If you allow me dude, extend the tren for min 8 weeks, preferebly i will do 10 weeks, you are just gonna cut it when you will start to see the nice results!! Hehehe. For the amount of testo/tren it is fine. Have you thought to add something else like bolde or maybe masteron if you are really low fat %? Also those amount of tren can maybe give you a little bit of gine, have cabergoline on hand in case. I strongly recommend you too to use T3 always that you use tren. Tren brings down your t3 levels, low t3 levels make prolactin go high, and then can come the gine. A dosis of 25mcgr should be enough, but if you wanna rip much more i will use 50-75mcgr max. No more than 8 weeks of t3 and always doing pyramid. PM if you have doubts!
Btw really interested about LMC raws, i dont really believe on them as i saw 50-50 good-bad reviews....
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