Long primo/gh run


New member
I'm new here, long time lifter. I'm 51 yo and do typical trt base with occasional moderate cycle now and again. I'm thinking about a different approach for the next 12 mos or longer. I have not used gh before but ready to start. So I'm thinking about the following.

primobolan 500mg/wk
test 250mg/wk
gh 4iu/day

I'm thinking to just run this for a while. My stats are 5'9", 180 lbs and right at 10% bf. I would like to be a few % less on bf. I get reg bloodwork with my trt doc and remain "young and healthy" by those measures. I'm thinking the primo and gh addition will give me a sharper look and help in the quest to be Dorian Gray.

Mostly dosage related. Is the primo high enough to make a difference over time?
My Dr says the typical 2iu dosage in anti aging protocol is very subtle. To the point of having little external effect but hopefully internal positive. I'm not interested in that type of result. Is the 4iu dosage enough to really notice changes I.e. Fat loss, skin health (collagen), recovery etc

That combo is not going to give really noticeable results... and given the cost you would probably feel better about yourself by donating that money to charity. I would do whatever your HRT dose is, a little Deca, and some IGF. IGF gives 98% of the results of legit GH, works ten times faster, and is 1/20 of the cost. I'm always amazed how the drugs that give the most subtle results and sometimes no results.. are regarded as somewhat mythological.
I just approved this post, as it was Moderated for some reason, and only site reps could see it, and "dude" you couldnt see that it was Moderated when you replied? if not i need to fix ur permissions here

anyhow welcome to MC staystrong

and i completely agree with the dude, drop the HGH idea and grab yourself some IGF-1 lr3 , and I cant speak to the primobolan with any real experience so i will leave that alone , but you'll certainly feel the igf-1 lr3 much faster and get from it exactly what your looking for.
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