M1T from MC came in the mail today...


damn that was quick. The bottle was quite nice. All 90 accounted for. Poped my first 3 today. Going to add that into my tren and prop cycle.

I'll let you know how it works out for me.

Props to MC for such a quick/fast turnaround.
damn missed this thred as well, bumping it up to see if u started them or not
10? Holy shit! JK

They're working out very well. It in addition to tren/prop, but I can tell there's an extra kick.
one of my bro's is on just M1t and getting great results, I tried it for a few weeks and got surprising results too. got to run the standards PCT's afterwards but well worth it. I was taken back by M1T's effectiveness. a good place toget some good PCT supply supplements would be this place I hear their stuff is good.

Is thier any difference between the liquid M1T and the tabs?

Also, what PCT's should one take?
