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This was suggested in another thread and I thought the idea deserved its own thread. Lets hear some ideas. meeting at the Arnolds was suggested, with a BBQ for all of us to meet. With everybody spread all over the country/world, maybe a central location could work?
Hell, summer is here and we could still plan something for this year maybe.
I can do august, or whenever. I was thinking of going to the Arnold next year also.
I was planning on going to the Arnolds hopefully, and was thinking a lot of members would be going too.

It would be sweet if we could set it up.
I really enjoyed meeting FBC, and would think we would all have a blast. It wouldn't have to cost a lot, a picnic wouldn't be bad. If we reserve a block of rooms we might be able to get a good deal. My gf does that sort of thing for a living, plans weddings and events. If I ask her real nice she might help with some ideas to set it up.
sounds interesting to me. We 'd have to all go to a buffet place and get a laugh at the owners face when he sees a bunch of large mofo walk through the door. Talk about profit loss LMAO.
I'll talk it over with my gf tonight about helping us out. I don't know what she can do but it wouldn't hurt to see. How would Ohio work for you guys? Not too far from the East Coast, and central states. I guess if we did Denver or something the west siders would only have to go half way. I don't know what the difference would be to fly to Denver or kansas City opposed to the midwest/ Ohio area.
Any other thoughts? maybe we could all go to Al's place and stay at his house. :D
how about cedar point in ohio I just can't seem to grow up lol. Forget Al's place he's dieting he'll probally be cranky LMAO.
It was harvey balboner's idea, I just put it in a new thread.

We could get some space in a park or something.
I could just see us at an amusement park. The vomitron ride with all those bellies full of protein would make quite a sight.
We could have it here, if everyone wants to come to nc! I think ohio would be good, or dc, or heck, anywhere within 8 hours or so from here and I'm there! :D I'm also planning on going to the arnold next year
Do you guys think this year is possible? Or wait till next year?
Cool, let's set up place and time. Badge, you've got the connections. I nominate you to head it up, whaddya say?