Kigtropin vs. Hygetropin vs. Blue Tops

Here's the pregnancy test from my NQK's They look pretty close to pregnant to me. Maybe underdosed HCG? Ive never done this test before. Is this what I should expect the test to look like if it were HCG?
Here's the pregnancy test from my NQK's They look pretty close to pregnant to me. Maybe underdosed HCG? Ive never done this test before. Is this what I should expect the test to look like if it were HCG?

It's hcg bro.... And it sure the hell matters what's in the vial cause who wants to suppress their system with excess hcg? Hell I even heard of powder being baking soda or manitol.. I myself always want to know what I'm puttin in my body and not sure about everyone else but seems like common sense..
I just stumbled on to you thread and was wondering,,any further results?

I did test another batch of kigs from a different supplier, different batch number, and even some small differences in the way the exp & batch numbers were printed. This batch came back bunk as well. Obvioulsy, I have stopped taking all of the hgh because of these results. However, I still have some generic blue tops left too, and I never tested those. I often think they may actually be ok. I keep telling myself Im going to test them, but I just think I dont want to be let down again. I have spent $1000's on all this bunk shit. I will test the blue tops one day soon.
kings as far as I know are mostly bunk...there isnt as much real HGH out there as guys think...but the truth is most guys coundnt tell if they are doing real HGH or not...
Mike Ross can give his input as well Ill let him know about this thread...
GH testing protocol

Came across another GH testing protocol. Er posted from another forum.

Originally by exphys88, all credit to him:

Here is an easy way to not only test your hgh, but it's also a way for us to prevent fraud by sponsors selling bunk hgh.

The Protocol:

  • Inject 10 iu IM (intramuscular).
  • Have your blood drawn 3-4 hours after injecting.
  • Fasting is not necessary.
  • No strenuous activity for at least 30 min prior to test.

What level represents a "pass?" Our research indicates that injecting 10 iu IM of pharmaceutical grade HGH yields a serum level of between 15-50 ng/mL.

The test that you need to order is a Human Growth Hormone, Serum test. You can order the test at privatemdlabs for about $50. You can usually find a 15% off coupon if you look around also. After ordering the test online, you will then print off the order and take it to the nearest labcorp for the blood draw. There is no need for an appointment. You will have your results in 24-48 hours.

When mixing your HGH, be very careful when injecting the bac water, handling it in a rough manner could destroy the hgh and give you a false negative. Inject the water against the side of the vial and let it run down slowly. Store your hgh in the fridge before and after reconstituting.

We are encouraging guys to post up results in this forum, provided they can show the labs and a pic of the hgh/gear used.

rhGH research:

1) Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of GH: dependence on route and dosage of administration

2) BMC Clinical Pharmacology | Full text | Pharmacokinetics of recombinant human growth hormone administered by (TM) 2, a new needle-free device, compared with subcutaneous administration using a conventional syringe and needle

3) Medscape: Medscape Access

4) Medscape: Medscape Access
Ive decided to do a little experiment. I am currently doing NQK Kigtropins. A friend of mine is doing the Chinese Hygetropin, and my fiance is doing the generic blue tops. All 3 of us have decided to go through LabCorp via Private MD - Buy Lab Tests Online and get a Human Growth Hormone Serum test. My friend on the Hygetropin had his blood drawn this morning. Im scheduled to have mine (Kigtropin) drawn in the morning. And my fiance will have hers done next week (blue tops). I can tell you that the Hygetropin was the most expensive. But based on the results we are seeing, we think the NQK Kigtropins are the best quality. And I almost think the blue tops might be better than the Hygetropin. But, we are going to know for sure when the results start coming in. Im very anxious and I would imagine that all of you would like to know what we learn as well. I will keep you posted.

I understand the benefits of hgh products to men. is it beneficial to women? if so, how?
I understand the benefits of hgh products to men. is it beneficial to women? if so, how?

yes its beneficial for women in much the same way as men, in fat loss, and lean muscle gains, and slowing down father time. We have a bunch of good threads about women and huh if u run a search for it!

Welcome to and what exactly are you looking for the HGH to do for the female?
All three of these gh products are crap. Legitamite kigs don't excist any more. And what is sold, isn't real. You might get 1 iu per ten iu vial.

Best gh is pharma grade saizen pens, norditropin, genotropin, omnitrope, Eli Lilly humatrope. That's it. That's fucking it!! Aq humatrope also, wich is very hard to get.

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There is some Mexican gh too I forgot the name it's pritty good too. Well from reviews I've heard of any way I have no expirience with. It. My gh expirience is just starting to get seasoned.
What MrBigz stated! All this Chinese GH may contain some GH but who the F knows what fillers or peptides they are putting in them. I've seen a ton of generics test high on GH serum test and the same guys test their IGF levels and they are in the 150-250 range.

I've seen Hyges, Rips, Eli's, Jins, Evo's blah blah blah.

Pharm grade is the way to go if you wanna know what you are actually putting into your body.

If I absolutely had to run a generic GH it would me riptropins.

I wont buy any of that shit , il buy Mc igf all day and get results

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I wont buy any of that shit , il buy Mc igf all day and get results

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I wont buy any of that shit , il buy Mc igf all day and get results