Jason artnz's cycle to turn pro


New member
Got it from another forum...supposedly this guy knew him well....unfortunately he wrote in a hard to read format....but without further ado:

This is the actual pre-contest cycle Jason Arntz used to win the Nationals heavyweight & overall in 1998, thus earning him his pro card. Keep in mind that Jason was always very lean year round. Also, we didn't know as much as we do today...ENJOY.....10 WEEKS OUT..........SUSTENON>250mgs,eod/drop 10 days to show.........TESTOSTERONE PROPIONATE>100mgs,eod/alternating days with the sustenon/drop 5 days to show...........EQ>150mgs,eod/taken on the sustenon days/drop 10 days out.........PRIMO DEPOT>100mgs,eod/taken on the propionate days/drop 3 days out.........WINSTROL INJ.>100mgs,eod/on sustenon days/drop 2 days out.........D-BOL>45mgs,daily/split into three doses of 15mgs every 8 hours/from week 10 to week 6............ANADROL(replaces the d-bol)50mgs,daily/split into two doses of 25mgs,every 12 hours/from 5 to week 3///then up the ANADROL to 100mgs,daily/split into two doses of 50mgs,every 12 hours..........GH>6iu's daily/split up into two, 3iu doses,8am & post-workout(btwn 1 & 3 pm)/taken up to show...........T3>25mcgs,daily/one dose/from week 8 to week 4///then up the t3 to 50mcgs,daily/split into two doses of 25mcgs,every 12 hours/taken up to show........CLEN>80mcgs,daily/for weeks 10 & 9///120mcgs for weeks 8 & 7///160mcgs for weeks 6 & 5///200mcgs for weeks 4 up to the show..........HCG>4 weeks out(28 days)take 1,000iu's daily for 10 straight days ending 18 days out...........ARIMIDEX>0.5mg,daily/weeks 10 to 6///then up the dose to 1mg,daily from week 5 to show.............PROVIRON>50mgs,daily/weeks 8 to 6///then up the dose to 100mgs from week 5 to show..............NUBAIN>taken as needed(shots every hour/24 shots per day)..............DIAZIDE>begin Thurs. evening at bedtime/continue through the night show/doses every 6 hours(more or less).

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It's really not that crazy..besides the nubain....but I know some guys who pop 4 or 5 vicodin a day plus adderall or ritalin just to get thru it....

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JonFlex is good friends with jason...maybe he can chime in and say if its true or not
Got it from another forum...supposedly this guy knew him well....unfortunately he wrote in a hard to read format....but without further ado:

This is the actual pre-contest cycle Jason Arntz used to win the Nationals heavyweight & overall in 1998, thus earning him his pro card. Keep in mind that Jason was always very lean year round. Also, we didn't know as much as we do today...ENJOY.....
10 WEEKS OUT..........
- SUSTENON>250mgs,eod/drop 10 days to show
- TESTOSTERONE PROPIONATE>100mgs,eod/alternating days with the sustenon/drop 5 days to show
- EQ>150mgs,eod/taken on the sustenon days/drop 10 days out
- PRIMO DEPOT>100mgs,eod/taken on the propionate days/drop 3 days out
- WINSTROL INJ.>100mgs,eod/on sustenon days/drop 2 days out
- D-BOL>45mgs,daily/split into three doses of 15mgs every 8 hours/from week 10 to week 6
- ANADROL(replaces the d-bol)50mgs,daily/split into two doses of 25mgs,every 12 hours/from 5 to week 3///then up the ANADROL to 100mgs,daily/split into two doses of 50mgs,every 12 hours
- GH>6iu's daily/split up into two, 3iu doses,8am & post-workout(btwn 1 & 3 pm)/taken up to show
- T3>25mcgs,daily/one dose/from week 8 to week 4///then up the t3 to 50mcgs,daily/split into two doses of 25mcgs,every 12 hours/taken up to show
- CLEN>80mcgs,daily/for weeks 10 & 9///120mcgs for weeks 8 & 7///160mcgs for weeks 6 & 5///200mcgs for weeks 4 up to the show
- HCG>4 weeks out(28 days)take 1,000iu's daily for 10 straight days ending 18 days out
- ARIMIDEX>0.5mg,daily/weeks 10 to 6///then up the dose to 1mg,daily from week 5 to show
- PROVIRON>50mgs,daily/weeks 8 to 6///then up the dose to 100mgs from week 5 to show
- NUBAIN>taken as needed(shots every hour/24 shots per day)
- DIAZIDE>begin Thurs. evening at bedtime/continue through the night show/doses every 6 hours(more or less).

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Maybe that will make it a little easier to read.
That's really not too exteme, but like you said the Nubain is out there, but I've heard of a lot of people using it, normally powerlifters though. I wouldn't think he'd still use it though, but that's just me. 12 years later, I'd have to think he's got vicodin, percs or something else, but really who knows.
Nubain has turned a lot of guys into junkies. The problem is that it binds so weakly to the receptors that it's like a "cock-tease". You can take 10 million mgs but it has what we call a "ceiling". You can't OD on it. It's not even scheduled. We use it a lot in labor and delivery. Buprenex would be better for what they are trying to achieve but really this class of drug should be left alone. If you have a genetic predisposition for addiction, then this would trigger it. I have seen a few guys take this only to lead them to the harder drugs.
Nubain has turned a lot of guys into junkies. The problem is that it binds so weakly to the receptors that it's like a "cock-tease". You can take 10 million mgs but it has what we call a "ceiling". You can't OD on it. It's not even scheduled. We use it a lot in labor and delivery. Buprenex would be better for what they are trying to achieve but really this class of drug should be left alone. If you have a genetic predisposition for addiction, then this would trigger it. I have seen a few guys take this only to lead them to the harder drugs.

its not scheduled? i find that hard to believe
I didn't even know a person could get Nubain still -- I have yet to see a single source carry in the last 4 years or so. But viks seem like a less addictive, perhaps even more effective rout.

the funny thing is, Nubain came out as a less adddictive narcotic--a morphine/vik, etc replacement

But yea, the drug isn't scheduled in the US as of the alte 70s (with the exception of Kentucky for whatever reason).
I didn't even know a person could get Nubain still -- I have yet to see a single source carry in the last 4 years or so. But viks seem like a less addictive, perhaps even more effective rout.

the funny thing is, Nubain came out as a less adddictive narcotic--a morphine/vik, etc replacement

But yea, the drug isn't scheduled in the US as of the alte 70s (with the exception of Kentucky for whatever reason).

I've never seen nubain honestly...Vikes aren't benign either...I know a guy who takes 8-10 a day for the last 5 years...he's a talk box one minute and a recluse the next...an if he runs out....

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Got it from another forum...supposedly this guy knew him well....unfortunately he wrote in a hard to read format....but without further ado:

This is the actual pre-contest cycle Jason Arntz used to win the Nationals heavyweight & overall in 1998, thus earning him his pro card. Keep in mind that Jason was always very lean year round. Also, we didn't know as much as we do today...ENJOY.....10 WEEKS OUT..........SUSTENON>250mgs,eod/drop 10 days to show.........TESTOSTERONE PROPIONATE>100mgs,eod/alternating days with the sustenon/drop 5 days to show...........EQ>150mgs,eod/taken on the sustenon days/drop 10 days out.........PRIMO DEPOT>100mgs,eod/taken on the propionate days/drop 3 days out.........WINSTROL INJ.>100mgs,eod/on sustenon days/drop 2 days out.........D-BOL>45mgs,daily/split into three doses of 15mgs every 8 hours/from week 10 to week 6............ANADROL(replaces the d-bol)50mgs,daily/split into two doses of 25mgs,every 12 hours/from 5 to week 3///then up the ANADROL to 100mgs,daily/split into two doses of 50mgs,every 12 hours..........GH>6iu's daily/split up into two, 3iu doses,8am & post-workout(btwn 1 & 3 pm)/taken up to show...........T3>25mcgs,daily/one dose/from week 8 to week 4///then up the t3 to 50mcgs,daily/split into two doses of 25mcgs,every 12 hours/taken up to show........CLEN>80mcgs,daily/for weeks 10 & 9///120mcgs for weeks 8 & 7///160mcgs for weeks 6 & 5///200mcgs for weeks 4 up to the show..........HCG>4 weeks out(28 days)take 1,000iu's daily for 10 straight days ending 18 days out...........ARIMIDEX>0.5mg,daily/weeks 10 to 6///then up the dose to 1mg,daily from week 5 to show.............PROVIRON>50mgs,daily/weeks 8 to 6///then up the dose to 100mgs from week 5 to show..............NUBAIN>taken as needed(shots every hour/24 shots per day)..............DIAZIDE>begin Thurs. evening at bedtime/continue through the night show/doses every 6 hours(more or less).

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i'm curious what the gh protocol leading up to this would be.......
nubain is still around...I dont think as many guys take it anymore...but I woundnt know...