Liver health

How much do those 2 cost you and how long do they last?

NAC is pretty cheap, you can get it in bulk on Amazon for very little. TUDCA is not cheap, but again Amazon is a great place to get it. Both are over the counter legal in the US.
NAC and TUDCA for me. My liver values are normally just above the normal range due to decades of alcoholism. The NAC and TUDCA combination keeps me just under the top of the normal range, so I know they work.

NAC is pretty cheap, you can get it in bulk on Amazon for very little. TUDCA is not cheap, but again Amazon is a great place to get it. Both are over the counter legal in the US.

It's awesome to find something that works for you.

It would be very interesting to see how taking only Synthergine would affect your numbers
as you are one of the few people that actually have done bloodwork to check if what you are
taking is working.

It would also not cost you any extra if you perform bloodwork as Synthetek would provide
another bottle for free for submitting your results to them.

Also all Synthetek products are legal in the USA and they have a local USA distributor
in place for some time now. So there would be no shipping delays either.
All the boys and girls stacking this that and the other for liver health.. we have a challenge for you.

Take a blood test and see where you are with liver values.

Try our Synthergine without any other supplement that you may be taking for liver health/detox/protection. Use it at the directed dose until you finish the bottle.

Take another blood test to measure the difference.

Whether the results are positive, negative or no change at all we will send you another Synthergine for FREE when we see the before and afters.

While we will not badmouth any other supplement, we will tell you that Synthergine is the only thing you will ever need for your liver and we have yet to see a negative result from any customer that has sent through blood work.

You can get it here:

I am buying some and will try it and report back. My liver values are always high since I exercise so often; I have had to get a GGT test to make sure that my liver health is good because AST and ALT are always high.
It's awesome to find something that works for you.

It would be very interesting to see how taking only Synthergine would affect your numbers
as you are one of the few people that actually have done bloodwork to check if what you are
taking is working.

It would also not cost you any extra if you perform bloodwork as Synthetek would provide
another bottle for free for submitting your results to them.

Also all Synthetek products are legal in the USA and they have a local USA distributor
in place for some time now. So there would be no shipping delays either.

Wow, I will have to do that. I plan on getting blood work soon to see where my numbers fall. Provided they are still at the high end of the range, or higher, I will snag up some synthergine and see what it does. How long after taking it should a blood test be done? I enjoy researching new things that should help me live better.
Anyone ever try the prescription udca or urso?

Yes I have a script for 300mg taken 2x a day. It doesn't do much to lower AST and ALT, but it definitly can't hurt............Just got my Synthetek now I just need to schedule by blood work. I am really excited to see what it does to my AST and ALT ranges!!
Yes I have a script for 300mg taken 2x a day. It doesn't do much to lower AST and ALT, but it definitly can't hurt............Just got my Synthetek now I just need to schedule by blood work. I am really excited to see what it does to my AST and ALT ranges!!
What is it supposed to do?

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Wow, I will have to do that. I plan on getting blood work soon to see where my numbers fall. Provided they are still at the high end of the range, or higher, I will snag up some synthergine and see what it does. How long after taking it should a blood test be done? I enjoy researching new things that should help me live better.

1. You need to have a blood test for baseline values before starting.

2. Start using Synthergine immediately once first blood test is done at the dose
directed by Synthetek:

"Usage: 1ml per 55lbs (25kg) of bodyweight per day split in 2 even doses and
taken 8-12 hours apart"

3. As soon as you take your last dose (finish the bottle) take a second blood test.

Once you have both blood tests send them through to [email protected] with
a copy of your initial purchase and they will send out your free Synthergine.
1. You need to have a blood test for baseline values before starting.

2. Start using Synthergine immediately once first blood test is done at the dose
directed by Synthetek:

"Usage: 1ml per 55lbs (25kg) of bodyweight per day split in 2 even doses and
taken 8-12 hours apart"

3. As soon as you take your last dose (finish the bottle) take a second blood test.

Once you have both blood tests send them through to [email protected] with
a copy of your initial purchase and they will send out your free Synthergine.
Great offer
guys I have in my mind an idea to start my first course. how do you think should I use some supplements for liver protection, already at the first course?
Just depends on what you want to run and what kind of shape you are in on the
inside. I have always done a blood test before ANY cycle to make sure I am ok
and then every 3-6 months while on to make sure that I am still ok.

If you are going to be using anything that is liver toxic such as orals. Then most
definitely Synthergine is all you will need to look after that.

But I would strongly urge you to do the blood work. It's something that everyone
knows they need to do yet something that almost everyone doesn't do until there
is a problem that manifests itself physically.. but by that time damage has very often
already been done.

Having a simple blood panel would saved many lives that have been lost and will
probably be lost in the future sadly.
Yes I have a script for 300mg taken 2x a day. It doesn't do much to lower AST and ALT, but it definitly can't hurt............Just got my Synthetek now I just need to schedule by blood work. I am really excited to see what it does to my AST and ALT ranges!!

Great news. I look forward to seeing how you get on with it.
Just depends on what you want to run and what kind of shape you are in on the
inside. I have always done a blood test before ANY cycle to make sure I am ok
and then every 3-6 months while on to make sure that I am still ok.

If you are going to be using anything that is liver toxic such as orals. Then most
definitely Synthergine is all you will need to look after that.

But I would strongly urge you to do the blood work. It's something that everyone
knows they need to do yet something that almost everyone doesn't do until there
is a problem that manifests itself physically.. but by that time damage has very often
already been done.

Having a simple blood panel would saved many lives that have been lost and will
probably be lost in the future sadly.

thanks J4CKT. have noted
I am about to place my order (sometime today) for Synthergine and am getting the Hormone Panel for Women blood work from PrivateMDlabs taken on Tuesday morning. I will run a log of it, including what I eat and drink so we can all see what I am doing to myself while taking it. Like I said, decades of heavy drinking have left my liver in a slightly damaged state, so I am usually around the upper limits on ALT and/or AST. While taking 1200mg of NAC and 500mg of TUDCA a day, my results were an ALT of 25 (0-44 is the range) which is great for me, but an AST of 42 (0-40 range) so slightly high. Yes, even with all that NAC and TUDCA.
Just depends on what you want to run and what kind of shape you are in on the
inside. I have always done a blood test before ANY cycle to make sure I am ok
and then every 3-6 months while on to make sure that I am still ok.

If you are going to be using anything that is liver toxic such as orals. Then most
definitely Synthergine is all you will need to look after that.

But I would strongly urge you to do the blood work. It's something that everyone
knows they need to do yet something that almost everyone doesn't do until there
is a problem that manifests itself physically.. but by that time damage has very often
already been done.

Having a simple blood panel would saved many lives that have been lost and will
probably be lost in the future sadly.
Quoting this because of how important it is.