lost my thumb



I had to go today and get my whole thumb sewed back on , bone and all at the hospital..... No pain meds , just old stuff lying around of my gf's and what not...

I cant do any exercises where I have to use hands or anything ,would it still be fine to workout legs , abs stuff like that.

Or should i just hold off till fully healed then start working out again. Ill still be getting sleep , im just not tired right now to lay down..

also sorry for the wAY im typing , one handed excuse it please
yeah man what happened. If this just happened then i would take it easy on everything till the doc tells you what you can do. No pain meds when you lost your thumb?
Sucks, now you cant beat off with that hand, im sure my boy irish pride can help ya pout with that though bro, no worries! lol j/k hope everything goes ok.
holy shit! !@ ... hope you're ok, and glad you got your damn thumb BACK ON! ... get healthy, and don't fuck w/ losing your thumb... remember basic muscle memory is amazing, and will kick back in when your thumb is fully functional!
I was on a job with scaffolds and brick, getting off the scaffolds i stepped on some brick , that was wet , cause another worker was pouring water down to clean up the excess mortar and pieces of brick out the way , and he still had alot of brick under the scaffold and since it was wet I slipped a little and caught myself , but too bad my hand went down on a broken in half piece of brick , so the brick went into my hand about the width of a brick gash , grazed the muscle a bit.

Went ahead and went to the hospital where the job was and waited in the waitin room holding my thumb while it already wrapped from the boss man after about an hour i was called in get my paper work ready and then went to get it cleaned and stitched and everything.

at this point bone and half the thumb was still attached but had a mind of its own , like it would hang lose , it wa being held on by bone and skin but wasnt really helping , so doctors had to get in and clean out the dirt and they saw tiny pieces of brick in my hand that they couldnt really get to , they said that it would be easier and less risky to cut off my thumb and put it back on after it all gets cleaned out rather than cutting more of my hand to get to it , so they did that.

Im going to get pain meds from my boss man , because the hospital sucked , wrote me down as being a female on my wrist band and paperwork , didnt get my social security number or anything. So not even sure if have to pay at all , and since my boss man is my friend im not going to get him for workmans comp , if anything make him pay the bill straight out of pocket. Only help I got was numbing shots all in my hand which still hurt like a bitch almost had me in tears when thumb got cut off cause you can still feel the bone getting seperated from each other .. For all i knpw pain meds came after but we left
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Wow, glad you still have your thumb! Hope you heal quickly.
Thx me too , I want to get back in the gym and workout , but anything having to do with grabbing or touching I cant do, Squats , lunges with bar on shoulders those types of exercises , and abs , seem pretty doable. So I think ill do what I can.
That sounds absolutely terrible bro. Make sure your boss pays for that shit. It's not your fault it happened at work. Go back to the doctor and get pain meds. I'm sure they'll understand it since you just got your thumb cut off and re-attached. Don't even worry about working out until this heals. Give it a good 6-8 weeks before doing anything that puts pressure on it. You don't want to snap it off again and permanently lose it. Trying to work out is not worth it bro. Just rest and keep your diet up. Take care of that thumb. Keep it clean. Otherwise you'll find yourself with a bad infection and again possibly lose it. Take it easy bro and sorry to hear about this. :(
Sorry to hear that bro. I am with biggerstronger I wouldnt worry about working out until it heals. I know that it is easy for me to say that but you dont want to cause any more pain or damage. Hope that you heal quickly and have a good recovery.
is no one going to give this guy a "thums up" icon?!. sorry bro couldent resist. hope you get full function of the diget soon.
Really sorry to hear this bro, but I'm glad they got you stitched back up. I agree with the above posts about not working out at all. A few reasons to not work out even if you feel you can do legs and abs... your BP goes up significantly when you workout which puts pressure on your thumb even if you're just doing calves. The other thing is that you're going through trauma right now to your whole hand and your body needs to heal and recover. Any exercise will steal away any of the pressure recuperative properties your body is putting towards healing your thumb right now. Good luck bro and stay out of the gym for a while
Thx everybody and will do then. I got a tiny bit of it recorded on cell phone , but they made my gf's sis put the phone up so I might be able to put a small little video up if I can get a hold of her phone. If I could of gotten every bit of it recorded it would of been sick.

The video pretty much only shows when I remove the gauss pad off of it , and keep wiping the blood away as its pouring lasts about 5-6 seconds because the sis couldnt stand watching while she was recording. Then after she looked back the doctor was coming in.
good luck and get well soon bro, any other finger and it's not a big deal but your thumb is very important it's the one thing that seperates us from the Monkeys!
Good thing they got the thumb back on. It would be nasty to have replaced it with
one of your big toe's. (they do that sometimes) I work in a industry where it used
to be common to loose fingers. Hope it mends well. At least give it a couple of weeks
before thinking about working out. Hey Mike, is that all that seperates us from the
n_nighmare said:
I was on a job with scaffolds and brick, getting off the scaffolds i stepped on some brick , that was wet , cause another worker was pouring water down to clean up the excess mortar and pieces of brick out the way , and he still had alot of brick under the scaffold and since it was wet I slipped a little and caught myself , but too bad my hand went down on a broken in half piece of brick , so the brick went into my hand about the width of a brick gash , grazed the muscle a bit.

Went ahead and went to the hospital where the job was and waited in the waitin room holding my thumb while it already wrapped from the boss man after about an hour i was called in get my paper work ready and then went to get it cleaned and stitched and everything.

at this point bone and half the thumb was still attached but had a mind of its own , like it would hang lose , it wa being held on by bone and skin but wasnt really helping , so doctors had to get in and clean out the dirt and they saw tiny pieces of brick in my hand that they couldnt really get to , they said that it would be easier and less risky to cut off my thumb and put it back on after it all gets cleaned out rather than cutting more of my hand to get to it , so they did that.

Im going to get pain meds from my boss man , because the hospital sucked , wrote me down as being a female on my wrist band and paperwork , didnt get my social security number or anything. So not even sure if have to pay at all , and since my boss man is my friend im not going to get him for workmans comp , if anything make him pay the bill straight out of pocket. Only help I got was numbing shots all in my hand which still hurt like a bitch almost had me in tears when thumb got cut off cause you can still feel the bone getting seperated from each other .. For all i knpw pain meds came after but we left

Whoa bro!!! You are entiltled to alot mort than you think as an employee. You have a shit ton of laws that are made to protect you for work related injuries. No matter if its accidental or your fault so make sure you research it all! It doesnt sound like you are union and the nonunion employers hide alot of what your rights are because most guys are not educated on their own rights as an employee. Make sure you get what your entitled to and an accident is never your fault. You also have free legal help if you are discrimminated against for taking action . The law is there for you make sure you use it. Good luck Bro!!
Dude, what you had happen is much more serious than you may think. I agree with Local's post above and Mike's too. I would also get the stuff straight with the hospital. If you have any issues in the future, which may include physical therapy and rehab, your med history is going to be important. This is especially true for possible future surgery if needed.

No one is looking out for you. You need to look out for yourself ASAP. You do sound non-union, so get educated on your own.

Good luck and heal fast!
So sorry to hear about your tragedy. Bone pain is the worse and can't be taken away with meds only anesthesia. You should have been taken to the OR for surgery when your stomach emptied. You may hae aftereffects from this. get your workmans comp in place as you will need follow up visits and hopefully it won't be infected. Many complaications can arise from this. Good Luck