liver pain


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Hmm, here is a question...for the past 2 weeks or so I've been having pain located in my lower right rib cage (dull)...usually it's in the morning and it comes and goes.

Sometimes it will move and be in my right side well below the rib cage and sometimes I will feel the same pain on my left side???

I've read that if a person takes too many vitamins that it could cause liver pain and I did start taking a lot of vitamins about 3 weeks ago. I have quit taking all except Liv 52 and BioAstin

been off cycle for about 3 months now

the last time I got blood work done the liver values were a little high but not too bad

not showing any other symptoms of liver problems...such as pale stool, red palms, itchy skin, jaundice, loss of appetite, etc
could be but the blood work showed the kidneys to be fine

wondering if maybe I'm sleeping on my elbow at night and it's digging in
no blood in ur piss? sometimes it just looks like super dark pee when theres actually blood in there, i would drink loads of water and see if that helps, ive had bad aching kidneys, pissing blood and i just needed to drink loads of water to get back on track, to this day no idea how it came about
oh and if ur having the pain on both left and right side, i would guess kidneys over liver
piss is clear...only getting pain on my left side every once in a while

as to the right side which is off and on every day...

could be the kidneys from the over load of vitamins though
piss is clear...only getting pain on my left side every once in a while

as to the right side which is off and on every day...

could be the kidneys from the over load of vitamins though

yep both sides hurt me, throbbing aching pain sometimes, and i know for a fact its my kidneys being stressed from my eca stacks! So starting today i cut way back on them as yesterday my kidneys were hurting so bad i had to lay down and had to drink 2 gallons of water to try an flush em out, For years now ive had this aching come about for a day or two then it goes away, i know its the eca stack and all the fucking ibuprofen i eat! NOT GOOD
oh and it could be Kidney stones bro? I went to dr and got an X-ray, and they found stones, but i wasnt passing them so the pain wasnt likely from the stones, as they said most people have the stones sitting there, and its not til u pass them when it starts hurting
oh and it could be Kidney stones bro? I went to dr and got an X-ray, and they found stones, but i wasnt passing them so the pain wasnt likely from the stones, as they said most people have the stones sitting there, and its not til u pass them when it starts hurting

that's news to me, that could be the problem

I've heard too many vitamins will cause kidney stones
that's news to me, that could be the problem

I've heard too many vitamins will cause kidney stones

yeah not sure what causes the stones, i know people who eat TUMS and Rolaids get stones a lot, calcium i guess, but yeah orals will stress our kidneys and i suppose vitamins?
If the pain is located just under the rib cage on the right, it could be your gall bladder, and you might have a stone. Sometimes the pain will shift to the left. I had dull constant pain in both areas before I had mine taken out although no stones. My gall bladder just wasn't working. Others get stones, and that is a much sharper pain. I would recommend getting an ultrasound since you have already done bloodwork that would seem to rule out the liver.
yep both sides hurt me, throbbing aching pain sometimes, and i know for a fact its my kidneys being stressed from my eca stacks! So starting today i cut way back on them as yesterday my kidneys were hurting so bad i had to lay down and had to drink 2 gallons of water to try an flush em out, For years now ive had this aching come about for a day or two then it goes away, i know its the eca stack and all the fucking ibuprofen i eat! NOT GOOD

What about the ECA stack is harm full to the kidneys?
What about the ECA stack is harm full to the kidneys?

The ephedrine i would imagine cant be great on ur system every single day for the last 17 years,lol, and probably the 325mg daily of aspirin but not sure really, i just figured it had to be this as i dont take any oral steroids and never really have, ofcourse injectable could have fucked me up over the years, but again i dont know
The ephedrine i would imagine cant be great on ur system every single day for the last 17 years,lol, and probably the 325mg daily of aspirin but not sure really, i just figured it had to be this as i dont take any oral steroids and never really have, ofcourse injectable could have fucked me up over the years, but again i dont know

Oh ok. I just wanted to make sure that there weren't any studies showing that ECA directly effected the kidneys.
If the pain is located just under the rib cage on the right, it could be your gall bladder, and you might have a stone. Sometimes the pain will shift to the left. I had dull constant pain in both areas before I had mine taken out although no stones. My gall bladder just wasn't working. Others get stones, and that is a much sharper pain. I would recommend getting an ultrasound since you have already done bloodwork that would seem to rule out the liver.

what are some of the other symptoms that the gall bladder quits working

I can eat a high fat meal without any problem
jaundice is a sing of gall bladder malfunction, as you mentioned eating a high fiat meal would normally cause pain, you can try a gallbladder cleanse, where you shit out all these little green stones.
what are some of the other symptoms that the gall bladder quits working

I can eat a high fat meal without any problem

There can be diarrhea or not seeming to digest all your food. It would still be worth it to do an ultrasound because if your liver is having problems, it will show anything like cysts, etc. The location you gave makes it sound like it's either the liver or the gall bladder.
yeah but what I'm wondering is why does the pain move? could it be radiating?

I'm still going to drop the vitamins for a bit longer and see if that helps

- - - Updated - - -

then again could be trapped gas
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then again could be trapped gas

i know this will sound mad but 2 times ive had this happen once i went to the hospital with suspected burst appendix i was in real pain, did an ultra sound and the old finger up the bum hole after 3 hours in the AE turns out it was gas..
second time was last week went out for food to a brazilian place and had the famous bean soup..for 2 days i had a real bad stomach and pain in my left and right side turns out it was for thought..hahaha get it food for thought..
OP. I would say you might ave gallbladder or liver issues if your pain was right side only. Since your pain moves from side to side, I would ALMOST tend to rule those out. Are you using orals? If so, discontinue them immediately and drink lots of water. Also, cut out the spicy foods. Just a thought.