I got busted!!

Ok, so I'm back and I feel like I need to clear up a few things.
1. I already have two children, conceived way before I ever started using AS, and we don't plan on having any more
2. I certainly don't believe that steroids will affect my chromosomal DNA, which is what I'd pass to my children if I had more in the future
3. Why didn't I tell her in the first place? Well, mostly the misconceptions about AS kept me from coming out in the open. Already, some of the questions she's asked directly reflect the propaganda that the media hypes up surrounding steroids and their use. I did a lot of research, spent lots of time here and at Fitness Board and decided that it was something I wanted to do that wouldn't hurt anyone and would best be kept a secret. C'mon, she's lied to me in the past about her smoking....isn't that just as bad? I know, I know. Cigarettes aren't illegal. But they've been proven to cause far more health complications not only for the user, but also for anyone in the immediate vicinity as well.

I didn't think I'd get beaten up over the fact that I didn't tell her initially, especially since I admitted my mistake and expressed my remorse for damaging the trust between my wife and myself.

Bottom line? I'm glad this has happened. I've gotten a feel for just how special a person I married. Yeh, I knew that before, but this just goes to show how deep her emotions for me run. I'll certainly never lie to her in the future.....
bigshug said:
2. I certainly don't believe that steroids will affect my chromosomal DNA, which is what I'd pass to my children if I had more in the future.

No? Interesting.
You researched all your 'facts' where?

Quickie lesson in molecular biology... genes to proteins~
The instructions for growth and development of all organisms is coded within molecules of nucleic acid: deoxyribonucleic acid {DNA} and ribonucleic acid {RNA}. Nucleic acids have four characteristics which allow them to function as storage molecules for the genetic instructions: they can replicate, i.e., they are able to direct the manufacturing of exact copies of themselves; they can undergo chemical alterations, or mutations,which can be passed to future generations; their sequence possibilities can function as code; they are able to use this code information to direct the synthesis of proteins -- the final products of gene expression -- which are essential to all cells. The central dogma for the expression of genes is:
DNA {the genetic blueprint} to RNA {the messenger} to POLYPEPTIDE {ie. protein} and a single gene encodes a single protein.

DNA contains all of the instructions needed to create polypeptide chains {chains of amino acids}. These polypeptides either form a 3 dimensional structure by themselves, or in conjunction with other polypeptide chains. These structures are proteins. Proteins are the products of gene expression, and they work throughout the body in various ways. They are involved, as enzymes, in catalyzing cellular reactions; they are structural components of various tissues; they are signaling and receptor molecules; they are regulatory molecules. Their importance is fundamental to all existing organisms. Their structure, then, must be faithfully built with each new cell and organism. Thus the importance of maintaining a complete set of instructions in the DNA of each cell.

DNA never leaves the nucleus, however; the instructions are copied, or transcribed, in the nucleus, to another form: RNA. These RNA molecules are modified and then they leave the nucleus, to the cellular cytoplasm. It's in the cytoplasm where the instructions are finally translated to form the protein product. Gene expression refers to the building of a protein product from instructions contained in the DNA. The three major phases of gene expression, then, are: Transcription, wherein DNA instructions are copied to RNA Modification of the RNA transcripts Translation of the RNA transcripts to a polypeptide product.
I only told one of my girlfriends. She was understanding about it. But she lived in a city 1 hour from me. I make sure not to tell any girl I am dating in town. You never know who is going to be on your bad side and word gets around fast in a small town.
Honestly, you can say the same thing about just about every medicine. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids are a widely prescribed medicine, both here and abroad, that have gone through the same testing that other medicines have gone through. They have been around for over 50 years. Yes, they are hormones, and hormones are very special, but there are all sorts of things that are either hormones, or chemically very similar to hormones, that we come into contact with every day. Soy, pesticides, fertilizers... Animals that we eat are given hormones, etc.

All these things are potential concerns, but we can and should have the same concern about all sorts of things. Hopefully everyone that uses AAS understands that there are risks associated with that usage. I personally don't think the risk to a man's sperm is very great, other than it will most likely be less potent while he is "on". Sperm, unlike eggs, are constantly produced. But I certainly don't see your dna being mutated by a little bit of extra hormone that is either the same as, or chemically very similar to, the hormones your body naturally produces.
Hopefully no one is criticizing you, bigshug! I think this is a good, healthy conversation. I'm sure you don't feel great about feeling like you had to keep it from your wife - no one would. And I'm happy for you that it's out in the open between you, now.

Hopefully your wife won't be like mine when I talked to her about it and told her I was interested in AAS, and tell my mom, etc.
Sachet, I am impressed your knowledge of subject or recent research is impressive. Having been around tons of steriod use at the division 1 college football level I know that repeated sterios use does change personalities if abused over a period of time.

However, they are safe when perscribed or cycled for the proper periods of time and then removed from the body allowing the body to return to its normal production levels.

Therefore, I believe Sachet is right that they can change DNA instructions......IF ABUSED and use improperly probably over long periods of time. However, proper cycling on and off is likely to aviod long term changes and effects.

The problem is many users do not cycle off properly.

Personally I have a full head of hair and no achne and that was a priority for me in college so I avoided much of that and may have shot some b12 here and there. I was happy with a bench of 365 a deep squat of 495, a military press of 315(almost got the team record of 325) and the heavy roiders where only benching a little more like over 400 and they had a bigger dropp off once off the juice.

I do admit that now that I am a little bit older and a friend of mine has connections to product through this site I have been tempted.
He has a whole laundry list of product.
bigshug...we are over and beyond you...meaning we are just talking in general i believe.....as far as the gene changing thing...i dont know....if DECADENT would ever get his bitch ass on here he may shed some light on the subject....and again..Sachet...i understand where you are coming from
Incrediblebulk said:
Therefore, I believe Sachet is right that they can change DNA instructions......IF ABUSED and use improperly probably over long periods of time. However, proper cycling on and off is likely to aviod long term changes and effects.

The problem is many users do not cycle off properly.

Thank you for your kind words, Incrediablebulk ;)
Yep, my intent was just to bring awareness regarding how important it is to your body to do AAS in moderation.
Molecular biology normally doesn't get thought about when guys merely have muscle on their minds :p *lol*

I apologize to anyone I may have offended..
Sachet said:
Well, this is a business.. if you catch my drift :cool:

While I am looking into your other statements, so I can better understand them - this last one I do not understand at all.

i believe she is "ASSUMING" that becuz it is a multi million dollar a year biz (drug companies) that they overlook the health and side effects...this may be true...somewhat....yes and no
dedprez* said:
i believe she is "ASSUMING" that becuz it is a multi million dollar a year biz (drug companies) that they overlook the health and side effects...this may be true...somewhat....yes and no

bad example bro, drug companies would sell the ebola virus if the fda would approve it
auriflex said:
While I am looking into your other statements, so I can better understand them - this last one I do not understand at all.


What's so difficult to understand? :rolleyes:
I don't wanna get banned from the board.

Sachet, the farthest thing you have to worry about is getting banned. Please, post more of the info you have....obviously it's a subject about which you know a ton, and I'd offer that we can ALL learn more about AS usage and it's possible sides.....
You know what Sachet?? I think u better go with your gut ((like youre always saying)) and jus t be here for fun so that u dont put ppl on the defensive.
sugaa said:
You know what Sachet?? I think u better go with your gut ((like youre always saying)) and jus t be here for fun so that u dont put ppl on the defensive.

y would you say that??i think everyone is expressing their views...not on the defensive....just tired of people believing media bullshit...regardless whether or not if it pertains to this subject or not...just in general
C'mon Sachet and Sugaa, don't keep your thoughts/ opinions to yourselves. We want to hear them. Even if we don't agree totally. No one agrees totally with everything all of us have to say, but we still want to share what each of us is thinking. It provides food for thought, and things we may not have thought about before.