MC Igf, damn.


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Gold Member
Its been a few years since Ive used any. Put 25mcgs in each shoulder yesterday and they still feel pumped. This ride is gonna be good.
just checking in with ya bro and seeing how its going and i replied to ur pm
Its been 2 weeks now and my shoulder pain is gone, I can actually sleep on it now. No pain at all when I bench now, not doing alot because I'm not taking a chance of hurting it again, just going for a killer pump and burn nowadays.
Its been 2 weeks now and my shoulder pain is gone, I can actually sleep on it now. No pain at all when I bench now, not doing alot because I'm not taking a chance of hurting it again, just going for a killer pump and burn nowadays.

your not barbell benching are ya? i know i stuck to dumbbells when i had shoulder issues and it worked wonders til i healed up
your not barbell benching are ya? i know i stuck to dumbbells when i had shoulder issues and it worked wonders til i healed up

I do but its the very last thing I do with really light weight just for a pump and burn. With a high rep range of 25 to 30 reps for 4 to 5 sets with about a 45 second rest between sets.
good to hear your training super smart! last thing ya wanna do is reinsure yourself

Yeah man, the days of trying push and pull the heavy weight are gone. I thought about the other day in my younger years when all my joints were healthy pushing 315 for reps on the flat bench and not getting a pump, just ego pushing the weight. Nowadays if the pump comes from light weight thats were I stay. Just applied 60mcg to the chest time to go blow it up.
Yeah man, the days of trying push and pull the heavy weight are gone. I thought about the other day in my younger years when all my joints were healthy pushing 315 for reps on the flat bench and not getting a pump, just ego pushing the weight. Nowadays if the pump comes from light weight thats were I stay. Just applied 60mcg to the chest time to go blow it up.

This is the mentality that really changed my physique and helped me break plateous. I still use heavy weight to keep muscles dense and strength up. However I incorporate tons of high rep/low weight. Once you don't give a shit what people think about the weight the gains will come. lol

Busting out reps of 40-50 yesterday on my arms! Fuckers were so sick looking! Wish they would stay like that! lol
This is the mentality that really changed my physique and helped me break plateous. I still use heavy weight to keep muscles dense and strength up. However I incorporate tons of high rep/low weight. Once you don't give a shit what people think about the weight the gains will come. lol

Busting out reps of 40-50 yesterday on my arms! Fuckers were so sick looking! Wish they would stay like that! lol

per set?
lmao, yeah I'm not sure, he may mean overall, lol, at least Me's Think's lol