Little Concerned

For future reference, if you can ever gather up some anti-biotics, I'd stock pile those so you always have them in case you ever have any doubts about an infection, just take a couple days worth and you're golden
Whats up with this delay in pain im getting? I pin fridays and sat and sunday im perfectly fine like it never happened, then monday and tuesday im popping motrin like its candy because it feels like i got kicked by a mule in my ass. Getting out of bed is more of a challenge than anything, I basically rolled off the bed and hit the floor just so i wouldnt have to bend my legs.
Hey Cenzo, I'm still having bad injections from my current test. It's only 200 mg/ml, but it hurts like hell. I've heated it and that helps a bit, but not a lot. I just did one in the shoulder on Sunday and when it started hurting it was about two inches lower like you said. But, mine starts hurting within about three hours and doesn't stop for about three days. I've got a lot of this test, so I guess it's just something I'll have to deal with. If I stay on top of the Advil, I can keep the pain under control, but I'm tired of getting this from every shot.
Same thing here, the motrins are a life saver.. I understand a little uncomfortableness which i can deal with no problem, but this is stop dead in your tracks pain if i move the wrong way!
I would either work legs or do cardio after pinning to help the oil move, I also used a heating pad once or twice but I never had pain like you all are describing and I had supertest 450. Good luck, not sure im tough enough to keep that up lol.
Yes Dude you are right about the celluitis.. I have a buddy that got it so bad that he bbout lost his arm.. But I never tried benadryl before.. Do you use it on all you shots the get sore ??

If I have any type of reaction I take Benadryl. However my last 3 shots have caused a reaction on only one side of my bilateral applications. Glutes and shoulders. Both are rather high dosed. The Deca is 500mg per ml. The shitty thing is the swelling in my shoulder takes away from the separation between my delt and arms. I'm pretty much of the opinion that it's not an infection or cellulitus so fuck it. If my body would grow and look the way I wanted w/o AAS then it wouldn't have to put up with the shots. I think of it as punishing a stubborn body that refuses to look like Phil Heath's!!
If I have any type of reaction I take Benadryl. However my last 3 shots have caused a reaction on only one side of my bilateral applications. Glutes and shoulders. Both are rather high dosed. The Deca is 500mg per ml. The shitty thing is the swelling in my shoulder takes away from the separation between my delt and arms. I'm pretty much of the opinion that it's not an infection or cellulitus so fuck it. If my body would grow and look the way I wanted w/o AAS then it wouldn't have to put up with the shots. I think of it as punishing a stubborn body that refuses to look like Phil Heath's!!

I feel the same way, Dude. The pain is a small price to pay for the extra muscle I want.
I showed Perfect last night so maybe he can better describe what it looks like.. I have one cheek that looks like a black chicks butt cheek lol.. Its red as hell like a bad sunburn.. I notice that 3-5 days after pin it hurts the worst where i have to make calculated sit and standups and roll off the bed so i fall on the floor instead of sitting up
sounds like your gear sucks bro. Ive pinned 300mg of sust and 100mg of tren in the same pin, and had no pain... pre or post inject
Whats up with this delay in pain im getting? I pin fridays and sat and sunday im perfectly fine like it never happened, then monday and tuesday im popping motrin like its candy because it feels like i got kicked by a mule in my ass. Getting out of bed is more of a challenge than anything, I basically rolled off the bed and hit the floor just so i wouldnt have to bend my legs.

My buddy is going through this with some Test 500 right now. He'll pin on tuesday and be good up until Friday or Saturday then it's horrible, at least that's what he is telling me. I keep calling him a pussy, but I haven't tried it yet. He keeps trying to get me to take a shot so I know what it feels like
I mean as long as its just pain and redness but its not gonna fuck me up i can endure it.. Im due for another pin tomor and this shit still HURTS
Yea, you should be fine bro, are you getting any lumps when it gets sore? My buddy gets a lump the size of a golf ball like 3 days after and it'll last for around 4 days then go away
YUP, exactly.. Lump about the size of a golf ball but it takes a more oval shape. Hurts like a mofo but today i dont even feel the pain.. Like I said friday is the day, then by monday it hurts, tuesday and wednesday i take motrins all day, then by friday the pains gone in time to pin lmao
I don't know why that happens, but that's the exact same thing my buddy is going through with his Test 500
Just a bump up and update since I dont want to create a new thread on this..

Week 4 and im no longer having the pain at the pin site. Just a normal warmth a day or 2 after the pin. Redness has went away as well. Ive been going to the same glute since its only once a week. I feel stronger and im getting much better workouts in the gym. My diet has pretty much stayed the same as usual and my weight is consistently hovering between 201 monday and by friday im around 206. Yes I actually lose weight on the weekends... I feel like im holding more muscle and im staying pumped pretty much all day long! Cant wait to see what the next few weeks have in store
100lb dumbell shoulder press for 9 reps yesterday. Personal Best! Weight is down to 196lbs (actually lost about 8lbs while on) but my carbs are low and im doing 30min post wo cardio..
i get same exact thing sometime when shooting my delts.... i think its from going too deep or too shallow with the pin and hitting the belly of the muscle since its a relatively small muscle

when it happens to me it last for about 4-5 days

i would suggest hitting gluts from now on
Test 300

I took a shot of test 300 and tren 200 toghter two days ago and got a little sore and red but not to bad is this going to be everytime