i see another 1-AD coming along

I try to eat every three hours. Make sure your getting a good postworkout meal ,plenty of protein and plenty of carbs. I have been steadily gaining weight since I upped my carbs.
well i dont actually eat it i have a friend that works up at gmc so i get real good discoutn on the american mass and other things like that i think its 60g per serving i take 3 a day so really not double my weight but more than my wieght , but thats just as of right now
well i dont think im talking my cousin out of it......is there anything else he needs to take with this so he dont screw himself too bad, anything we need to watch out for? and information about the cycle.......im thinking ill see how it does for him then i might try but not sure sticking to my protein and diet for now..
make sure he picks up some 6-oxo for post cycle therapy... a few bottles is all he needs to get his test levels back to normal....

You mentioned working out 5 days a week. What does your work-out split look like? If you are doing too many days on the same body parts, you will hinder rather than help your gains. make sure you get plenty of rest/recovery time.
No offense, bro, but you don't sound like you really know what you're doing, thus getting into.

I recommend that you train a while longer, get to know your body better, work with your diet and if you want more, then you may think about doing a cycle.

This is just my advice.
92StangMan said:
No offense, bro, but you don't sound like you really know what you're doing, thus getting into.

I recommend that you train a while longer, get to know your body better, work with your diet and if you want more, then you may think about doing a cycle.

This is just my advice.

no im not doing it im trying to fix my diet my cousin is the one who i cant talk out of. Your right i dont really understand everything thats why im trying to research.
alright well my little bro only 16 freaking yrs old wants to do it i told him not to even bother with it but i got a feeling he will get my cousin to buy it for him and theyll go off and work out and not tell me about it. Now for a 16 yr old how bad can this be, if he takes the right dosage is he going to be ok? hes he going to end up in a hospital or anything like that? i heard it can be very bad to your liver does this affect it to?
Go knock your bro upside his head. 16-years-old and juicing? You made a post here three days ago asking about 1-AD so I figure he really hasn't read much about it and the other steroids.

Do the right thing and tell your cousin to NOT buy it for him.
haha i told my cousin i strait up kick his ass if i found out he gave my bro any of that....and then told my bro that it makes ur cock real small (which i know it doesn't but he believes it)
footballcat said:
lol, good way to make him not to use them. Good job SWB

lol that would stop most guys right then and there my cousin was wanting to know that since he swallows the pill does it affect his liver like some others do?

alhtough he still is confused about 6-oxo what does that help with?
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6-oxo is used post cycle because during your cycle your test levels will get increased so what 6-oxo does is it helps with the recovery time by helping your test levels get back to normal... VERY IMPORTANT if u want to keep your gains...

also make sure u are still eating as if u'r on the cycle post cycle as well... many uneducated n00bs will lose ALL their gains post cycle..
sidewayzisbest said:
haha i told my cousin i strait up kick his ass if i found out he gave my bro any of that....and then told my bro that it makes ur cock real small (which i know it doesn't but he believes it)
LOL . That'll make anyone rethink about it. :D At 16 he has all the natural test and gh he needs to make good consistent gains. Training large body parts like back and legs really intense will cause the largest realeases of natural hormones in the body and at that age it would be more than enough to see good growth provided the training an nutrition part are proper.