Last call for Explosion, our Pre-Workout containing 1,3-DMAA...$15.00, New Flavors

Hey Mike I am going to place an order in the afternoon but i was wondering whats the difference between the Agmatine Sulfate Powder and the Explosion since both are used pre workout for basically the same reasons. It says under the description the Agmatine Sulfate Powder will get you the "pumps" where Arginine (found in the Explosion) can only give similar pumps with large amounts.

Thank you
I plan on stacking both. I love Explosion and would put it up to any other pre wo on the market.
Hey Mike I am going to place an order in the afternoon but i was wondering whats the difference between the Agmatine Sulfate Powder and the Explosion since both are used pre workout for basically the same reasons. It says under the description the Agmatine Sulfate Powder will get you the "pumps" where Arginine (found in the Explosion) can only give similar pumps with large amounts.

Thank you

you can stack them both together and get a better pump than just the explosion alone. The explosion has beta-alanine, creapure creatine, and citrulline which all help with the workout and muscle building process. Not to mention DMAA as well for real energy and focus...
not sure if this is gone yet , so figured i would bump this and ask?
Hey Mike Ross i ordered some more supplements off your website but because for some reason it said my card was "declined" i went through the ordering process again and it seems like both orders went through now. Order numbers #1039 and #1040. Please cancel one of those orders. I sent an email to your website but to be safe am writing it here.