Just a few pics

Looking good big man.

Thanks brutha... I don't feel big. People call me monster, and huge, and jacked, but I really don't see it or feel it. Yesterday one of the guys I work with walked into the locker room at work while I was changing and I took my shirt off, and he said, "holy fuck! I knew you worked out and were big, but damn you're a fucking monster". I love that what I'm doing is paying off, but I guess I don't see what everyone else sees.
Just a quick update

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Just a quick update

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Where is weight now brother?
I am following this been for long time!
May I ask if u can please post weight, height, approx bf%, and current stack with dosing at least once per week pretty please sir!!!
It helps me to see changes and what helps with changes besides your hard work.
Also changes in diet!
Please brother!
I ask because I know u are gonna look great awsome at end of your cutting phase but prolly much sooner.
U look great now, but your last cut at around 185 I wanna say u looked fabulous!!!
Think u may hit that look at 190-197 this round.
I am with u keep it going!!!

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