
from what I've heard it burns, and it depends on location. A good bro of mine went to get it done to his back and he couldn't take the pain and had to stop every couple of minutes and they ended up having to cancel his session. From the explanation he gave, some people have more sensitive skin than others but considering that all of us have sensitive balls I'd have to venture to guess that it's going to hurt if they'd even do that area at all.
Too late now, bro, you started it. Personally, I'd like to get my back done. I don't really care about anything else.
Hey, As you get older you get hairyer (spell?) I shave it down w/elect razor
couple times a year (wife does my back) Once I tried that wax stuff that you
put on and rip off. Put it on my back and wife ripped. Now I have a very high
threshold for pain but after the third rip I was screaming " I GOTTA BE FUCKING
bleeding but my wife was on the floor with tears in her eyes from laughing so
hard. I stick to razor now but I think it would be a good idea for SANDIEGO
to try the wax shit on his balls - if he can take that pain lazer should be no
problem. Let us know how it works - LOL
Seriously, I've heard it is expensive and you have to do it a few times for it to take.
Sometimes it comes back - not as bad - but you need more sessions. If you check
it out let us know $$$$. Hey Sandiego - how did the nair work.
sandiego said:
yeah you should hit the chest up too. A hairy chest was cool 30 years ago; chicks don't dig that shit anymore and I don't care for it either. Aslo, try shaving (actually, use Nair) groin and ball area...I did it for a girl I was dating a few years back...yoo'll never go back, trust me.

Actually, my wife loves my hairy chest although I do shave back and front every now and then because I get quite a carpet growing on me. She enjoys trimming me 'down there' too (with an electric razor, btw).
I got my shoulders done about 2 years ago... all in all NOT IMPRESSED! I did 3 sessions, pain was tollerable.. but it was my shoulder, not chest, nuts, etc... I didnt pay for it my GF's mom's best friend ran the office so I got it for free.. 1"x1" costs about 75$ a session... so for you guys that want to get your back done think again, it will cost about $8,000.. now on the other hand a women who wanted hair removed from her upper lip would only run $500, well worth it IMO. Ohhh BTW, my shoulders are about 50% as hairry as they used to be.