Losing oil with blood after withdrawing pin?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
First off, let me say, I inject slowly, I leave the pin in for 30 seconds after injecting and I don't think I'm going too shallow.

That being said, tonight I hit my delt and after pulling the pin out a LOT of blood came out. I don't really care about that, but my concern is that I lost a good portion of what I injected with the blood when it came out. I aspirated so I know I didn't inject in a vein, may have nicked one though? Usually I have a little blood come out after withdrawing, but never this much. Not sure if I should pin again or just not worry about it.

The consistency of the blood did seem _different_ than normal. A little thinner perhaps. Not sure if that's because of the oil? I used a 1" pin in my delt, I think that should be plenty. What do you guys think about this? Is it most likely just blood near the surface or could the oil have come out with it?
1'' should be deep enough for delts but i use 1.25 normally and have used 1.5's. if you holding a bit of bodyfat 1'' might not be enough, should be right though, i dont think you would lose much if any oil, chances are you hit somthing on the way out and thats what was coming out of you.
First off, let me say, I inject slowly, I leave the pin in for 30 seconds after injecting and I don't think I'm going too shallow.

That being said, tonight I hit my delt and after pulling the pin out a LOT of blood came out. I don't really care about that, but my concern is that I lost a good portion of what I injected with the blood when it came out. I aspirated so I know I didn't inject in a vein, may have nicked one though? Usually I have a little blood come out after withdrawing, but never this much. Not sure if I should pin again or just not worry about it.

The consistency of the blood did seem _different_ than normal. A little thinner perhaps. Not sure if that's because of the oil? I used a 1" pin in my delt, I think that should be plenty. What do you guys think about this? Is it most likely just blood near the surface or could the oil have come out with it?

I have had this before in my quad, and asked the same question on another board i was a member of till i found MC.

A well respected guy on that board gave me an explanation, even if in this case it was for a different reason.

So you pushed the pin all the way in, aspirated and all was fine. You did your injection which went well, and you followed the routine you like (leaving the pin in for time etc)

Now although the site showed no blood when aspirating, this does not mean that you didnt go through a vein or capillary on the way in to injection depth. So when you pulled the pin out the oil will have stayed where it was meant to be, but as you unplug the hole you just put in whatever it bleeds out from that depth. with the amount your saying it sounds more like a vein you went through, but IMHO the oil will have stayed put.

As i say i did this in my quad, and god knows what i hit cause it went all up the door and wall after i pulled it out and the blood was dark but slightly thinner than i would have expected.

Anyway rambling over, thats one explanation i would go with. I think your oil is safe in the site, just punctured a hose somewhere in there thats all.
OK, thanks for the input guys. Not too worried about the blood, as long as I don't waste any gear!! :D
On this subject... if you aspirate and there is blood in the pin, do you just remove and restick, or is that a wasted dose now? Knock on wood, i haven't had that issue, but I've always wondered what the protocol is, if you aspirate and it has blood.
On this subject... if you aspirate and there is blood in the pin, do you just remove and restick, or is that a wasted dose now? Knock on wood, i haven't had that issue, but I've always wondered what the protocol is, if you aspirate and it has blood.

I just get the blood out and re-stick. I've never had a gusher in 12 years, and I hope I never do, lol.
I would just move the pin back out, I mean, really what's the harm in putting your own blood back in your body? I haven't aspirated and drawn blood, but I've hit plenty of nerves
I've always thought that the blood would clot where you put it since it isn't going to go back in the vein.
So for those who do bilateral, do you always use two pins, or do you pull up double the single side dose and push half then goto the other side and push the other half and in doing so, do you aspirate on both sides?
On this subject... if you aspirate and there is blood in the pin, do you just remove and restick, or is that a wasted dose now? Knock on wood, i haven't had that issue, but I've always wondered what the protocol is, if you aspirate and it has blood.

I have always thought that there is no harm in putting the blood back in ... it is yours after all. But a good question raised about the clotting below .. never thought of that really.
So for those who do bilateral, do you always use two pins, or do you pull up double the single side dose and push half then goto the other side and push the other half and in doing so, do you aspirate on both sides?
I use 3. one to draw, and the other two fresh ones for the sticking
I use a 20g or 18g to draw, then a 23g to stick. I have some 25g that I'll use in my shoulders or tris every now and then. I always wipe the bottle rubber off with an alcohol pad too, just try to be as sterile as possible
Funny the very first pinning i did after commenting on this thread, i shot deca in one glute and test in the other. Deca i had a small amount of oil leak from the site after withdrawel, and the test shot man i thought i'd hit and artery or something lol. You jinx'd me man :D