Im starting to not believe in PCT


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I have been reading alot lately on peoples opinions on post cycle therapy
and alot are saying that when you come off you should allow your body to recover on its own
By taking PCT drugs you are not allowing your body to work on its own
and produce the natural levels it wants too
So maybe taking nolvadex, clomid, HCG; is not really necessary.
I am getting my info from top national level competitors and there is also an article in this months Muscular Devolpment written by Lee Priest stating the same thing.

What are everyone else's views on this subject?
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Well acording to the old school they knew nothing of pct. Arnold,steve reeves,big louie, and franco never used it and where f'in huge gods for there time.
most the them never come off anyway so PCT is not an issue..i think for the rec BB who engages in AAS activity its a good idea
I also have read by the time you come off the gear that the anabolic levels are so low that your body just picks up where you left off. HCG also raises estrogen as well which will cause bitch tits. so how good is it really you keep some weight but you grow boobs.
38532nd said:
I also have read by the time you come off the gear that the anabolic levels are so low that your body just picks up where you left off. HCG also raises estrogen as well which will cause bitch tits. so how good is it really you keep some weight but you grow boobs.

that is only the case if you misuse HCG it will have a reverse effect
Wow this is an interesting topic. Assuming you come off once in awhile, what has your personal experience been with PCT thus far? Have you been able to keep most of your gains using the PCT methods you’re thinking twice about? You (SPC) said you started off with a deca only cycle…I’m assuming you didn’t use any PCT there…how did that all work out in the end in terms of muscle retained a couple months after you stopped?
well i think my experiance with it is the same as everyones else's
and that is we dont know!
How do we know if our test levels are back or if our estrigens is too high, how do we really know if everything is back to normal
no i did not use PCT prior to my first deca cycle
but now that i am a national level BB; i am using more and coming off less
i also have always felt that if your just starting out or only take a mild dose of AS that PCT is definately not necessary
MMX2 said:
SPC is correct. Regardless, I don't like HCG after a cycle.
why? I think you stated that you never actually are off anymore. Would you even need HCG at that point? Isnt it kinda pointless?
I know over the years that I've read studies but I never saved any of them but through my own personal experience I know you can taper certain drugs without losing any of your gains. for instance Winny doesn't require an extensive PCT so I know lots of people who have run a cycle and then ended with 8 weeks of Winny or Primo and Proviron in place of PCT. I myself have run Winny and IGF cycles (with Proviron) without running PCT and didn't lose any size but maybe a little strength. I'd love for someone to chime in with studies or papers on Clomid and/or Nolva
to throw in my 2 cents I am a firm believer of PCT... I usually cycle 10 weeks on and then 10 weeks my early cycles I never did PCT and lost quite a I use PCT and for the most part keep almost all of my gains-my PCT is fairly simple though...IGF-1, creatine,clomid, and clen
still lift heavy and keep eating heavy :puke:
why do you ad clen in and for how long?

Also, there is a sticky on the board and no offense to great guy who wrote it but I found it to be confusing and hard to follow...all in all a real POS. ANyone know of any better ones?
I add in the clen to keep the cortisol levels in check so that I don't get a huge spike at the end of the cycle-it also helps with the metabolic lag...maybe it's just my metabolism
I doubt its just you. I plan to use the stuff myslef when I complete the cycle I'm on. I have heard many people using this stuff inbetween cycles and for PCT. At this point I plan to use HCG, CLOMID, CREATINE & CLEN. I just can't see not using any PCT for the same reasons you mentioned above. Perhaps PCT is something more for rec BB'rs rather than pros
Even with anti-estros, I have an issue with HCG use post cycle. I have used it during with ok results, but for most I think its not needed. That is my two cents with using for over 20+ years.
an idea that I'm kinda kicking around is after a cycle to go ahead and do my PCT as usual but then also throwing in a 4 week cycle of insulin and IGF...
so it would look something like this-
on cycle 1st and last 4 weeks AAS, insulin, IGF
after cycle PCT
4 weeks after cycle resume insulin and IGF
break for 4 weeks
I did a first cycle which consisted of only Sustanon 750mg. a week 3 injections spread out for 10 weeks.I did PCT for 1 month with Nolvadex then because my system was shut down I tried Clomid 100mg.a day for a month and its been around 3 months and PCT didn't do nothing to me.I've even tried Tribulus and ALRI Ultra-Hotter with no results,my body is shut down so bad that I have no sex life at all!What do you guys think I should do HCG maybe,if so how much and for how many days?