Makin first batch of superhumanstrength magic in 3 days.. Got a few recipes.. Any suggestions??

Cyp, deca and test e are some of the easiest to do
start with no more than .9% ba and 5% bb
dissolve in a hot water bath before you add any oil
if your making the above.

your bb ratio is slightly high, it's not necessary since bb
is a solvent but also a thinner
your ba is your microbial preservative that prevents
bacteria from growing.
Cyp, deca and test e are some of the easiest to do
start with no more than .9% ba and 5% bb
dissolve in a hot water bath before you add any oil
if your making the above.

your bb ratio is slightly high, it's not necessary since bb
is a solvent but also a thinner
your ba is your microbial preservative that prevents
bacteria from growing.

Is my brew okay aside from the slightly high bb? Should I do anything to it? I guess what I'm sayin is, what are the consequences of what I've done for this batch?

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If you made it with what you posted it may be slightly
uncomfortable. The excess bb will travel down the muscle
and you will have site soreness longer
and bb in excess can cause scar tissue
If you made it with what you posted it may be slightly
uncomfortable. The excess bb will travel down the muscle
and you will have site soreness longer
and bb in excess can cause scar tissue
10% bb will not cause very much pip.if any watson test cyp is 20% bb

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Mixed with 10% BB it will and the benzoate will cause an inflammatory response in the muscle fibers causing swelling and will cause site soreness.
A lot of companies now use very little BA and mostly BB, its a thinner and a solvent. They also have switched to apricot oil.

If you feel 20% bb in a 10ml vial will not cause site soreness be my guest.:-)
Bout to pin today, worried 2 bottles may have had the filter blow through I guess?? 2 are clouding up

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The two in middle.. When I heat up the right middle one it clears up but has like little tiny bubbles suspended in it then it clouds up again

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Could it be part of dissolved filter? It seems to settle at the bottom if left alone

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