Kigtropin vs. Hygetropin vs. Blue Tops

After reading this thread I decided to get mine tested as well so will be going in this morning for blood work and will be sure to post results. Starting to lose faith with the GH out there even though it is from a reliable source. I'll keep everyone posted!
Yeah bro you have to be careful even the sources can't tell what they have a lot of the times, I know their were generic blue tops going around forever, and being sold as 10 i.u vials and all they were was 4 . i.u and and some were just hcg .

I don't fuck with HGH anymore, way too many fakes, good fakes, however even the real HGH i don't use cause it makes my hands to numb and i hate that feeling
Yea that's what worries me most. The pro to con ratio is definitely being outweighed by the cons lately. I remember back in the day when everything seemed so much more potent for what you got. Now too many people have gotten too greedy and look at the short term benefit of making a quick buck rather than having a long term client bases that will generate them more revenue and everyone comes out happy.
Yea that's what worries me most. The pro to con ratio is definitely being outweighed by the cons lately. I remember back in the day when everything seemed so much more potent for what you got. Now too many people have gotten too greedy and look at the short term benefit of making a quick buck rather than having a long term client bases that will generate them more revenue and everyone comes out happy.

couldn't have said it better myself daddio!
Well got some good news on my blood test, the GH level was almost 13ng/ml and normal is 2.9ng/ml so I know mine is legit but I also know most are not
After reading this I'm not going to take a chance with GH. I know MC IGF is legit and I get great results from it. I'm going to stick with that and add in other things
This is a great thread to all that participated.
Kind of answers the question i just posted in my IGF solo

I wont buy any of that shit , il buy Mc igf all day and get results

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I wont buy any of that shit , il buy Mc igf all day and get results

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I wont buy any of that shit , il buy Mc igf all day and get results

Me too!!!