I have wanted to stay out of this cause when it comes to emotions you don't ever know where they are really coming from. Me I'm an asshole most of the time just ask catfish. Lol. That being said I am in a better mood when I'm on cycle wether it's tren, test whatever the combo might be halotestin theirs another one that is suppose to make us aggressive and angry. Now I'm not saying that I can't feel the monster inside, but when I'm on I'm doing what I want my goals are more achievable just a better outlook. So let's be careful what we are blaming for our behavior. Don't worry be happy

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I agree with you brother. I'm just saying that I firmly believe the stuff we put in our body's intensify our emotions. I have my shit wired pretty tight now, after years of hard work. I along with many others have delt with the Green Monster that lurks within all of us. I also beleve that is a great responsibility of ours to keep him under control. As far as intensified emotions. I, like you am a really happy, pumped up, and energetic person when on. As that is my mood most of the time. With that being said, I do snap. And when I do, thing are said and actions occur that can't be taken back. On or off cycle.