several different diseases.
As far as explaining the genetic predisposition to diseases.. if a child has a father who is alcoholic, that child is going to be predisposed to alcoholism.
The same would be true with cancer, high blood pressure, depression, brain chemical imbalances, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, gynecomastia, etc. which may not be in a guy's family history, but may develope it from using steroids over a period of time before he decides to start a family.
This all stays in his genetic history which could be passed on to his offspring.
I'm not claiming he will absolutely develope a disease by using steriods & pass it on to his children, but there's enough red flags are out there to spark a heads up.

auriflex said:
Perhaps its just me Sachet, but it seems you are beating around the bush here, or you aren't quite sure on what you wish to say.

Well, this is a business.. if you catch my drift :cool:
dedprez* said:
Sachet...contrary to what tv and newspapers say....Anabolis steriods do no affect your genetic makeup...nor are they harmful if used properly....testosterone is in our bodies naturaly.....its what makes us guys GUYS! by only supplementing our natural production with much more test is not going to affect your genetic makeup or cause birth defects.....it only makes your natural sperm production lower ....it is not like the little wee one is going to come out with muscles or have birth defects that arent caused by something else.....let us know what you are thinkin girl!

Yes, testosterone is in the body naturally.
Anabolic steroids are 'chemicals that are similar to the male hormone testosterone'.. which causes the problems with reduced sperm production, shrinking of the testicles, impotence, difficulty or pain in urinating, baldness, infertility, development of boobies and increased risk for prostate cancer.
If you're merely just supplimenting, why do most users notice permanent hair loss?

This is kinda all new to me & you're really putting my mind to the test here dedprez :)
I came to this site awhile ago to learn, but I always end up using my time to chitty chat with you people! *lol*
SoOo be nice cause I'm learning along the way..

I know quite a bit about how powerful hormones can be when there's an imbalance, so I'm assuming AAS use the same pathways..
I'm thinking in terms of how AAS affect cells though kinase pathways and most definately driven by at least one atypical receptor.
See, although testosterone is an active hormone, its primary function in the areas of the body & brain is as a prohormone.
Testosterone has to be converted in areas of the central nervous system and then it continues to send its messages to the rest of the body.
When you pump steroids into the bloodstream, it travels through organs and muscle throughout your entire body.
Steroids would most likely react by surrounding individual cells in your organs.
Then they'd pass through the cell membranes to enter the cytoplasm of the cells.
The AAS cling to receptors in the cytoplasman then enter into the nucleus of the cells.
The steroid*receptor combination or complex is then able to change the functions of the genetic material & spark the production of new proteins.
SoOo yes, it appears your genetic material IS being changed.
It's the newly formed proteins that carry out the effects of the steroids.
That's how steroids end up altering the liver, kidneys, heart, brain and reproductive organs.
I'll hafta see if anyone knows anything about it's effects on the brain.. I'm sure it has to throw off brain chemicals & perhaps that's why there's so many guys complaining about depression.

dedprez* said:
Sachet....so...you are telling me that becuz alcohol and tobacco are "legal" then it is ok to do them??and they do not cause disease and birth defects in babies??come on now...i c your point tho....on telling your other significant partner...but for some guys that is just not an option...but to think that AS causes disease in unborn babies is ludacris....you said it yourself ..."genetic predisposition" you cant change genetics....

Nope, it's not okay to do alcohol or smoke just because it's legal.
There's many over the counter drugs that could do some serious damage to babies as well..
The choice is yours.
The reason I brought up the legal part was because if it's a controlled prescription for a steroid, their physician controls the duration & is monitoring them.

Why isn't it an option for some guys to tell their significant partner?
as far as it not being an option of telling their partner....i mean imagine being with someone that is so unwilling to learn about a subject that they dont understand and have only read the BAD things about AS usage... and trying to convince them that it is ok...people are people....meaning many people are inconsiderate to what others feel and need...only care for themselves....when a woman gets something done to make themselves look better it is ok...but when a male does something to look better or feel better about themselves such as AS it is wrong?people have plastic surgery for every reason imagineable....easy way out...self confidence...same with AS.....just imagine if you have been with a woman for say 5 years and have 2 healthy kids and have been cycling on and off for the last 2yrs...and your partner is against AS usage...would you tell them and destroy your entire lives and the childrens (potentially) ??some people are stubborn and not willing to change...it is the way we are and way we always will be...

and well...enough rambling...those are my views probably dont make sense but oh well